A Graph Analytical Approach for Fast Topic Detection
Topic detection with large and noisy data collections such as social media must address both scalability
and accuracy challenges. KeyGraph is an efficient method that improves on current solutions by considering
keyword cooccurrence. We show that KeyGraph has similar accuracy when compared to state-of-the-art
approaches on small, well-annotated collections, and it can successfully filter irrelevant documents and identify
events in large and noisy social media collections. An extensive evaluation using Amazon's Mechanical
Turk demonstrated the increased accuracy and high precision of KeyGraph, as well as superior runtime
performance compared to other solutions.
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code in Java:
- H. Sayyadi, L. Raschid. "A Graph Analytical
Approach for Topic Detection", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2013. (DOI=10.1145/2542214.2542215)
- H. Sayyadi, M. Hurst, and A. Maykov. "Event
Detection and Story Tracking in Social Streams", in
Proceeding of 3rd Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
(ICWSM09), May 17 - 20, 2009, San Jose, California.(pdf)
An example of KeyGrpah and extracted topics/events:
is also the number of documents per day for topic US Presidential
Election found by KeyGraph (each color shows a subevent) versuse Google
Trends(here) for the query "2008 Presidential Election":