Last Updated: 2024-05-28 Tue 16:50

CMSC216: Course Schedule and Materials

University of Maryland
Spring 2024

Schedule and Course Materials

All materials are subject to change and are marked internally with their latest update time.

Week Dates Lecture / Projects Links Labs HW Solutions Reading
    Course Mechanics Slides Videos       Code Environment
    Code Environment          
1 24-Jan Introduction Slides Code Videos        
    C Basics          
2 29-Jan Pointers and Addresses Slides Code Videos Lab01 HW01 Lab HW K&R C book
              C Refs
              on Canvas
3 05-Feb Allocation and I/O Videos Lab02 HW02 Lab HW  
4 12-Feb Binary Data/Ints Slides Code Videos Lab03 HW03 Lab HW CSAPP: 2
    P1 Due Tue 20-Feb       Lab HW  
5 19-Feb Review Practice1A Solution Lab04 HW04 HW  
    Exam 1, Thu 22-Feb Practice1B Solution        
6 26-Feb Bit Operations, Floats Slides Code Lab05 HW05 Lab HW Quick Guide to GDB
    GDB (Quick Guide to GDB)          
    Assembly Language Basics Slides Code       CSAPP: 3
7 04-Mar Assembly Basics Cont'd   Lab06 HW06 Lab HW  
    Assembly Control Slides Code        
    P2 Due Fri 08-Mar Videos        
8 11-Mar Assembly Data Slides Code Lab07 HW07 Lab HW  
    Security and Sundries Videos        
  18-Mar Spring Break: No Classes          
9 25-Mar Processes in Unix Slides Code Lab08 HW08 HW CSAPP: 8
    P3 Due Fri 29-Mar          
10 01-Apr Review Practice2A Solution Lab09 HW09 Lab HW  
    Exam 2, Thu 04-Apr Practice2B Solution        
11 08-Apr Unix Input / Output Slides Code Lab10 HW10 Lab HW CSAPP: 10
    fork / dup Diagram Videos        
12 15-Apr Memory Systems and Cache Slides Code Lab11 HW11 Lab HW CSAPP: 6,9
13 22-Apr Virtual Memory Slides Code Lab12 HW12 Lab HW CSAPP: 9
    P4 Due Wed 24-Apr          
14 29-Apr Threads and Concurrency Slides Code Lab13 HW13 Lab HW CSAPP: 12
15 06-May Review Slides Lab14 None    
  09-May Last Lecture Videos        
      PracticeFA Solution        
    P5 Due Fri 10-May PracticeFB Solution        
  10-May Reading Day          
  13-May Final Exam Locations:        
    Mon 13-May 4:00pm-6:00pm Normal Classrooms        
    (Common Final Exam Time) Lec 1xx: IRB 0324        
      Lec 3xx: ESJ 0224        

Required Textbook (CS:APP): Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, Third Edition by R. Bryant, D. O'Hallaron, Pearson, 2016

Optional (K&R C Book): The C Programming Language/ Second Edition by Brian Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall 1988

Other free C references are listed on the course Canvas Site

Other Links

Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2024-05-28 Tue 16:50