A General Systems Handbook

Michael Marsh


This book is designed to be a handy reference for students taking systems courses in Computer Science. It covers a range of topics from some basic architectural details, to numeric representations in memory, to a number of useful tools. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but should be a good starting point, so that you are better-equipped to find and understand more detailed documentation.


Chapter 1 Some Architecture Basics

Let’s take a brief look at how things work in a typical computer. We will focus on a single process, which is a program instance being run by the operating system’s kernel.

1.1 Process Memory Layout

A typical process layout contains (from lowest memory addresses to highest):

The heap and stack grow and shrink as the program runs, the heap from the bottom up through previously unallocated space, and the stack from the top down. It’s important to not that while the stack grows downwards, data strucutres in the stack still behave normally, address-wise. That is, if we have an array in the stack, the address of the first element of the array is the lowest memory address of the array. Somewhat confusingly, we refer to the lowest stack memory address as the top of the stack.

1.2 Types of Memory

When we think of memory, we’re usually thinking of Random-Access Memory (RAM). There are other types of memory, however, and typically the faster memory accesses are, the less of that type of memory we have, due to cost.

The absolute fastest memory is part of the procesor. This memory consists of a set of registers, which are used for computations that are currently in progress, or certain state that the processor needs to keep track of.

Between the registers and RAM there are usually between 1 and 3 layers of cache. These are fast RAM chips where data actively being accessed is stored. When looking up a memory address during execution, the cache is checked first. A cache hit means the values can be read or written very quickly. A cache miss means we have to go to the main memory, which is noticeably slower.

In order to support memory needs beyond what the computer physically has available, many operating systems support virtual memory, which includes swap space. This is a region of an attached disk (such as your hard drive) that the kernel can use to store data that doesn’t fit in RAM. A page fault means that a memory address is located in a page of memory (a large block) that is in swap, rather than RAM. When more working memory (in RAM) is needed, pages are swapped out to disk. This is, by far, the slowest type of local memory access. If your system is making considerable use of swap, you will notice it running substantially slower.

1.3 Segmented Virtual Memory

Virtual memory has another use beyond allowing for extra space. The common memory model is segmented virtual memory, which which each process is given a restricted view of the memory space. From the perspective of the process, it exists in a computer with addresses in the range (for a 32-bit architecutre) 0x0000001 through 0x7fffffff, and those are the only addresses it can see. The processor translates memory access requests from the process from the memory segment’s address to the actual address in main memory (or cache).

If a process attempts to access memory outside of this range, it generates a segmentation violation (SEGV) signal, which produces a Segmentation Fault. This prevents processes from reading or writing memory belonging to other processes (sometimes called “stomping”).

1.4 Loading a Binary

When you compile (and assemble) a program, it produces a binary file. When we run the program, it loads this file into memory and sets up the data structures needed for execution. Let’s consider this in a series of steps.

First, we have a C file (foo.c):

#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
      printf("i = %d\n",i);
   return 0;

Now, let’s compile this with gcc -S foo.c. This produces an assembly file foo.s, with the following for main:

	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 6, -16
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
	subq	$32, %rsp
	movl	%edi, -20(%rbp)
	movq	%rsi, -32(%rbp)
	movl	$0, -4(%rbp)
	jmp	.L2
	movl	-4(%rbp), %eax
	movl	%eax, %esi
	leaq	.LC0(%rip), %rdi
	movl	$0, %eax
	call	printf@PLT
	addl	$1, -4(%rbp)
	cmpl	$9, -4(%rbp)
	jle	.L3
	movl	$0, %eax
	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8

If we then assemble this (producing foo), we can view the assembly and corresponding bytecode in gdb:

