Last Updated: 2024-04-29 Mon 19:49

CMSC216 Project 5: Performance Opt and Threading


Video Overview:


1 Introduction

This project features a two required problems pertaining to the final topics discussed in the course.

  1. EL Malloc implements a simple, explicit list memory allocator. This manages heap memory in doubly linked lists of Available and Used memory blocks to provide el_malloc() / el_free(). It could be extended with some work to be a drop-in replacement for malloc() / free().
  2. A baseline implementation for a function operating on a matrix is provided and students will create an optimzied version of it which calculates the same result but in a shorter time. Doing so will involve exploiting knowledge of the memory hierarchy to favor cache and enabling multi-threading to further boost perforamnce.

2 Download Code and Setup

Download the code pack linked at the top of the page. Unzip this which will create a project folder. Create new files in this folder. Ultimately you will re-zip this folder to submit it.

File State Notes
Makefile Provided Problem 1 & 2 Build file
testy Testing Test running script
el_malloc.h Provided Problem 1 header file
el_demo.h Provided Problem 1 demo main()
el_malloc.c COMPLETE Problem 1 implemented REQUIRED functions
test_el_malloc.c Testing Problem 1 Testing program for El Malloc Testing Problem 1 Testing script for El Malloc
sumdiag_optm.c EDIT Problem 2 create and fill in optimized function definition
sumdiag_benchmark.c Provided Problem 2 main benchmark
sumdiag_print.c Provided Problem 2 testing program
sumdiag_base.c Provided Problem 2 baseline function to beat
matvec.h Provided Problem 2 header file
matvec_util.c Provided Problem 2 utility functions for matrices/vectors Testing Tests to check for memory issues in problem 1

3 Problem 1 : EL Malloc

A memory allocator is small system which manages heap memory, sometimes referred to as the "data" segment of a program. This portion of program memory is a linear set of addresses that form a large block which an expand at runtime by making requests to the operating system. Solving the allocation problem forms backbone of what malloc()/free() do by keeping track of the space used and released by a user program. Allocators also see use in garbage collected languages like Java where there are no explicit free() calls but the allocator must still find available space for new objects.

One simple way to implement an allocator is to overlay linked lists on the heap which track at a minimum the available chunks of memory and possibly also the used chunks. This comes with a cost: some of the bytes of memory in the heap are no longer available for the user program but are instead used for the allocator's book-keeping.

In this problem, an explicit list allocator is developed, thus the name of the system el_malloc. It uses two lists to track memory in the heap:

  • The Available List of blocks of memory that can be used to answer calls to malloc()
  • The Used List of blocks that have been returned by malloc() and should not be returned again until they are free()'d

Most operations boil down to manipulating these two lists in some form.

  • Allocating with ptr = el_malloc(size); searches the Available List for a block with sufficient size. That block is split into two blocks. One block answers the request and is given about size bytes; it is moved to the Used List. The second block comprises the remainder of the space and remains on the Available List.
  • Deallocating with el_free(ptr); moves the block referenced by ptr from the Used List to the Available List. To prevent fragmentation of memory, the newly available block is merged with adjacent available blocks if possible.

3.1 EL Malloc Data Structures

Several data structures defined in el_malloc.h should be studied so that one is acquainted with their intent. The following sections outline many of these and show diagrams to indicate transformation the required functions should implement.

3.2 Block Header/Footer

Each block of memory tracked by EL Malloc is preceded and succeeded by some bytes of memory for book keeping. These are referred to as the block "header" and "footer" and are encoded in the el_blockhead_t and el_blockfoot_t structs.

// type which is a "header" for a block of memory; containts info on
// size, whether the block is available or in use, and links to the
// next/prev blocks in a doubly linked list. This data structure
// appears immediately before a block of memory that is tracked by the
// allocator.
typedef struct block {
  size_t size;                  // number of bytes of memory in this block
  char state;                   // either EL_AVAILABLE or EL_USED
  struct block *next;           // pointer to next block in same list
  struct block *prev;           // pointer to previous block in same list
} el_blockhead_t;

// Type for the "footer" of a block; indicates size of the preceding
// block so that its header el_blockhead_t can be found with pointer
// arithmetic. This data appears immediately after an area of memory
// that may be used by a user or is free. Immediately after it is
// either another header (el_blockhead_t) or the end of the heap.
typedef struct {
  size_t size;
} el_blockfoot_t;

As indicated, the blocks use doubly linked nodes in the header which will allow easy re-arrangement of the list.

A picture of a block with its header, footer, and user data area is shown below.


Figure 1: Block data preceded by a header (el_blockhead_t) and followed by a footer (el_blockfoot_t)._

3.3 Blocks Above/Below

One might wonder why the footer appears. In tracking blocks, there will arise the need to work with a block that immediately precedes given block in memory in memory (not the previous in the linked list). The footer enables this by tracking the size of the user block of memory immediately beneath it.

This is illustrated in the diagram below.


Figure 2: Finding preceding block header using footer (el_block_below(header))

This operation is implemented in the function el_block_below(block) and the similar operation el_block_above(block) finds the next header immediately following one in memory.

The following functions use pointer arithmetic to determine block locations from a provided pointer.

el_blockfoot_t *el_get_footer(el_blockhead_t *block);
el_blockhead_t *el_get_header(el_blockfoot_t *foot);
el_blockhead_t *el_block_above(el_blockhead_t *block);
el_blockhead_t *el_block_below(el_blockhead_t *block);

These functions benefit from macros defined in el_malloc.h that are useful for doing pointer operations involving bytes.

// macro to add a byte offset to a pointer, arguments are a pointer
// and a # of bytes (usually size_t)
#define PTR_PLUS_BYTES(ptr,off) ((void *) (((size_t) (ptr)) + ((size_t) (off))))

// macro to add a byte offset to a pointer, arguments are a pointer
// and a # of bytes (usually size_t)
#define PTR_MINUS_BYTES(ptr,off) ((void *) (((size_t) (ptr)) - ((size_t) (off))))

// macro to add a byte offset to a pointer, arguments are a pointer
// and a # of bytes (usually size_t)
#define PTR_MINUS_PTR(ptr,ptq) (((size_t) (ptr)) - ((size_t) (ptq)))

3.4 Block Lists and Global Control

The main purpose of the memory allocator is to track the available and used blocks in explicit linked lists. This allows used and available memory to be distributed throughout the heap. Below are the data structures that track these lists and the global control data structure which houses information for the entire heap.

