I) Your new submit procedure is as follows. Read it carefully because it is very similar to the previous one with slight differences. Note that below when you see ## this represents the last 2 digits of your login.
1) Put all your necessary files (the .cc or the .java files, your makefile, and your readme file) into a directory named as follows:
[So if your login name is dn42003 then you should name your directory p203]
2) tar this directory into a tarfile named p2##.tar Do this by typing:
tar -cvf p2##.tar p2##
3) gzip this file into a file named p2##.tar.gz
Do this by typing:
gzip p2##.tar
4) mail this tarred and gzipped file to dn42002@umd5.umd.edu before the deadline.
Your readme file should tell me how to compile and run your project. Make sure it is concise and clear, or you will lose points on documentation. Also simpler is better. So if you can make it fast and easy for me to compile and run your project, that will raise my opinion of your work and potentially raise your grade.
II) In the previous project, we had two files, so I expected you to read them from your program. Since you have one file this time that you read your commands from, you should allow me to be able to redirect the file as input for your program.
III) I sent two files for sample input and output to your class accounts. Please check your code against them, I will be using them in part to test your data. Also, if you see anything at all that you think is erroneous about the input or output, let me know. Your class will appreciate it and I will appreciate it.