(gdb) disassemble/r main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x0000000000001149 <+0>:   f3 0f 1e fa            endbr64 
   0x000000000000114d <+4>:   55                     push   %rbp
   0x000000000000114e <+5>:   48 89 e5               mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x0000000000001151 <+8>:   48 83 ec 20            sub    $0x20,%rsp
   0x0000000000001155 <+12>:  89 7d ec               mov    %edi,-0x14(%rbp)
   0x0000000000001158 <+15>:  48 89 75 e0            mov    %rsi,-0x20(%rbp)
   0x000000000000115c <+19>:  c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00   movl   $0x0,-0x4(%rbp)
   0x0000000000001163 <+26>:  eb 1a                  jmp    0x117f <main+54>
   0x0000000000001165 <+28>:  8b 45 fc               mov    -0x4(%rbp),%eax
   0x0000000000001168 <+31>:  89 c6                  mov    %eax,%esi
   0x000000000000116a <+33>:  48 8d 3d 93 0e 00 00   lea    0xe93(%rip),%rdi
   0x0000000000001171 <+40>:  b8 00 00 00 00         mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x0000000000001176 <+45>:  e8 d5 fe ff ff         callq  0x1050 <printf@plt>
   0x000000000000117b <+50>:  83 45 fc 01            addl   $0x1,-0x4(%rbp)
   0x000000000000117f <+54>:  83 7d fc 09            cmpl   $0x9,-0x4(%rbp)
   0x0000000000001183 <+58>:  7e e0                  jle    0x1165 <main+28>
   0x0000000000001185 <+60>:  b8 00 00 00 00         mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x000000000000118a <+65>:  c9                     leaveq
   0x000000000000118b <+66>:  c3                     retq
End of assembler dump.

The middle section (between the : and assembly) is the bytecode corresponding to the assembly that follows it. Note that the assembly is in a different format than in foo.s, but it should be fairly straightforward to connect them.

Here’s the important part: The bytecode for this function is (with some reformatting):

f30f 1efa 5548 89e5 4883 ec20 897d ec48
8975 e0c7 45fc 0000 0000 eb1a 8b45 fc89
c648 8d3d 930e 0000 b800 0000 00e8 d5fe
ffff 8345 fc01 837d fc09 7ee0 b800 0000
00c9 c3

If we view the program with xxd foo, we’ll see the following:

00001140: f30f 1efa e977 ffff fff3 0f1e fa55 4889
00001150: e548 83ec 2089 7dec 4889 75e0 c745 fc00
00001160: 0000 00eb 1a8b 45fc 89c6 488d 3d93 0e00
00001170: 00b8 0000 0000 e8d5 feff ff83 45fc 0183
00001180: 7dfc 097e e0b8 0000 0000 c9c3 0f1f 4000

Notice that about halfway through the first line, we see the beginning of the bytecode as reported by gdb. In fact, if we look at the first line from gdb, it reports an address of 0x1149, and if we count the bytes from the offset in the file of 0x1140 (as shown above), we see that this corresponds to the location of the first byte in the file!

1.5 Processing Instructions

Because we hadn’t run the program yet in gdb, we were only seeing addresses relative to the start of the Text section of the process, not the actual addresses. Once we start the program, we’ll see the actual addresses. If we set a breakpoint in main, then run, we’ll see something like the following when we disassemble:

(gdb) disassemble main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
=> 0x0000560f61c4b149 <+0>:   endbr64 
   0x0000560f61c4b14d <+4>:   push   %rbp
   0x0000560f61c4b14e <+5>:   mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x0000560f61c4b151 <+8>:   sub    $0x20,%rsp
   0x0000560f61c4b155 <+12>:  mov    %edi,-0x14(%rbp)
   0x0000560f61c4b158 <+15>:  mov    %rsi,-0x20(%rbp)
   0x0000560f61c4b15c <+19>:  movl   $0x0,-0x4(%rbp)
   0x0000560f61c4b163 <+26>:  jmp    0x560f61c4b17f <main+54>
   0x0000560f61c4b165 <+28>:  mov    -0x4(%rbp),%eax
   0x0000560f61c4b168 <+31>:  mov    %eax,%esi
   0x0000560f61c4b16a <+33>:  lea    0xe93(%rip),%rdi        # 0x560f61c4c004
   0x0000560f61c4b171 <+40>:  mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x0000560f61c4b176 <+45>:  callq  0x560f61c4b050 <printf@plt>
   0x0000560f61c4b17b <+50>:  addl   $0x1,-0x4(%rbp)
   0x0000560f61c4b17f <+54>:  cmpl   $0x9,-0x4(%rbp)
   0x0000560f61c4b183 <+58>:  jle    0x560f61c4b165 <main+28>
   0x0000560f61c4b185 <+60>:  mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x0000560f61c4b18a <+65>:  leaveq 
   0x0000560f61c4b18b <+66>:  retq   
End of assembler dump.