// Type for a list of blocks; doubly linked with a fixed
// "dummy" node at the beginning and end which do not contain any
// data. List tracks its length and number of bytes in use.
typedef struct {
  el_blockhead_t beg_actual;    // fixed node at beginning of list; state is EL_BEGIN_BLOCK
  el_blockhead_t end_actual;    // fixed node at end of list; state is EL_END_BLOCK
  el_blockhead_t *beg;          // pointer to beg_actual
  el_blockhead_t *end;          // pointer to end_actual
  size_t length;                // length of the used block list (not counting beg/end)
  size_t bytes;                 // total bytes in list used including overhead; 
} el_blocklist_t;
// NOTE: total available bytes for use/in-use in the list is (bytes - length*EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD)

// Type for the global control of the allocator. Tracks heap size,
// start and end addresses, total size, and lists of available and
// used blocks.
typedef struct {
  void *heap_start;             // pointer to where the heap starts
  void *heap_end;               // pointer to where the heap ends; this memory address is out of bounds
  size_t heap_bytes;            // number of bytes currently in the heap
  el_blocklist_t avail_actual;  // space for the available list data
  el_blocklist_t used_actual;   // space for the used list data
  el_blocklist_t *avail;        // pointer to avail_actual
  el_blocklist_t *used;         // pointer to used_actual
} el_ctl_t;

The following diagram shows some of the structure induced by use of a doubly linked lists overlaid onto the heap. The global control structure el_ctl has two lists for available and used space.


Figure 3: Structure of heap with several used/available blocks. Pointers from el_ctl lists allow access to these blocks.

The following functions initialize the global control structures, print stats on the heap, and clean up at the end of execution.

int el_init(int max_bytes);
void el_print_stats();
void el_cleanup();

3.5 Pointers and "Actual" Space

In several structures, there appear pointers named xxx and structs named xxx_actual. For example, in el_blocklist_t:

typedef struct {
  el_blockhead_t beg_actual;    // fixed node at beginning of list; state is EL_BEGIN_BLOCK
  el_blockhead_t *beg;          // pointer to beg_actual
} el_blocklist_t;

The intent here is that there will always be a node at the beginning of the doubly linked list to make the programming easier. It makes sense to have an actual struct beg_actual present. However, when working with the list, the address of the beginning node is often referenced making beg useful. In any case, beg will be initialized to &beg_actual as appears in el_init_blocklist().

void el_init_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list){
  list->beg        = &(list->beg_actual); 
  list->beg->state = EL_BEGIN_BLOCK;
  list->beg->size  = EL_UNINITIALIZED;

Similarly, since there will always be an Available List, el_ctl_t has both an avail pointer to the list and avail_actual which is the struct for the list.

3.6 Doubly Linked List Operations

A large number of operations in EL Malloc boil down to doubly linked list operations. This includes

  • Unlinking nodes from the middle of list during el_free()
  • Adding nodes to the beginning of a headed list (allocation and free)
  • Traversing the list to print and search for available blocks

Recall that unlinking a node from a doubly linked list involves modifying the previous and next node as in the following.

  node->prev->next = node->next;
  node->next->prev = node->prev;

while adding a new node to the front is typically accomplished via

  node->prev = list->beg;
  node->next = list->beg->next;
  node->prev->next = node;
  node->next->prev = node;

You may wish to review doubly linked list operations and do some reading on lists with "dummy" nodes at the beginning and ending if these concepts are rusty.

The following functions pertain to block list operations.

void el_init_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
void el_print_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
void el_add_block_front(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);
void el_remove_block(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);

3.7 Allocation via Block Splitting

The basic operation of granting memory on a call to el_malloc(size) involves finding an Available Block with enough bytes for the requested amount of memory. In the event that the block is significantly larger than the request and has enough space for a new header and footer, it can be split into two blocks with one granting the user request and another representing the remaining space.

This process is demonstrated in the below diagram in which a request for some bytes has been made. It first shows the rough behavior in two cases of the el_split_block() function. During el_malloc(), on searches the Available List for a block with enough space. Once found, the block is split into the portion that will be used and the remaining portion if possible. A pointer to the user area immediately after the el_blockhead_t is returned from el_malloc().


Figure 4: Splitting a block in an allocation request. Top panels shows the behavior of the el_split_block() function. Bottom panels show the beginning and ending state of el_malloc() and one possibility of splitting a block affects the used and available lists.

The following functions pertain to the location and splitting of blocks in the available list to fulfill allocation requests.

el_blockhead_t *el_find_first_avail(size_t size);
el_blockhead_t *el_split_block(el_blockhead_t *block, size_t new_size);
void *el_malloc(size_t nbytes);

3.8 Freeing Blocks and Merging

Freeing memory passes in a pointer to the user area that was granted. Immediately preceding this should be a el_blockhead_t and it can be found with pointer arithmetic.

In order to prevent memory from becoming continually divided into smaller blocks, on freeing the system checks to see if adjacent blocks can be merged. Keep in mind that the blocks that can be merged are adjacent in memory, not next/previous in some linked list. Adjacent blocks can be located using el_block_above() and el_block_below().

To merge, the adjacent blocks must both be Available (not Used). A free can then have several cases.

  1. The freed block cannot be merged with any others
  2. The freed block can be merged with only the block above it
  3. The freed block can be merged with only the block below it
  4. The freed block can be merged with both adjacent blocks

The diagrams below show two of these cases.


Figure 5: Two cases of freeing blocks. The 2nd involves merging adjacent nodes with available space.

