CMSC 417-0101
Computer Networks
Fall 2002
Last updated Tuesday Dec 24 12:43:51 EST 2002
Please check (reload) this page at least twice a week
Overview -
News -
Texts/Notes -
Exams/Grading -
Projects -
(Dec 24 12:43:51 EST 2002)
Final Grades.
(Dec 19 20:41:04 EST 2002)
Pre-E3 SFO Grades.
(Dec 19 2002)
As stated in class, the final exam covers everything upto CDMA in chapter 5.
(Dec 19 12:40:50pm)
Grades table corrected (added project 2 bonus points).
Changes not incorporated in sorted-scores/cutoffs table.
(Dec 18)
Project/exam/course scores/grades assuming SFO
Office hours Thursday Dec 19 2-4pm.
(Dec 10)
A "skip final" option will be offered.
I provide "guaranteed" (i.e., upper bounds on) letter-grade cutoffs
and you can have the average of your exam 1 and exam 2 scores
count as your final exam score.
Details later.
(Dec 10)
Exam 2
(Nov 20)
Exam 2
On Tuesday November 26
Covers Chapters 2 and 4 and related notes,
ie, material after exam 1 and until Nov 19.
Office hours Monday Nov 25, 2-4pm.
(Nov 19)
Chapter 2 note,
Chapter 4 note.
(Nov 14)
Practice exams:
fall 1999
exam 2
fall 2001
exam 1
(Nov 9)
I want to postpone Exam 2 to Nov 26 (Tuesday).
If you want it to be on Nov 14, please email me (
(Oct 21)
Exam 1
(Oct 9)
Practice exams:
fall 1999
exam 1
fall 2001
exam 1
(Oct 3)
Note 5 has been updated with cosmetic changes and corrections
in the following places:
(1) event accepting new data from local user;
(2) event receiving new ack (skip rtt-related updates
if the ack is for retransmitted data);
(3) updates to rttDev and rttErr.
(Sept 30)
Exam and project schedule finalized.
New project 3 due date.
(Sept 23)
Note 5 available.
(Sept 21)
Corrections to Note 4.
Note 4 has been appropriately updated
(so either make these corrections to the earlier version
or get the current version).
(Sept 18)
Revised grading policy
(Sept 15)
Notes 1, 2, 3, 4 available.
(Sept 7)
Projects 1 and 2 available
(at project page).
(Sept 3)
Computer account info will be sent in a day or two
to your email address in the class roster.
This class provides an introduction to computer networking.
It covers basic networking concepts and algorithms, focussing on the Internet.
The objective is an in-depth understanding of the TCP/IP protocol suite,
datagram routing, congestion control, intra- and inter-domain routing,
quality-of-service support, etc.
The programming project in this class involves a Java-based emulation
of the transport layer.
It is a major part of the course and is to be done individually.
You have to design and implement a protocol that satisfies a
transport-layer service specification.
Exam Schedule, Course Grading
Midterm 1 --- 15% (Tuesday October 15)
Midterm 2 --- 15% (Thursday November 14)
Final --- 30% (Friday December 20, 1:30-3:30)
Projects --- 40%
Project 3 due Tuesday October 8
Project 4 due Saturday October 19
Project 5 due Thursday November 7
Project 6 due Thursday December 5
The weightages are approximate and may change by upto 10%.
You will get a score and a letter grade for the project
and a score and letter grade for your exams.
If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is D or less,
then that is your course letter grade.
If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is C or more,
then your course letter grade is based on the sum of
your project and exam scores.
All project info at
project page
Additional References
Here are some popular networking texts that provide more detail than
the Kurose-Ross text.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1:
Principles, Protocols, and Architecture.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 2:
Design, Implementation, and Internals.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 3:
Client-Server Programming and Applications.
By D. Comer and D.L. Stevens, Prentice Hall.
Excellent treatment of TCP/IP programming and implementation.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation.
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3:
TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX Domain Protocols.
By W. Stevens, Prentice Hall.
Excellent and very thorough treatment of TCP/IP programming and implementation.
An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking:
ATM Networks, the Internet, and the Telephone Network.
By S.Keshav. Addison Wesley, 1997. ISBN 0-201-63442-2.
Initial chapters provide a good introduction to ATM, Internet, and
telephony. Later chapters look at research issues in Internet QoS.
Computer Networks 3rd Edition. By A. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall 1996.
A huge sprawling book. Covers practially all aspects of networking
(telephony, Internet, VC packet switching, wired and wireless LANs, etc.).
Suffers from too much talk and imprecision.
This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to
it are copyrighted.
Use of these pages for the class CMSC417 at the University of Maryland
is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author
(Udaya Shankar,