CMSC 414-0101
Computer and Network Security
Fall 2006
Check at least twice weekly. See News for last update
For more info, see my
Spring 06 class page
- (Dec 22)
Some grades improved.
- (Dec 21)
Grades posted on
- (Dec 13)
Hw 4 solution and
grading key.
- (Dec 13)
Material for final exam.
- (Dec 12)
Office hours tomorrow (Wed Dec 13) and thursday afternoon,
but by appointment only (email me).
- (Dec 11)
AWC movie night, Dec 12 Tuesday 6:15pm CSIC 1115: Princess Bride.
- (Nov 21)
Office hours tomorrow (Wed Nov 22) by appointment only (email me).
- (Nov 21)
Hw 4.
Due Dec 7 Thursday in class.
- (Nov 9)
Project 2 available on the project page.
For all project-related questions (including server problems),
contact TA.
- (Nov 7)
Exam 1 will be handed back in class today.
- (Oct 31)
Material for midterm exam
(same as posted earlier except that
the only sections of chapter 11 are 11.1 and 11.2).
- (Oct 30)
Homework 3
grading key.
- (Oct 28)
Exam 1 from spring 06
- (Oct 27)
TA's office hours changed for next week from Fri Nov 3 to Thu 9-11am
in AVW 4132, or by appointment.
- (Oct 27)
Project 1 regrade request deadline is now Nov 10 Friday.
- (Oct 25)
For project 1 grading questions, please start with the TA.
- (Oct 24)
Homework 2 solution
grading guideline
(only some problems were graded).
- (Oct 18)
Office hours today 3-4pm (instead of usual 2-3pm).
- (Oct 16)
Midterm exam. November 2.
- (Oct 16)
Homework 3 (due Oct 24 Tuesday in class):
Chapter 9, problems 2 and 3.
- (Oct 11)
Clarifications on homeworks, practice exams, midterm.
- (Oct 4)
Homework 2 (due Oct 19 Thursday in class).
- (Oct 4)
Homework 1 solution and grading guideline.
Note that only some problems were graded.
- (Oct 3)
Read NS chapter 6.
- (Sep 20)
Project 1 posted (link above). Due October 9 (see project page for details).
- (Sep 19)
Read NS chapters 5, 7.
- (Sep 12)
Homework 1 (due sep 26 in class).
Write clearly or type, otherwise it won't be graded.
- (Sep 12)
Read NS chapters 3 and 4.
- (Aug 31)
Read NS (Network Security text) chapters 1 and 2.
This course is an introduction to the broad field of network security
(e.g., maintaining confidentiality of email, secure web transactions).
We will stay close to the text, covering as much of it as we can,
certainly including chapters 1-7 and 9-18.
(Required text)
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, 2nd edition
by Kaufman, Perlman, and Speciner.
ISBN 0-13-046019-2.
Midterm --- 30% (Thursday November 2)
Final ------- 30% (Monday Dec 18, 10:30am-12:30pm)
Homeworks (including programming projects) --- 30%
Remaining 10% to be allocated later.
Late homeworks will not be accepted;
turn in whatever you have completed by the deadline.
Homeworks will be done individually.
You may consult outside references when doing the homework, as long as these sources are properly referenced, you write up the solution yourself, and you understand the answer. For example, if you look at other source code, you may not copy the code directly in your program, but you may model your program after it. And you must reference it!
Academic integrity.
This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to
it are copyrighted.
Use of these pages for the class CMSC414 at the University of Maryland
is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author
(Udaya Shankar,