With careful use of the below functions and handling of NULL arguments, all 4 cases can be handled with very little code. Keep in mind that el_block_above()/below() should return NULL if there is no block above or below due to that are being out of the boundaries of the heap.

el_blockhead_t *el_block_above(el_blockhead_t *block);
el_blockhead_t *el_block_below(el_blockhead_t *block);
void el_merge_block_with_above(el_blockhead_t *lower);
void el_free(void *ptr);

3.9 Expanding the Heap

El Malloc initializes the heap with just a single page of memory (EL_PAGE_BYTES = 4096 bytes) during el_init(). While good for testing, a real application would need more space than this. The beginnings of heap expansion are provided via the following function.

int el_append_pages_to_heap(int npages);
// Attempts to append pages of memory to the heap with mmap(). npages
// is how many pages are to be appended with total bytes to be
// appended as npages * EL_PAGE_BYTES. Calls mmap() with similar
// arguments to those used in el_init() however requests the address
// of the pages to be at heap_end so that the heap grows
// contiguously. If this fails, prints the message
//  ERROR: Unable to mmap() additional 3 pages
// and returns 1. Note that mmap() returns the constant MAP_FAILED on
// errors and the returned address will not match the requested
// virtual address on failures.
// Otherwise, adjusts heap size and end for the expanded heap. Creates
// a new block for the freshly allocated pages that is added to the
// available list. Also attempts to merge this block with the block
// below it. Returns 0 on success.

The central idea of the function is to allocate more space for the heap through mmap() calls. Since it is desirable to treat the heap a contiguous block of memory, the calls to mmap() should attempt to map new space for the heap to the el_ctl->heap_end address thereby "appending" the pages the heap.

Here are a few implementation notes.

  • In some cases, NULL is passed as the first argument to mmap() as a user program does not care what virtual address the OS uses for pages of memory. However, El Malloc will have specific addresses that it uses for the heap start and expansion.
  • Analyze the provided el_init() function which initially uses mmap() to create the heap. Many aspects of the setup function can be transferred here.
  • One difference is that while el_init() allocates the heap at EL_HEAP_START_ADDRESS, el_append_pages_to_heap() should map pages starting at the heap end. This will create a continuous virtual memory space for the heap as it expands.
  • If mmap() fails, it does NOT return NULL and rather returns a special constant MAP_FAIL which will be different from the requested address. Check if mmap() succeeds or fails based on this constant and print the error message indicated if so.

3.10 Overall Code Structure of EL Malloc

Below is the code structure of the EL Malloc library. Some of the functions have been implemented already while those marked REQUIRED must be completed for full credit on the problem.

// el_malloc.c: implementation of explicit list malloc functions.

// Global control functions

int el_init();
// Create an initial block of memory for the heap using
// mmap(). Initialize the el_ctl data structure to point at this
// block. The initializ size/position of the heap for the memory map
// are given in the symbols EL_HEAP_INITIAL_SIZE and
// EL_HEAP_START_ADDRESS.  Initialize the lists in el_ctl to contain a
// single large block of available memory and no used blocks of
// memory.

void el_cleanup();
// Clean up the heap area associated with the system which unmaps all
// pages associated with the heap.

// Pointer arithmetic functions to access adjacent headers/footers

el_blockfoot_t *el_get_footer(el_blockhead_t *head);
// Compute the address of the foot for the given head which is at a
// higher address than the head.

el_blockhead_t *el_get_header(el_blockfoot_t *foot);
// Compute the address of the head for the given foot which is at a
// lower address than the foot.

el_blockhead_t *el_block_above(el_blockhead_t *block);
// Return a pointer to the block that is one block higher in memory
// from the given block.  This should be the size of the block plus
// the EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD which is the space occupied by the header and
// footer. Returns NULL if the block above would be off the heap.
// DOES NOT follow next pointer, looks in adjacent memory.

el_blockhead_t *el_block_below(el_blockhead_t *block);
// Return a pointer to the block that is one block lower in memory
// from the given block.  Uses the size of the preceding block found
// in its foot. DOES NOT follow block->next pointer, looks in adjacent
// memory. Returns NULL if the block below would be outside the heap.
// WARNING: This function must perform slightly different arithmetic
// than el_block_above(). Take care when implementing it.

// Block list operations

void el_print_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
// Print an entire blocklist. The format appears as follows.
// {length:   2  bytes:  3400}
//   [  0] head @ 0x600000000000 {state: a  size:   128}
//   [  1] head @ 0x600000000360 {state: a  size:  3192}
// Note that the '@' column uses the actual address of items which
// relies on a consistent mmap() starting point for the heap.

void el_print_block(el_blockhead_t *block);
// Print a single block during a sequential walk through the heap

void el_print_stats();
// Print out stats on the heap for use in debugging. Shows the
// available and used list along with a linear walk through the heap
// blocks.

void el_init_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
// Initialize the specified list to be empty. Sets the beg/end
// pointers to the actual space and initializes those data to be the
// ends of the list.  Initializes length and size to 0.

void el_add_block_front(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);
// Add to the front of list; links for block are adjusted as are links
// within list.  Length is incremented and the bytes for the list are
// updated to include the new block's size and its overhead.

void el_remove_block(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);
// Unlink block from the list it is in which should be the list
// parameter.  Updates the length and bytes for that list including
// the EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD bytes associated with header/footer.

// Allocation-related functions

el_blockhead_t *el_find_first_avail(size_t size);
// Find the first block in the available list with block size of at
// least `size`.  Returns a pointer to the found block or NULL if no
// block of sufficient size is available.

el_blockhead_t *el_split_block(el_blockhead_t *block, size_t new_size);
// Set the pointed to block to the given size and add a footer to
// it. Creates another block above it by creating a new header and
// assigning it the remaining space. Ensures that the new block has a
// footer with the correct size. Returns a pointer to the newly
// created block while the parameter block has its size altered to
// parameter size. Does not do any linking of blocks.  If the
// parameter block does not have sufficient size for a split (at least
// new_size + EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD for the new header/footer) makes no
// changes tot the block and returns NULL indicating no new block was
// created.

void *el_malloc(size_t nbytes);
// Return pointer to a block of memory with at least the given size
// for use by the user.  The pointer returned is to the usable space,
// not the block header. Makes use of find_first_avail() to find a
// suitable block and el_split_block() to split it.  Returns NULL if
// no space is available.