Now we’re seeing actual memory addresses, with an indicator that we’re on the first instruction of the function. Running info frame then gives us:

(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0x7ffc71427c20:
 rip = 0x560f61c4b149 in main; saved rip = 0x7f20725020b3
 Arglist at 0x7ffc71427c10, args: 
 Locals at 0x7ffc71427c10, Previous frame's sp is 0x7ffc71427c20
 Saved registers:
  rip at 0x7ffc71427c18

There’s a lot here, but the important thing is:

 rip = 0x560f61c4b149 in main; saved rip = 0x7f20725020b3

Here, rip is the register holding the instruction pointer, and it’s value is the address of the start of main. This register tells the CPU the address at which the next instruction to process resides in memory.

How does the CPU process this instruction? It begins by reading the byte at the instruction pointer. If that byte represents a complete instruction, it executes it and advances the instruction pointer to the next byte. If the first byte is only the start of an instruction, it continues reading bytes until it gets a complete instruction to execute, and then advances the instruction pointer by the number of bytes read.

Not all sequences of bytes represent valid instructions, however. Let’s consider an analogy: We’re reading a simple mathematics problem, “multiply 3 and 5”. Taking this one character at a time, we can see the following sequence of events:

  1. “m” – not a complete instruction
  2. “mu” – not a complete instruction
  3. “mul” – not a complete instruction
  4. “mult” – not a complete instruction
  5. “multi” – not a complete instruction
  6. “multip” – not a complete instruction
  7. “multipl” – not a complete instruction
  8. “multiply” – not a complete instruction
  9. “multiply “ – instruction type recognized, but more information needed

We would continue reading characters until we have a complete instruction, and then we would solve the math problem.

Now consider the case where our “instruction pointer” is off by one:

  1. “u” – not a complete instruction
  2. “ul” – not a complete instruction
  3. “ult” – not a complete instruction
  4. “ulti” – not a complete instruction
  5. “ultip” – no valid instruction begins with these letters!

When this happens to the CPU, it signals that it received an Illegal Instruction. The same thing happens for an instruction like “multiply 3 and grapefruit”.

1.6 The Stack and Function Callings

We’re going to take a look at the structure of the stack. When we call a function, we add a new frame to the stack, containing state for that function call. This includes the arguments passed to it, local variables, some working space, and information about what to do when the function returns. This information includes the next instruction pointer (as we saw previously), and where the calling function’s stack frame is.

Because the stack grows into the unused memory between it and the heap, it can get a bit confusing. Adding to this confusion is the fact that the stack interacts with a number of CPU registers, and actually holds old values of some registers so that they can be restored.

The stack grows in two ways:

  1. When a function calls another function, it adds a new stack frame below its own frame (in terms of addresses). This is lowest-addressed frame is referred to being at the top of the stack.
  2. Within a function, we sometimes add new local variables or other values to the stack. These are added below the memory address of the “top” of the stack. This lowest address is stored in a register esp (on 32-bit systems) or rsp (on 64-bit systems), and is called the stack pointer.

We also have a base pointer (ebp or rbp). This provides a reference address for all of the local variables in the current (top) stack frame. While the stack pointer register just holds an address representing whatever is at the top of the stack (lowest address), the base pointer register holds the address of another pointer address.

So, what does the stack hold at rbp? It holds the base pointer of the calling function. The stack also holds another important address just above this, which is the return address for the function. Because our instructions are in the process’s text section, the instruction pointer rip keeps track of the next instruction to execute. Function calls make this jump around, though, so when a function calls another function, it needs to store the address of the instruction to execute after that other function returns. That’s the return address, or saved instruction pointer. To see all of this in action, let’s consider the following code, which we’ve put in file bar.c:

#include <stdio.h>

void g(int a) {
  int b = a*4;
  printf("%d x 4 = %d\n",a,b);

void f(int a) {
  int b = a*3;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  return 0;

This is a very simple sequence of function calls: main calls f, and f calls g. We’ll examine the registers and stack with gdb. When we’re in f, just before calling g, we see the following registers:

(gdb) info registers rsp rbp
rsp            0x7ffc59e797e0      0x7ffc59e797e0
rbp            0x7ffc59e79800      0x7ffc59e79800

This tells us that the stack pointer is 0x7ffc59e797e0, and the base pointer is 0x7ffc59e79800, so there are 32 bytes on the stack for local variables.

