CMSC 417-0101
Computer Networks
Spring 2004
Last updated Monday Wednesday 19 2004
Please check (reload) this page at least twice a week
Overview -
News -
Texts/Notes -
Exams/Grading -
Projects -
(May 19 2004)
Final Grades.
(May 16 2004)
Three entries changed in Pre-E3 SFO Grades.
(May 16 2004)
Pre-E3 SFO Grades.
(May 11 2004)
Correction to exam 2, problem 1: the transmitted sequence should be
(May 10 2004)
Exam 2
solution and grading guidelines (pdf)
(May 9 2004)
Final exam: CSI 2117 May 18 Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm (as per Testudo)
(Apr 29 2004)
Exam 2 on Thursday May 6.
Chapters 2, 4, and chapter 5 (until Mar 4 Tuesday).
(Apr 29 2004)
Practice exams:
fall 1999
exam 2
fall 2001
exam 2
fall 2002
exam 2
(Mar 30 2004)
Exam 1
solution and grading guidelines (pdf)
Please go over the solution and grading guidelines document
before asking why your solution is wrong or why so many points were cut.
No regrade requests accepted after 1 week from today.
(Mar 13 2004)
One more practice exam:
fall 2002:
exam 1 (pdf)
(Mar 7 2004)
Practice exams:
fall 1999
exam 1
fall 2001
exam 1
(Feb 26 2004)
Note 5 updated with examples of packet-level and window-level evolutions
done in class.
(Feb 26 2004)
Exam 1 on Tuesday March 16.
(Feb 17 2004)
Note 5 (TCP congestion control),
note 6 (on text chapter 2),
and note 7 (on text chapter 4) available.
We will cover note 5 next (relevant to project 4),
and then return to note 4 (for connection management).
This class provides an introduction to computer networking.
It covers basic networking concepts and algorithms, focussing on the Internet.
The objective is an in-depth understanding of the TCP/IP protocol suite,
datagram routing, congestion control, intra- and inter-domain routing,
quality-of-service support, etc.
The programming project in this class involves a Java-based emulation
of networking protocols (e.g., transport layer).
It is a major part of the course and is to be done individually.
You have to design and implement a protocol that satisfies a
given service specification.
Exam Schedule, Course Grading
Midterm 1 --- 15% (Tue March 16)
Midterm 2 --- 15% (Date TBD)
Final --- 30% (Date TBD)
Projects --- 40%
The weightages are approximate and may change by upto 10%.
You will get a score and a letter grade for the project
and a score and letter grade for your exams.
If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is D or less,
then that is your course letter grade.
If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is C or more,
then your course letter grade is based on the sum of
your project and exam scores.
A "skip final" option will be offered. Basically, I provide "guaranteed"
(i.e., upper bounds on) letter-grade cutoffs and you can have the average
of your exam 1 and exam 2 scores count as your final exam score.
Additional References
Here are some popular networking texts that provide more detail than
the Kurose-Ross text.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1:
Principles, Protocols, and Architecture.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 2:
Design, Implementation, and Internals.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 3:
Client-Server Programming and Applications.
By D. Comer and D.L. Stevens, Prentice Hall.
Excellent treatment of TCP/IP programming and implementation.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3:
TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX Domain Protocols.
By W. Stevens, Prentice Hall.
Excellent and very thorough treatment of TCP/IP programming and implementation.
This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to
it are copyrighted.
Use of these pages for the class CMSC417 at the University of Maryland
is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author
(Udaya Shankar,