// De-allocation/free() related functions

void el_merge_block_with_above(el_blockhead_t *lower);
// Attempt to merge the block lower with the next block in
// memory. Does nothing if lower is null or not EL_AVAILABLE and does
// nothing if the next higher block is null (because lower is the last
// block) or not EL_AVAILABLE.  Otherwise, locates the next block with
// el_block_above() and merges these two into a single block. Adjusts
// the fields of lower to incorporate the size of higher block and the
// reclaimed overhead. Adjusts footer of higher to indicate the two
// blocks are merged.  Removes both lower and higher from the
// available list and re-adds lower to the front of the available
// list.
// CONSTRAINT: This function merges at most 2 blocks into 1 block.  It
// does not iterate and has no need to recurse. Its primary use is
// during el_free() to potentially merge adjacent free blocks together
// to form one large free block. The heap is maintained by immediately
// merging any free blocks during el_free() so that there are never
// adjacent free blocks.

void el_free(void *ptr);
// Free the block pointed to by the give ptr.  The area immediately
// preceding the pointer should contain an el_blockhead_t with information
// on the block size. Attempts to merge the free'd block with adjacent
// blocks using el_merge_block_with_above().


int el_append_pages_to_heap(int npages);
// Attempts to append pages of memory to the heap with mmap(). npages
// is how many pages are to be appended with total bytes to be
// appended as npages * EL_PAGE_BYTES. Calls mmap() with similar
// arguments to those used in el_init() however requests the address
// of the pages to be at heap_end so that the heap grows
// contiguously. If this fails, prints the message
//  ERROR: Unable to mmap() additional 3 pages
// and returns 1.  Otherwise, adjusts heap size and end for the
// expanded heap. Creates a new block for the freshly allocated pages
// that is added to the available list. Also attempts to merge this
// block with the block below it. Returns 0 on success.
// NOTE ON mmap() USAGE: mmap() returns one of three things if a
// specific address is requested (its first argument):
// 1. The address requested indicating the memory mapping succeeded
// 2. A different address than the one requested if the requeste
//    address is in use
// 3. The constant MAP_FAILED if the address mapping failed.
// #2 and #3 above should trigger this function to immediate print an
// #error message and return 1 as the heap cannot be made continuous
// #in those cases.

3.11 Demo Run using EL Malloc

Below is a run showing the behavior of a series of el_malloc() / el_free() calls. They are performed in the provided el_demo.c program.

Source for el_demo.c

// el_demo.c: Shows use cases for el_malloc() and el_free(). This file
// can be used for testing but is not itself a test.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "el_malloc.h"

void print_ptr(char *str, void *ptr){
  if(ptr == NULL){
    printf("%s: (nil)\n", str);
    printf("%s: %p\n", str, ptr);

int main(){

  printf("INITIAL\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

  void *p1 = el_malloc(128);
  void *p2 = el_malloc(48);
  void *p3 = el_malloc(156);
  printf("MALLOC 3\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");


  void *p4 = el_malloc(22);
  void *p5 = el_malloc(64);
  printf("MALLOC 5\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");


  printf("FREE 1\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

  printf("FREE 3\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

  p3 = el_malloc(32);
  p1 = el_malloc(200);
  printf("ALLOC 3,1 AGAIN\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");



  printf("FREE'D 1\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");


  printf("FREE'D 2\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

  p1 = el_malloc(3438);
  p2 = el_malloc(1024);
  printf("P2 FAILS\n");
  el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

  printf("APPENDED PAGES\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

  p2 = el_malloc(1024);
  printf("P2 SUCCEEDS\n");
  el_print_stats(); printf("\n");  


  printf("FREE'D 1-5\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

  return 0;

Output of El Malloc Demo

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   1  bytes:  4096}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:  4056}
USED LIST: {length:   0  bytes:     0}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       4056 (total: 0x1000)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 4056

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   1  bytes:  3644}
  [  0] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: a  size:  3604}
USED LIST: {length:   3  bytes:   452}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:   156}
  [  1] head @ 0x6120000000a8 {state: u  size:    48}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: u  size:   128}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      u
  size:       128 (total: 0xa8)
  prev:       0x6120000000a8
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000a0
  foot->size: 128
[  1] @ 0x6120000000a8
  state:      u
  size:       48 (total: 0x58)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x612000000000
  user:       0x6120000000c8
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 48
[  2] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       156 (total: 0xc4)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x6120000000a8
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 156
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      a
  size:       3604 (total: 0xe3c)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3604

p3: 0x612000000120
p2: 0x6120000000c8
p1: 0x612000000020

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   1  bytes:  3478}
  [  0] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: a  size:  3438}
USED LIST: {length:   5  bytes:   618}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  1] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:   156}
  [  3] head @ 0x6120000000a8 {state: u  size:    48}
  [  4] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: u  size:   128}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      u
  size:       128 (total: 0xa8)
  prev:       0x6120000000a8
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000a0
  foot->size: 128
[  1] @ 0x6120000000a8
  state:      u
  size:       48 (total: 0x58)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x612000000000
  user:       0x6120000000c8
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 48
[  2] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       156 (total: 0xc4)
  prev:       0x6120000001c4
  next:       0x6120000000a8
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 156
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x612000000100
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  4] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  5] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      a
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438

p5: 0x612000000222
p4: 0x6120000001e4
p3: 0x612000000120
p2: 0x6120000000c8
p1: 0x612000000020