When we continue executing into g, we see:

(gdb) info registers rsp rbp
rsp            0x7ffc59e797b0      0x7ffc59e797b0
rbp            0x7ffc59e797d0      0x7ffc59e797d0

We’ve now added another 48 bytes (0x7ffc59e797e0-0x7ffc59e797b0) to the stack, and the current base pointer is 0x7ffc59e797d0. We can examine the frame, as well:

(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0x7ffc59e797e0:
 rip = 0x555f3085f158 in g (bar.c:4); saved rip = 0x555f3085f1a2
 called by frame at 0x7ffc59e79810
 source language c.
 Arglist at 0x7ffc59e797a8, args: a=9
 Locals at 0x7ffc59e797a8, Previous frame's sp is 0x7ffc59e797e0
 Saved registers:
  rbp at 0x7ffc59e797d0, rip at 0x7ffc59e797d8

We know the current frame’s structure, so we know that the caller’s frame starts at address 0x7ffc59e797e0, as we saw before. It’s also telling us that it’s saved the caller’s base pointer at 0x7ffc59e797d0, which we just saw is the current base pointer, and the instruction pointer is saved at 0x7ffc59e797d8, which is 8 bytes (or 64 bits) above the base pointer.

We can verify that the current base pointer’s address holds the previous base pointer by examining the memory directly:

(gdb) x/a 0x7ffc59e797d0
0x7ffc59e797d0: 0x7ffc59e79800

If we compare this with the base pointer in f before calling g, we see that they are identical.

Chapter 2 Numeric Representations

2.1 Integer Type Sizes

We are used to thinking of a byte as 8 bits (which isn’t strictly true, but is almost always the case), but larger sizes become more ambiguous.

It used to be the case (when 32-bit processors were dominant) that an int in C would be 4 bytes (32 bits), a short int would be 2 bytes, and a long int would be 8 bytes. All of these are signed quantities. unsigned int is the corresponding non-negative 4-byte integer value.

With most processors now being 64-bit, these have shifted somewhat. Now an int might be 8 bytes, though short and long may or may not be twice as long. In many programs, we don’t really care, but when we’re encoding numbers, this becomes very important.

The header file stdint.h contains the following types, which you should use when you want to ensure the size of the value in bytes:

Type Size (bytes) Signed/Unsigned
int8_t 1 signed
int16_t 2 signed
int32_t 4 signed
int64_t 8 signed
uint8_t 1 unsigned
uint16_t 2 unsigned
uint32_t 4 unsigned
uint64_t 8 unsigned
Table 2.1

2.2 Byte Encoding

Numbers have to be stored in memory on a host. They also have to be saved in files and sent over the network. This seems simple, but how a number is stored is more complicated than you might expect.

While a single-byte integer value is easy (“10” is “0A” in hex), once you have more than one byte, you have to consider the specific architecture. There are two main architectures commonly used: big endian (BE) and little endian (LE). In big endian encoding, the most significant byte of the number comes first in memory. In little endian encoding, the least significant byte come first.

Some examples might help:

Number Size (bytes) BE LE
12 2 00 0C 0C 00
3072 2 0C 00 00 0C
4660 2 12 34 34 12
13330 2 34 12 12 34
12 4 00 00 00 0C 0C 00 00 00
201326592 4 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C
Table 2.2

2.3 Host and Network Byte Order

The host’s architecture specifies the host byte order, but when exchanging values over the network, we can’t have architecture-dependent ambiguity. Consequently, the networking community decided on big endian as the standard network byte order.

Because of this, if we receive a 4-byte integer value 0000000C, we can safely assume these bytes represent the number 12, not 201326592, regardless of how our host interprets this sequence of bytes.

