Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS, UMD College Park Director, iCoSMoS research lab, Office: IRB 5240
Research interests Core: Wireless Networking, Mobile Computing, Communication, Sensing Application: IoT, Localization, Healthcare, Security, Wearables
Visit our group website for current research updates. We are looking for motivated Ph.D. students.
Spring 2025
MobiSys 2022
SPiDR: Ultra-low-power Acoustic Spatial Sensing for Micro-robot Navigation
Yang Bai (co-primary), Nakul Garg (co-primary), Nirupam Roy
Best paper award
IASA 2022
VoiceFind: Noise-Resilient Speech Recovery in Commodity Headphones
Irtaza Shahid, Yang Bai, Nakul Garg, Nirupam Roy
AVAR 2022
Personal active soundfield control (PASCAL) framework
Shoken Kaneko, Irtaza Shahid, Nirupam Roy, Nail Gumerov, Ramani Duraiswami
MobiSys 2021
Owlet: enabling spatial information in ubiquitous acoustic devices
Nakul Garg (co-primary), Yang Bai (co-primary), Nirupam Roy
Best demo award
InterNoise 2021
Regularized spherical harmonics-domain spatial active noise cancellation in a reverberant room
Shoken Kaneko, Nirupam Roy, Nail Gumerov, Ramani Duraiswami
SenSys 2020
Spying with Your Robot Vacuum Cleaner: Eavesdropping via Lidar Sensors
Sriram Sami, Yimin Dai, Sean Rui Xiang Tan, Nirupam Roy, Jun Han
Best poster runner-up award
Ph.D. Dissertation
Inaudible Acoustics: Techniques and Applications
Nirupam Roy
CSL Ph.D. thesis award, UIUC
MUTE: Bringing IoT to Noise Cancellation
Sheng Shen, Nirupam Roy, Junfeng Guan, Haitham Hassanieh, Romit Roy Choudhury
NSDI 2018
Inaudible Voice Commands: The Long-Range Attack and Defense
Nirupam Roy, Sheng Shen, Haitham Hassanieh, Romit Roy Choudhury
MobiSys 2017
BackDoor: Making Microphones Hear Inaudible Sounds
Nirupam Roy, Haitham Hassanieh, Romit Roy Choudhury
Best paper award Audience choice award
NSDI 2016
Ripple II: Faster Communication through Physical Vibration
Nirupam Roy, Romit Roy Choudhury
ICNP 2016
Compressing Backoff in CSMA Networks
Mahanth K Gowda, Nirupam Roy, Romit Roy Choudhury, Srihari Nelakuditi
NSDI 2015
Ripple: Communicating through Physical Vibrations
Nirupam Roy, Mahanth K Gowda, Romit Roy Choudhury
MobiSys 2014
I am a Smartphone and I can Tell my User’s Walking Direction
Nirupam Roy, He Wang, Romit Roy Choudhury
Outstanding MS thesis award
NDSS 2014
AccelPrint: Imperfections of Accelerometers Make Smartphones Trackable
Nirupam Roy, S. Dey (Co-primary), W. Xu, R. Roy Choudhury, S. Nelakuditi
HotNets 2014
Infrastructure Mobility: A What-if Analysis
Mahanth K Gowda, Nirupam Roy, Romit Roy Choudhury
HotWireless 2014
Backing out of Linear Backoff in Wireless Networks
Mahanth K Gowda, Nirupam Roy, Romit Roy Choudhury, Srihari Nelakuditi
MobiSys 2022
Poster: Ultra-low-power Acoustic Imaging
Yang Bai (co-primary), Nakul Garg (co-primary), Nirupam Roy
MobiSys 2021
Demo: Microstructure-guided Spatial Sensing for Low-power IoT
Nakul Garg (co-primary), Yang Bai (co-primary), Nirupam Roy
Best demo award
HotMobile 2020
Poster: Acoustic Sensing for Detecting Projectile Attacks on Small Drones
Nakul Garg, Nirupam Roy
SenSys 2020
Poster: LidarPhone: Acoustic Eavesdropping using a Lidar Sensor
Sriram Sami, Sean Rui Xiang Tan, Yimin Dai, Nirupam Roy, Jun Han
Best poster runner-up award
MobiCom 2018
Poster: Networked Acoustics Around Human Ears
Sheng Shen, Nirupam Roy, Junfeg Guan, Haitham Hassanieh, Romit Roy Choudhury
MobiSys 2017
Demo: Riding the Non-linearities to Record Ultrasound with Smartphones
Nirupam Roy, Haitham Hassanieh, Romit Roy Choudhury
MobiCom 2016
Assessing Header Impacts in Soccer with Smartball
Theodore Stone et. al., Student Mentor: Nirupam Roy
Student research competition winner
Google 2015
Ripple: Communicating through Physical Vibration
Nirupam Roy, Romit Roy Choudhury
Google Mobile Faculty Summit 2015
MobiSys 2014
Demo: I am a Smartphone and I can Tell my User’s Walking Direction
Nirupam Roy, He Wang, Romit Roy Choudhury
Communicating through physical vibration
Nirupam Roy, Romit Roy Choudhury, Mahanth K Gowda
Patent number: US 9608848 B2, March 28, 2017
Best paper award, MobiSys 2022
SPiDR, an ultra-low-power spatial sensing system for miniature mobile robots, wins best paper award at MobiSys 2022.
Best demo award, MobiSys 2021
Owlet, the low-power and miniaturized spatial sensing system, wins best demo award at MobiSys 2021.
Best poster runner-up award, SenSys 2020
LidarPhone wins best poster runner-up award at SenSys 2020. LidarPhone shows how the lidar sensor can be exploited to extract traces of spoken words and uncovers an acoustic eavesdropping threat.
CSL Ph.D. Thesis Award, 2019
The thesis “Inaudible Acoustics: Techniques and Applications” wins the CSL Ph.D. thesis award 2019 at UIUC.
Best paper award at MobiSys, 2017
“BackDoor: Making Microphones Hear Inaudible Sounds” wins the best paper award and the audience-choice award at MobiSys 2017.
Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QInF) finalist, 2016
“The QInF program is focused on recognizing, rewarding, and mentoring innovative PhD students across a broad range of technical research areas, based on Qualcomm’s core values of innovation, execution and teamwork.”
Bahl fellowship as outstanding graduate student, 2015-2017
“The fellowship was established by Dr. Lalit R. Bahl and Kavita Kinra and will provide graduate fellowships to students in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UIUC”
Valkenburg award for outstanding research, 2015
“Mac Van Valkenburg symbolizes the highest quality of engineering education in Illinois and, indeed, in the country. The award, which is given annually to one or two outstanding PhD candidates in ECE, UIUC.”
Outstanding thesis award for MS thesis, 2013
The MS thesis was selected for the outstanding thesis award 2013 at the University of South Carolina, Columbia.
Best poster/demo runner-up at HotMobile, 2013
The poster on smartphone fingerprinting (AccelPrint) won the second prize at the HotMobile 2013, the International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications.
Best undergraduate thesis of the institute, 2007
The undergraduate thesis on the robotic navigation assistant was selected as the best undergraduate thesis of the year 2007 at the Indian Institute of Engineering, Science, and Technology (IIEST, formerly B.E.College), Shibpur, India