Researchers have proposed many tools and techniques that work by traversing the heap, including checkpointing systems, heap profilers, heap assertion checkers, and dynamic software updating systems. Yet building a heap traversal for C remains difficult, and to our knowledge extant services have used their own application-specific traversals. This paper presents C-strider, a framework for writing C heap traversals and transformations. Writing a basic C-strider service requires implementing only four callbacks; C-strider then generates a program-specific traversal that invokes the callbacks as each heap location is visited. Critically, C-strider is type aware---it tracks types as it walks the heap, so every callback is supplied with the exact type of the associated location. We used C-strider to implement heap serialization, dynamic software updating, heap checking, and profiling, and then applied the resulting traversals to several programs. We found C-strider requires little programmer effort, and the resulting services are efficient and effective.
@article{saur15strider, author = {Karla Saur and Michael Hicks and Jeffrey S. Foster}, title = {C-Strider: Type-Aware Heap Traversal for {C}}, journal = {Software, Practice, and Experience}, month = may, year = 2015, issn = {1097-024X}, doi = {10.1002/spe.2332}, opturl = {} }
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