2.4 Converting Between Encodings

The C standard library has a number of functions to handle conversions between BE and LE encoding. Other languages have their own mechanisms, which you can look up if you need them. Here is a summary (header files might vary from system to system, such as ):

Function Size (bytes) Input Encoding Output Encoding Header
htons 2 host network arpa/inet.h
ntohs 2 network host arpa/inet.h
htonl 4 host network arpa/inet.h
ntohl 4 network host arpa/inet.h
htobe16 2 host big endian sys/types.h
htole16 2 host little endian sys/types.h
be16toh 2 big endian host sys/types.h
le16toh 2 little endian host sys/types.h
htobe32 4 host big endian sys/types.h
htole32 4 host little endian sys/types.h
be32toh 4 big endian host sys/types.h
le32toh 4 little endian host sys/types.h
htobe64 8 host big endian sys/types.h
htole64 8 host little endian sys/types.h
be64toh 8 big endian host sys/types.h
le64toh 8 little endian host sys/types.h
Table 2.3

Chapter 3 Git

Git has become the de-facto standard revision control system, so it’s worth taking some time to familiarize ourselves with some basic, and not-so-basic, concepts. Most git commands can be done without Internet access, since they’re purely local. We’ll label the commands that potentially require network access, though the commands in this chapter can be run completely self-contained on any Posix-compatible host with git installed.

3.1 Installation

If you already have git installed, you can skip the rest of this section. We recommend installing git on any machine (laptop or desktop) on which you expect to work.

If you’re on a Linux system, then it’s somewhat likely that git is already installed; if not, you can use your favorite package manager to install it. Don’t forget to install the documentation, if it’s in a separate package!

If you’re using MacOS, you have some options:

  1. Download and install git from https://git-scm.com/download/mac
  2. If you’re using Homebrew, brew install git git-sh (search for “git” to see other potentially useful packages)
  3. MacPorts also has a git package

If you’re using Windows, you can download the git installer from

This includes both a GUI and a git bash shell.

3.2 Basic Git Operations

Here we have the basic commands that you’ll use on a regular basis. You should become familiar with all of these. Before we start, we have to introduce the concept of a repository. This is a directory hierarchy that’s managed as a single unit under source control. Generally, this is some software project, possibly the entire thing or a component (for very large projects). It can be anything that’s predominantly text files, though. Many people keep documents that they’re writing in git (or some other source control), especially when using LaTeX, HTML, docbook, or any other non-graphical text preparation systems.

3.2.1 init

This creates a repository, either in an empty directory, or one already containing code. Create a new directory, let’s call it “testing”:

mkdir ~/testing

Now, let’s go into this directory and create a file:

cd ~/testing
date > created_on

So far, all we have is a directory with a single file in it, nothing special:

find .

The find command is an incredibly useful utility, and you’ll learn new features of it for years to come, even when using it heavily. Run man find to read the documentation.

Now let’s make this a git repository:

git init .

If we run our find command again, we see that there’s now a directory called .git with lots of stuff in it. You can also run

ls -A

if you don’t want to see the whole recursive list of files. There’s one file in particular that we’re going to look at later: .git/config

3.2.2 status

As you might guess from the name, this is going to tell you things about your repository and working directory. At this point, we need to go into terminology a little bit.

The repository is the collection of data currently under git’s revision control. It’s generally kept in a compressed format, for efficient storage.

The working directory, in contrast, is the set of “normal” files that you’re working with. Some of these will be in the repository, and some won’t be. Let’s go back to our example repository and see how these relate.

Start by running

git status

You should see something like the following:

On branch main

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

This is telling us that the repository is empty (no commits – more on that later!), but the working directory contains files that aren’t in the repository (Untracked files).

3.2.3 add

OK, so let’s add something to the repository! We’re going to shorten “repository” to “repo”, because that’s the term people most commonly use. The add command is what will tell git that you want to include a file in a commit:

git add created_on

You can specify a directory, or a wildcard, in your add command. The risk with these is that you end up with derived binary files (or log files) in your repo. These aren’t useful, and binary generally can’t be compressed by git, so it’s wasteful of space. Try to avoid adding directories or using wildcards unless you really know what you’re doing.

Now run git status again. You should see something like:

On branch master

No commits yet

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   created_on

Note the little comment on unstaging files. If you add more than you’d intended to, this can save your bacon.

This is also how you “stage” modified files for a commit. That is, if a file is under revision control (it’s in the repo), but the working directory has a newer version, you would use git add to include it in a commit.