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   2  bytes:  3646}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   128}
  [  1] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: a  size:  3438}
USED LIST: {length:   4  bytes:   450}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  1] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:   156}
  [  3] head @ 0x6120000000a8 {state: u  size:    48}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       128 (total: 0xa8)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x61200000026a
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000a0
  foot->size: 128
[  1] @ 0x6120000000a8
  state:      u
  size:       48 (total: 0x58)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000000c8
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 48
[  2] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       156 (total: 0xc4)
  prev:       0x6120000001c4
  next:       0x6120000000a8
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 156
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x612000000100
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  4] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  5] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      a
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x612000000000
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   3  bytes:  3842}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: a  size:   156}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   128}
  [  2] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: a  size:  3438}
USED LIST: {length:   3  bytes:   254}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  1] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
  [  2] head @ 0x6120000000a8 {state: u  size:    48}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       128 (total: 0xa8)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x61200000026a
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000a0
  foot->size: 128
[  1] @ 0x6120000000a8
  state:      u
  size:       48 (total: 0x58)
  prev:       0x6120000001c4
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000000c8
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 48
[  2] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      a
  size:       156 (total: 0xc4)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x612000000000
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 156
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x6120000000a8
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  4] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  5] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      a
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x612000000000
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   3  bytes:  3530}
  [  0] head @ 0x61200000035a {state: a  size:  3198}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000148 {state: a  size:    84}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   128}
USED LIST: {length:   5  bytes:   566}
  [  0] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: u  size:   200}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:    32}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  3] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
  [  4] head @ 0x6120000000a8 {state: u  size:    48}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       128 (total: 0xa8)
  prev:       0x612000000148
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000a0
  foot->size: 128
[  1] @ 0x6120000000a8
  state:      u
  size:       48 (total: 0x58)
  prev:       0x6120000001c4
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000000c8
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 48
[  2] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       32 (total: 0x48)
  prev:       0x61200000026a
  next:       0x612000000202
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x612000000140
  foot->size: 32
[  3] @ 0x612000000148
  state:      a
  size:       84 (total: 0x7c)
  prev:       0x61200000035a
  next:       0x612000000000
  user:       0x612000000168
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 84
[  4] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x6120000000a8
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  5] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  6] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      u
  size:       200 (total: 0xf0)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x612000000100
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000352
  foot->size: 200
[  7] @ 0x61200000035a
  state:      a
  size:       3198 (total: 0xca6)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x612000000148
  user:       0x61200000037a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3198

p1: 0x61200000028a
p3: 0x612000000120
p5: 0x612000000222
p4: 0x6120000001e4
p2: 0x6120000000c8

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   3  bytes:  3770}
  [  0] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: a  size:  3438}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000148 {state: a  size:    84}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   128}
USED LIST: {length:   4  bytes:   326}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:    32}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  2] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
  [  3] head @ 0x6120000000a8 {state: u  size:    48}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       128 (total: 0xa8)
  prev:       0x612000000148
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000a0
  foot->size: 128
[  1] @ 0x6120000000a8
  state:      u
  size:       48 (total: 0x58)
  prev:       0x6120000001c4
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000000c8
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 48
[  2] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       32 (total: 0x48)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x612000000202
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x612000000140
  foot->size: 32
[  3] @ 0x612000000148
  state:      a
  size:       84 (total: 0x7c)
  prev:       0x61200000026a
  next:       0x612000000000
  user:       0x612000000168
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 84
[  4] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x6120000000a8
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  5] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  6] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      a
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x612000000148
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   3  bytes:  3858}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   216}
  [  1] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: a  size:  3438}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000148 {state: a  size:    84}
USED LIST: {length:   3  bytes:   238}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:    32}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  2] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       216 (total: 0x100)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x61200000026a
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 216
[  1] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       32 (total: 0x48)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x612000000202
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x612000000140
  foot->size: 32
[  2] @ 0x612000000148
  state:      a
  size:       84 (total: 0x7c)
  prev:       0x61200000026a
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000168
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 84
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  4] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  5] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      a
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x612000000000
  next:       0x612000000148
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438

p1: 0x61200000028a
p3: 0x612000000120
p5: 0x612000000222
p4: 0x6120000001e4
p2: (nil)
HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000001000
total_bytes: 4096
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   2  bytes:   380}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   216}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000148 {state: a  size:    84}
USED LIST: {length:   4  bytes:  3716}
  [  0] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: u  size:  3438}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:    32}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  3] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       216 (total: 0x100)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x612000000148
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 216
[  1] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       32 (total: 0x48)
  prev:       0x61200000026a
  next:       0x612000000202
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x612000000140
  foot->size: 32
[  2] @ 0x612000000148
  state:      a
  size:       84 (total: 0x7c)
  prev:       0x612000000000
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000168
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 84
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  4] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  5] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      u
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x612000000100
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438

HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000004000
total_bytes: 16384
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   3  bytes: 12668}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000001000 {state: a  size: 12248}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   216}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000148 {state: a  size:    84}
USED LIST: {length:   4  bytes:  3716}
  [  0] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: u  size:  3438}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:    32}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  3] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       216 (total: 0x100)
  prev:       0x612000001000
  next:       0x612000000148
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 216
[  1] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       32 (total: 0x48)
  prev:       0x61200000026a
  next:       0x612000000202
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x612000000140
  foot->size: 32
[  2] @ 0x612000000148
  state:      a
  size:       84 (total: 0x7c)
  prev:       0x612000000000
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000168
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 84
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  4] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  5] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      u
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x612000000100
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438
[  6] @ 0x612000001000
  state:      a
  size:       12248 (total: 0x3000)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x612000000000
  user:       0x612000001020
  foot:       0x612000003ff8
  foot->size: 12248

p1: 0x61200000028a
p3: 0x612000000120
p5: 0x612000000222
p4: 0x6120000001e4
p2: 0x612000001020
HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000004000
total_bytes: 16384
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   3  bytes: 11604}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000001428 {state: a  size: 11184}
  [  1] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size:   216}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000148 {state: a  size:    84}
USED LIST: {length:   5  bytes:  4780}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000001000 {state: u  size:  1024}
  [  1] head @ 0x61200000026a {state: u  size:  3438}
  [  2] head @ 0x612000000100 {state: u  size:    32}
  [  3] head @ 0x612000000202 {state: u  size:    64}
  [  4] head @ 0x6120000001c4 {state: u  size:    22}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       216 (total: 0x100)
  prev:       0x612000001428
  next:       0x612000000148
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x6120000000f8
  foot->size: 216
[  1] @ 0x612000000100
  state:      u
  size:       32 (total: 0x48)
  prev:       0x61200000026a
  next:       0x612000000202
  user:       0x612000000120
  foot:       0x612000000140
  foot->size: 32
[  2] @ 0x612000000148
  state:      a
  size:       84 (total: 0x7c)
  prev:       0x612000000000
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000168
  foot:       0x6120000001bc
  foot->size: 84
[  3] @ 0x6120000001c4
  state:      u
  size:       22 (total: 0x3e)
  prev:       0x612000000202
  next:       0x610000000098
  user:       0x6120000001e4
  foot:       0x6120000001fa
  foot->size: 22
[  4] @ 0x612000000202
  state:      u
  size:       64 (total: 0x68)
  prev:       0x612000000100
  next:       0x6120000001c4
  user:       0x612000000222
  foot:       0x612000000262
  foot->size: 64
[  5] @ 0x61200000026a
  state:      u
  size:       3438 (total: 0xd96)
  prev:       0x612000001000
  next:       0x612000000100
  user:       0x61200000028a
  foot:       0x612000000ff8
  foot->size: 3438
[  6] @ 0x612000001000
  state:      u
  size:       1024 (total: 0x428)
  prev:       0x610000000078
  next:       0x61200000026a
  user:       0x612000001020
  foot:       0x612000001420
  foot->size: 1024
[  7] @ 0x612000001428
  state:      a
  size:       11184 (total: 0x2bd8)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x612000000000
  user:       0x612000001448
  foot:       0x612000003ff8
  foot->size: 11184

