CMSC 414-0101 |
Computer and Network Security |
Fall 2010 |
Professor | A. Udaya Shankar (email: Office hours: TuTh 2-3 or by appointment (AVW 4141). |
TA | Abdul Quamar (email: Office hours: MW 2:00-3:00pm or by appointment (AVW 1112). |
Classes | CSI 1121. TuTh 12:30-1:45pm |
Project page | For all project information (read regularly). |
Previous 414 | This course will differ significantly from my previous 414 class, but the latter still gives some idea of how the course will develop. |
C0: hst[i] = [B,nB,nA] => [A,nA,nB] in hst[0..i-1] C1: ([A,B,nA,enc(mKey,nB)] in chan) and (B at 2) and B.nL = nB and B.nR = nA => [A,nA,nB] in hst C2: [A,B,nA] in chan => nA <= A.nL C3: [A,B,nA,nB] in chan => nA <= A.nL and nB <= B.nL C2: [B,A,nB,nA] in chan => nA <= A.nL and nB <= B.nL
NEW Protocols will be defined by distributed programs (aka multi-threaded programs), instead of the handshake diagrams. Proofs of correctness will be presented by assertions (along the lines of loop invariants). This material is not in the text; it will be covered in detail in class.
The first edition of this book (much cheaper) is fine for most of the course. There are only a few chapters (IPsec, SSL) that we cover which are not present in the first edition. So if you can access this material, the first edition should suffice.
Course topics (OLD VERSION), roughly in the order to be covered.
Homeworks are due in class. Late homework submitted within one day of deadline will be graded out of 80%. No submissions accepted after one day of deadline. Submissions that are not neat and easily legible may get zero marks.
This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to
it are copyrighted.
Use of these pages for the class CMSC414 at the University of Maryland
is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author
(Udaya Shankar,