3.2.4 commit

So far, we still don’t have anything in our repo. That’s what commit is for. Why are these separate? Let’s say we have some new files to add, some to rename, and a few to delete (we’ll talk about these last two later). We can run several git commands to stage the commit, without writing them to the repo yet. This gives us the chance to review what we’re planning to do, and fix things as necessary. The commit is then an atomic unit of change to the repo. Consequently, we generally want to group closely related changes in a single commit. Don’t be afraid to do multiple commits in a row – they’re cheap!

So, what does a commit look like? There are a couple of common ways to do this (there are actually many options you can use):

git commit -m 'Committing my first file!'


git commit

The difference between these is this: Every commit must include a log message. This is how you know, at a high level, what the purpose of this commit is. By specifying the -m flag and a string, we’re passing the log message on the command line. If we omit this, we’re put into an editor, where we can add our message interactively. The first line is going to be a short summary, but the log entry itself can be as long as you need it to be. I often use the log message to keep track of things that still need to be done, or some additional information about the commit that’s useful to know.

If you’re using the interactive editor, just save the file and exit, and git will take care of the rest. Let’s say we used the command-line message flag. Let’s run git status again:

On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean


3.2.5 log

So, we now have a repo with something in it. How do we know what the state of the repo is? The easiest way is with the log command:

git log

When I run this, I see the following:

commit 702223c70752248a5d54f16586f6501a47fd2e52 (HEAD -> master)
Author: Michael Marsh <mmarsh@cs.umd.edu>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 16:01:48 2018 -0500

    Committing my first file!

We can get more information with

git log -p

This gives you the log with “patches” that modify the repo from the previous commit to the one listed.

One thing you might have noticed is that the commit is a long hexadecimal number. This is a SHA-1 hash, which is what git uses to identify absolutely everything: files, directories, commits, etc.

3.2.6 clone [may require Internet access]

git lets you share a repo between users and machines. It does this very well, which is why it’s so popular. The way you get a repo from elsewhere is by cloning it. Let’s see this in action:

cd ~
mkdir another
cd another
git clone ~/testing

Take a look at \sim /another/testing, using the commands we’ve been using so far. Let’s do even more! From \sim /another:

git clone ~/testing more_testing

Compare \sim /another/testing and \sim /another/more_testing. They should be identical! Here we’ve illustrated the ability to specify a destination directory for clone. If unspecified, the repo name of our source will be the name of the destination. This is especially useful when you want to make sure that the repository you just pushed to actually contains what you think, since you can have a second (clean) copy in another directory (see “pull”, below).

Here, we’ve cloned a repo in a local directory. This is of limited usefulness, since generally you’re going to want to clone repos stored on other machines. We’ll deal with this later, but the general thing we’ll see is a command like one of the following:

git clone https://example.com/repo_name
git clone user@example.com:repo_name

The latter is what we’ll mostly use for repos that we’re editing.

3.2.7 init –bare

We’re now going to create another repo, this time slightly differently:

mkdir ~/testing2
cd ~/testing2
git init --bare .

What we’ve now done is create a bare repository. This is a repo without a corresponding working directory. Delete \sim /another/testing and \sim /another/more_testing, and re-clone them from \sim /testing2 instead of \sim /testing.

3.2.8 push [may require Internet access]

Go into \sim /another/testing (or testing2, depending on whether you provided a destination directory), and create a file. It doesn’t matter what you call it, or what’s in it. Add and commit it to the repo. Now run

git push

You should see something like:

Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 205 bytes | 205.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To /Users/mmarsh/classes/another/../testing2
 * [new branch]      master -> master

What we’ve just done is to send our commit to the repo that we cloned. In fact, this will send all local commits we may have that the cloned repo (called the “remote”) does not yet have. The default remote is named “origin”.

3.2.9 pull [may require Internet access]

Now go to \sim /another/more_testing, and run

git pull

Take a look at the working directory and the git log. They should be identical to the repo and working directory from which we just pushed.

As with push, this will synchronize our local repo and working directory with whatever was newer at the remote.

You can also specify a source from which to pull, generally a remote. We’ll talk about remotes later.

3.2.10 config

You may have noticed that your log messages have a rather generic-looking committer name and email address. You were probably also warned about this. The log message I showed you above, however, had a real name and email address. This seems like it would be really useful!

There are a couple of ways to set these. One of which is to edit the user’s configuration file by hand. The other way is to run the config command:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your_email@example.com"

Any subsequent commits will now have more useful attribution. Make sure you do this anywhere you use git!