FREE'D 1-5
HEAP STATS (overhead per node: 40)
heap_start:  0x612000000000
heap_end:    0x612000004000
total_bytes: 16384
AVAILABLE LIST: {length:   1  bytes: 16384}
  [  0] head @ 0x612000000000 {state: a  size: 16344}
USED LIST: {length:   0  bytes:     0}
[  0] @ 0x612000000000
  state:      a
  size:       16344 (total: 0x4000)
  prev:       0x610000000018
  next:       0x610000000038
  user:       0x612000000020
  foot:       0x612000003ff8
  foot->size: 16344

3.12 Grading Criteria for Problem 1 (50%)   grading 50

Weight Criteria
  Automated Tests
15 make test-prob2 runs 10 tests for correctness with Valgrind enabled
  make test-prob2 tesnum=5 to run individual tests
  Manual Inspection
5 el_get_header() and el_block_below()
  Use of provided macros for pointer arithmetic
  Correct use of sizeof() operator to account for sizes
  el_block_below() checks for beginning of heap and returns NULL
5 el_add_block_front() and el_remove_block()
  Sensible use of pointers prev/next to link/unlink nodes efficiently; no looping used
  Correct updating of list length and bytes
  Accounts for EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD when updating bytes
5 el_split_block()
  Use of el_get_foot() to obtain footers for updating size
  Checks to determine if block is large enough to be split; returns NULL if not
  Clear evidence of placing a new header and footer for new block when splitting
  Accounting for overhead EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD when calculating new size
5 el_malloc()
  Use of el_find_first_avail() to locate a node to split
  Use of el_split_block() to split block into two
  Clear state change of split blocks to Used and Available
  Clear movement of lower split blocks to front of Used List
  Clear movement of upper split blocks to front of Available lists
  Use of pointer arithmetic macros to computer user address
5 el_merge_block_with_above()
  NULL checks for argument and block above which result in no changes
  Clear checks of whether both blocks are EL_AVAILABLE
  Use of el_block_above() to find block above
  Clear updates to size of lower block and higher foot
  Movement of blocks out of available list and merged block to front
5 el_free()
  Error checking that block is EL_USED
  Movement of block from used to available list
  Attempts to merge block with blocks above and below it
5 el_append_pages_to_heap()
  Makes use of mmap() to map in additional pages of virtual memory
  Checks mmap() for failures and prints appropriate error messages
  Maps new heap space to current heap end to create a contiguous heap
  Creates new available block for new space and attempts to merge with existing available blocks
50 Problem Total

4 Problem 2: Matrix Diagonal Sums

4.1 Overview

A problem that occasionally arises in numerical computing when working with Matrices (2D Arrays) is to compute the sums of the Diagonals of a matrix. The main diagonal of a matrix is comprised of all elements at indices (0,0), (1,1), (2,2), and so forth. There are several numbering schemes for diagonals but we will use the one represented in the following diagram which also shows the sums of the diagonals.


Figure 6: 5 by 5 matrix with diagonals colored. The diagram shows our numbering scheme for diagonals and the corresponding diagonal sums. Diagonal numbers start at 0 and progress counter-clockwise around the bottom and right of the matrix. For square matrices, the main diagonal is always numbered as the #rows-1 or #cols-1 which are equal.

A code is provided in the file sumdiag_base.c which computes the sums of diagonals and stores them in a vector. The algorithm does so using the most "natural" approach of walking down each diagonal and totaling its elements then storing the result in the associated vector element. As you survey the code, note the use of various convenience functions such as mget(mat,i,j) and vset(vec,i,x) to interact with the matrix and vector types used.

int sumdiag_BASE_NORMAL(matrix_t mat, vector_t vec) {
  if(vec.len != (mat.rows + mat.cols -1)){
    printf("sumdiag_base: bad sizes\n");
    return 1;
  for(int i=0; i<vec.len; i++){                    // initialize vector of diagonal sums
    VSET(vec,i,0);                                 // to all 0s

  for(int d=0; d < mat.rows; d++){                 // iterate over lower diagonals
    int c = 0;                                     // col always starts at 0 in lower diags
    for(int r=mat.rows-d-1; r<mat.rows; r++,c++){  // work down rows, right cols for same diag
      int el_rc = MGET(mat, r, c);                 // get matrix element on diagonal
      int vec_d = VGET(vec, d);                    // retrieve current sum for diag
      VSET(vec, d, el_rc+vec_d);                   // add on back to the diagonal sum

  int maxdiag = (mat.rows+mat.cols)-1;             // calculate last diagonal
  for(int d=mat.rows; d < maxdiag ; d++){          // iterate starting at first upper diag
    int r = 0;                                     // row always starts at 0 in upper diags
    for(int c=d-mat.cols+1; c<mat.cols; r++,c++){  // work down rows, right cols for same diag
      int el_rc = MGET(mat, r, c);                 // matrix element
      int vec_d = VGET(vec, d);                    // diagonal sum from vector
      VSET(vec, d, el_rc+vec_d);                   // add on to sum
  return 0;                                        // return success

While this algorithm is a direct translation of how humans would visually calculate the sums of diagonals for small matrices, it is unfortunately fairly slow when executing on most modern computing systems.

