Introduction to Computational Game Theory

CMSC 474, Fall 2021


Game theory is the study of interactions among agents (either living or computerized) that may prefer different outcomes. It has a wide variety of uses in business, government, science, and engineering.

This course gives a comprehensive introduction to game theory, focusing on computational techniques.


Leyton-Brown and Shoham, Essentials of Game Theory, Morgan & Claypool, 2008. The bookstore should have hard copies of the book – or you can download a PDF copy for free if you connect from the university network.

We’ll cover the entire book, plus several topics not in the book. For the latter, I’ll provide source material and/or put details in my lecture slides.


Two exams (midterm and final), two programming projects, and homework assignments.


The course has a Piazza page that we’ll use for communication and discussion. Course materials such as lecture slides and project descriptions will be available there.

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