3.3 More Advanced Git Operations

You can get pretty far with the previous commands, but there’s a lot you’ll need to do beyond what these cover.

3.3.1 rm

Projects accumulate garbage. It happens. That means sometimes we need to get rid of a file. That’s where rm comes in. Let’s go back to \sim /testing. Now run

git rm created_on

What does git status tell us? Let’s commit it now:

git commit -m "removed created_on"

The file is now gone from your working directory, and the repo! But only sort-of…

A key feature of git (or any revision control) is the ability to revert to previous versions of the repo. Run git log, and you’ll see something like:

commit eef4f0ba06411f678bb741aaf6d06d580d82011a (HEAD -> master)
Author: Michael Marsh <mmarsh@cs.umd.edu>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 16:32:25 2018 -0500

    removed created_on

commit 702223c70752248a5d54f16586f6501a47fd2e52
Author: Michael Marsh <mmarsh@cs.umd.edu>
Date:   Tue Jan 16 16:01:48 2018 -0500

    Committing my first file!

The earlier commit is still there! Let’s not worry about this just yet.

3.3.2 mv

Sometimes you need to rename a file. Let’s do the following (in \sim /testing):

touch foobar
git add foobar
git commit -m "adding foobar"

Now we have a file named foobar. Let’s say we really wanted to just call it foo. There are two ways we can do this. The hard way:

mv foobar foo
git add foo
git rm foobar

If you run git status, you’ll see:

On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

  	renamed:    foobar -> foo

git is smart enough to see that there used to be a file that looks extremely close (or identical) to the new file, so it was probably just renamed! We can tell git this explicitly with a single command:

git mv foo bar

Now we see essentially the same result. The file has both been renamed in the working directory, and a commit staged renaming it in the repo.

Commit this to update the repo. Don’t forget to push your commit if you’re working with a remote!

3.3.3 .git/config

There’s a lot we can configure about a repo. All of this can be done with command-line utilities, but it’s often easier to go right to the configuration file. This is often the only file in the .git directory you’ll have to worry about. Here’s what my version of \sim /testing/.git/config looks like:

        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
        ignorecase = true
        precomposeunicode = true

This isn’t very interesting. Let’s look at \sim /another/more_testing/.git/config

        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
        ignorecase = true
        precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
        url = /home/vmuser/testing2
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master

There’s a lot more going on here! In particular, we’ve defined a remote and a branch. We already saw that a remote is another repo with which we’re going to synchronize. Let’s look at this a bit more.

3.3.4 remote

You can have many remotes for a local repo. In most cases, you only have one. In this course, because we’re Computer Scientists, we’re going to usually have two, and sometimes three!

The git remote command tells you the names of your defined remote repos. More useful is to add the -v flag:

git remote -v

should produce something like

origin /home/vmuser/testing2 (fetch)
origin /home/vmuser/testing2 (push)

You can add another remote to your .git/config by copying an existing block. Let’s look at the remote defined in the config file in more_testing again:

[remote "origin"]
      url = /home/vmuser/testing2
      fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Now, let’s create another bare repo:

mkdir ~/testing3
cd ~/testing3
git init --bare .
cd ~/another/more_testing

We can define this as another remote, by copying and modifying the block above. Our .git/config file will now look like:

      repositoryformatversion = 0
      filemode = true
      bare = false
      logallrefupdates = true
      ignorecase = true
      precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
      url = /home/vmuser/testing2
      fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[remote "other"]
      url = /home/vmuser/testing3
      fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/other/*
[branch "master"]
      remote = origin
      merge = refs/heads/master

Note the changes we made: the remote name in the block definition, the url, and the refs in the fetch parameter. Don’t worry about what these mean, just make sure that the remote name on the fetch line matches the name of the remote.

Now, run

git push other master

Congratulations! You’ve just created a fork!

3.3.5 branch

You may have noticed that git frequently refers to master (sometimes main), and sometimes refers to it as a “branch”. Branches are another fundamental concept in git. It’s like forking, but it’s completely internal to your repo (branches can be pushed or pulled independently). Branches are also very lightweight – it’s another SHA-1 hash stored somewhere that says, “this commit is the head of another branch.” We haven’t talked about heads yet, but they’re essentially just the latest commit on a branch, whether local or remote. That is, until you push, your local head is newer than the remote’s head. Once you push, they’re identical (until someone else pushes or you make another commit).