4.2 Optimize Diagonal Sums

The purpose of this problem is to write sumdiag_OPTM() which is a faster version of the provided sumdiag_BASE() to calculate the sums of diagonals.

Write your code in the file sumdiag_optm.c.

Keep the following things in mind.

  1. You will need to acquaint yourself with the functions and types related to matrices and vectors provided in the matvec.h and demonstrated in the baseline function. Understanding the layout of the matrix in memory is essential to unlocking performance.
  2. The goal of sumdiag_OPTM() is to exceed the performance of sumdiag_BASE() by as much as possible.
  3. To achieve this goal, several optimizations must be implemented and suggestions are given in a later section.
  4. There is one additional parameter to the optimized function: sumdiag_OPTM(mat,vec,thread_count). This indicates the number of threads that should be used to compute diagonal sums.
  5. Part of your grade will be based on the speed of the optimized code on The main routine sumdiag_benchmark.c will be used for this.

Some details are provided in subsequent sections.

4.3 Evaluation on Grace

The file sumdiag_benchmark.c provides a benchmark for the speed of diagonal summing. It will be used by graders to evaluate the submitted code and should be used during development to gauge performance improvements.

The following machines may be used to evaluate the benchmark:

These Grace nodes have a reasonably large cache and fast processor while other Grace nodes have slower, older processors. The scoring present in sumdiag_benchmark.c is "tuned" to these machines and will likely report incorrect results on other machines. Test your performance on these nodes so that no unexpected results occur after submission.

While on one Grace node, you may log into another Grace node in a terminal via SSH as shown below.

grace8>> ssh grace3
Password: ......
Duo Authenticate: 1
Duo Push : OK!


The output of the sumdiag_benchmark is shown below.

  • SIZE: the size of the matrix being used. The benchmark always uses square matrices
  • BASE: the time it takes for sumdiag_BASE() to complete.
  • #T: number of threads used for running sumdiag_OPTM()
  • OPTM: the time it takes for sumdiag_OPTM() to complete.
  • SPDUP: the speedup of sumdiag_OPTM() over sumdiag_BASE() which is BASE / OPTM.
  • POINTS: earned according to the following code:

        double points = log(speedup_OPTM) / log(2.0) * size / 4500;

    This scheme means that unless actual optimizations are implemented, 0 points will be scored. Roughly this scores according to a logarithmic scale that is weighted towards more points if speedups at larger sized inputs is achieved.

Below are several demonstration runs of sumdiag_benchmark.

# ###############################################################################
>> ssh
grace4: ./sumdiag_benchmark 
WARNING: expected host like '' but got host 'grace4'
WARNING: ensure you are on an ODD grace node
WARNING: timing results / scoring will not reflect actual scoring
WARNING: run on one of the following hosts for accurate results
WARNING: while on grace, try `ssh grace5` to log into a specifc node
==== Matrix Diagonal Sum Benchmark Version 5 ====
------ Tuned for ODD machines -----
Running with 5 sizes (max 8192) and 4 thread_counts (max 4)
  1024  0.034  1  0.015   2.30   0.27 
               2  0.016   2.17   0.25 
               3  0.015   2.25   0.27 
               4  0.018   1.94   0.22 
  1101  0.040  1  0.018   2.23   0.28 
               2  0.023   1.77   0.20 
               3  0.017   2.40   0.31 
               4  0.016   2.56   0.33 
  2048  0.200  1  0.066   3.02   0.73 
               2  0.067   2.97   0.71 
               3  0.062   3.20   0.76 
               4  0.060   3.32   0.79 
  4099  0.566  1  0.226   2.51   1.21 
               2  0.230   2.46   1.18 
               3  0.230   2.46   1.18 
               4  0.240   2.36   1.13 
  8192  1.907  1  0.877   2.17   2.04 
               2  0.891   2.14   2.00 
               3  0.885   2.15   2.02 
               4  0.891   2.14   2.00 
WARNING: expected host like '' but got host 'grace4'
WARNING: ensure you are on an ODD grace node
WARNING: timing results / scoring will not reflect actual scoring
WARNING: run on one of the following hosts for accurate results
WARNING: while on grace, try `ssh grace5` to log into a specifc node

# ###############################################################################
>> ssh
grace10: ssh grace9
grace9: ./sumdiag_benchmark
==== Matrix Diagonal Sum Benchmark Version 5 ====
------ Tuned for ODD machines -----
Running with 5 sizes (max 8192) and 4 thread_counts (max 4)
  1024  0.034  1  0.017   2.02   0.23 
               2  0.017   2.02   0.23 
               3  0.017   2.00   0.23 
               4  0.017   1.99   0.23 
  1101  0.034  1  0.020   1.73   0.19 
               2  0.020   1.71   0.19 
               3  0.020   1.73   0.19 
               4  0.019   1.75   0.20 
  2048  0.128  1  0.068   1.87   0.41 
               2  0.068   1.87   0.41 
               3  0.069   1.85   0.41 
               4  0.069   1.86   0.41 
  4099  0.485  1  0.280   1.73   0.72 
               2  0.325   1.49   0.53 
               3  0.273   1.78   0.75 
               4  0.273   1.78   0.76 
  8192  2.854  1  1.098   2.60   2.51 
               2  1.122   2.54   2.45 
               3  1.126   2.53   2.44 
               4  1.107   2.58   2.49 

# ###############################################################################
>> ssh
grace10: ssh grace3
grace3: ./sumdiag_benchmark
==== Matrix Diagonal Sum Benchmark Version 5 ====
------ Tuned for ODD machines -----
Running with 5 sizes (max 8192) and 4 thread_counts (max 4)
  1024  0.026  1  0.016   1.57   0.15 
               2  0.009   2.99   0.36 
               3  0.007   3.89   0.45 
               4  0.007   3.91   0.45 
  1101  0.030  1  0.019   1.54   0.15 
               2  0.010   3.06   0.39 
               3  0.007   4.26   0.51 
               4  0.010   2.88   0.37 
  2048  0.101  1  0.062   1.63   0.32 
               2  0.032   3.17   0.76 
               3  0.023   4.48   0.98 
               4  0.025   4.03   0.92 
  4099  0.460  1  0.261   1.76   0.74 
               2  0.135   3.41   1.61 
               3  0.086   5.32   2.20 
               4  0.080   5.78   2.31 
  8192  2.890  1  1.065   2.71   2.62 
               2  0.531   5.44   4.45 
               3  0.344   8.41   5.59 
               4  0.294   9.82   6.00 

Note that it is possible to exceed the score associated with maximal performance (as seen in the RAW POINTS reported) but no more than the final reported points will be given for the performance portion of the problem.

Achieving very high speedup and significantly exceeding the max score may garner some MAKEUP credit: you'll know you earned this as the benchmark will report as much

4.4 sumdiag_print.c Testing Program

As one works on implementing optimizations in sumdiag_OPTM(), bugs which compute incorrect results are often introduced. To aid in testing, the sumdiag_print() program runs both the BASE and OPTM versions on the same matrix and shows all results. The matrix size is determined from the command line and is printed on the screen to enable hand verification. Examples are below.

>> sumdiag_print                       # show usage: pass mat size and thread_count
usage: sumdiag_print <size> <thread_count>

> ./sumdiag_print 5  1                 # run on a size 5 by 5 matrix with 1 thread
==== Matrix Diagonal Sum Print ====
5 x 5 matrix                           # shows the matrix
   0:    0    1    2    3    4 
   1:    5    6    7    8    9 
   2:   10   11   12   13   14 
   3:   15   16   17   18   19 
   4:   20   21   22   23   24 

Diagnonal Sums:                        # prints diag sums for BASE/OPTM
[ 0]:   20   20                        # matching
[ 1]:   36   36 
[ 2]:   48   48 
[ 3]:   56   56 
[ 4]:   60   36 ***                    # not matching: OPTM is buggy
[ 5]:   40   21 ***
[ 6]:   24   10 ***
[ 7]:   12    3 ***
[ 8]:    4    0 ***

4.5 Optimization Suggestions and Documentation

Labs and lectures will cover several kinds of optimizations which are useful to improve the speed of sumdiag_OPTM(). Two optimizations are required which are:

  1. Re-ordering memory accesses to be as sequential as possible which favors cache. Unless memory accesses favor cache, it is unlikely that many optimizations will have much effect.
  2. Use threads to split up the work of calculating diagonals. The problem parallelized well as worker threads can mostly compute independent results before combining them with the results of other threads.

In most cases, implementing these two correctly will yield full performance points.

4.6 Constraints

Use a Mutex

While it may be possible to implement a completely lock-free solution with threads, your implementation MUST use mutexes to coordinate threads as they access shard data in some part of the code. Credit will be deducted if you do not illustrate use of mutexes as one of the course goals for students to demonstrate proficiency with thread coordination.

Avoid Global Variables

In many simple threaded programs, global variables are a convenient way to give worker threads/functions access to shared data. AVOID THIS for full credit. Use "contexts" instead: define a struct type that contains the data necessary for a worker thread to contribute. Then pass this struct to the worker thread on creation. Common elements of such structs are

  • A numeric thread id
  • A total thread count
  • References (structs or pointers) to data for the computation
  • Pointers to any shared locks that are needed to coordinate access

Lecture and discussion demos will provide some examples of how this might look

4.7 Additional Optimizations for Makeup Credit

Additional optimizations may be performed to further speed up the computations. Some of these are described in Chapter 5 of Bryant/O'Hallaron.

  1. Replacing repeated memory references with local non-pointer data which will likely be assigned to registers to alleviate slow-down from memory accesses.
  2. Increasing potential processor pipelining by adjusting the destinations of arithmetic operations.
  3. Decreasing any unnecessary work such as memory accesses or arithmetic operations.

None of these are required. However, MAKEUP Credit is available for achieving scores that greatly exceed the original baseline version. The benchmark program will check for high scores and give an obvious sign that makeup credit is earned.

4.8 Optimization Hints

  1. While optimizing the memory access pattern, it is handy to be able to convert a Row/Column index to a Diagonal number (e.g. Row 3, Col 1 is in Diagonal 2). Research or derive a formula that relates a row/column index to its diagonal number to aid your optimization efforts.
  1. Lecture and discussion will provide examples of how to effectively deploy threads and use a mutex to coordinate them. Draw inspiration from those materials for your work.
  2. To get the most out of thread performance, code them to compute private partial results. This avoids any unnecessary mutex locking. In most cases, threads will need to update a shared variable so a mutex is needed (in fact required in your solution). However, locking the mutex only once at the end of the thread's work greatly benefit performance over repeated lock/unlock approaches.

4.9 Grading Criteria for Problem 2 (50%)   grading 50

Weight Criteria
10 No output/memory errors reported make test-prob1
30 Performance of sumdiag_OPTM() on
  As measured by the provided sumdiag_benchmark
  Best score of 3 runs done by graders after submission closes
  MAKEUP CREDIT can be earned by greatly exceeding the maximum points possible
  Credit earned in this way will be obvious based on the output of the benchmark
10 MANUAL INSPECTION of sumdiag_optm.c
  Effort to optimize memory access pattern in sumdiag_OPTM()
  Effort to utilize threads in sumdiag_OPTM()
  Clear effort to coordinate thread access to shared data using a mutex
  Avoids the use of Global Variables in favor of local "contexts" to give threads data they need
  Overall clean and readable style of code with supporting commenting
  Includes timing results from sumdiag_benchmark in a commented table at top of file

5 Assignment Submission

5.1 Submit to Gradescope

Refer to the Project 1 instructions and adapt them for details of how to submit to Gradescope. In summary they are

  1. Type make zip in the project directory to create
  2. Log into Gradescope, select Project 4, and upload

5.2 Late Policies

You may wish to review the policy on late project submission which will cost 1 Engagement Point per day late. No projects will be accepted more than 48 hours after the deadline.

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Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2024-04-29 Mon 19:49