When working on your own, you’ll often only have one branch, by default named either master or main. Sometimes you want to create new branches, though. This can be very useful if you’re experimenting with some changes, and you don’t want to mess up your master branch. If the changes don’t work out, you can just abandon or delete that branch, and no harm done. We’ll get to merging branches in a bit.

When working with others, it’s often helpful to use separate branches, either per-developer or per-feature under development. That way, you’re less likely to step on each other’s toes. There’s also a model of development, called GitFlow, where you have a master branch as your “production” version, a branch for each feature under development, short-term branches for bugfixes, and a “development” or “dev” branch to merge features and bugfixes back together before merging them into master. The reason for the dev branch is so that you can test the changes to make sure that nothing else broke in the process. Very occasionally, you might have “hotfix” branches that get merged directly into master; those are for critical bugs in production.

So, now that we’ve got the motivation behind branches, how do we create one? It’s really pretty easy:

cd ~/another/more_testing
git branch test_branch

You’ve now created a new branch, named test_branch, which is currently the same as the master branch. You can verify the existence of this branch:

git branch

Note that there’s an asterisk beside master – that means we’re still on the master branch, not our new branch. We’ll get to that soon.

You can also delete a branch:

git branch -d test_branch
git branch

See? The branch is now gone!

You can also specify a different starting point for a branch, whether a branch, a commit ID, or a tag (which we’ll see later).

I rarely create branches this way, because there’s a neat one-step way to create a new branch and make it active. That’s our next command.

3.3.6 tag

Sometimes you don’t need to create a new branch, but you do want to keep track of a particular commit. This commonly happens when you make a public release of your code, so that you know exactly what code was in that release. For this, we often use tags.

Where a branch is an alias for the head of a chain of commits, a tag is an alias for a particular commit. We can create tags easily with

git tag v1_0

This creates a git object named v1_0 (for our 1.0 release) that is an alias to the current commit. You can specify a different commit after the tag name, if you like.

Once you have created the tag, you can treat it in much the same way as a branch. That is, it is something you can refer to by name, rather than having to use an explicit commit identifier. You can see all of the available tags with

git tag -l

You can update an existing tag with

git tag -f v1_0

Otherwise, creating a new tag with an existing name will fail. To delete a tag, you would run

git tag -d v1_0

Tags are not pushed to remote repositories by default. If you want your tags to be pushed, you need to run

git push --tags

What we have described so far are lightweight tags, which might be enough for your needs. You can also create an annotated tag, which looks more like a commit, in that it has an author, date, and commit message. To create an annotated tag:

git tag -a -m "release version 1.0" v1_0

As with commit, if you omit the -m option, you will be presented with an editor to enter the message.

3.3.7 checkout

This is how you control what version of the repo your working directory is configured to. Let’s create test_branch again, and then use checkout to make it active:

git branch test_branch
git checkout test_branch
git branch

The asterisk should now be beside test_branch, indicating that we’re currently working on that branch. Do the following:

touch bar
git add bar
git commit -m "adding bar"
git log

You should see your latest commit has been applied to test_branch, not master. Further, you should see that the previous commit is labelled with master, origin/master, and other/master. These last two indicate branches on your configured remotes.

Now run:

git push origin test_branch
git log

See? The remote origin now has your branch on it! Now, let’s do the following:

git checkout master
git checkout test_branch

What do you see? If we had different versions of any files in the two branches, we’d see those changes appear and disappear as we checkout one branch or the other.

I mentioned the one-liner to create and switch to another branch. We do this with checkout:

git checkout -b another_branch

You’re now working on another_branch, and it’s identical to the branch you were just on. This is probably the most likely way you’ll create a branch, when you use them.

3.3.8 update-index and ls-files

These are two very useful commands when you’re writing scripts and storing them in git. I have often seen students commit a script to git, and then ask why it’s not running when I am doing a grading pass. The reason is that they haven’t told git that the script file should be executable. If you set the execute bit before adding the file to a commit for the first time, git will pick this up automatically. If, however, you add and commit it before making it executable, you have to go back and tell git to record the executable bit for the file.

Fortunately, this is easy to do using git update-index. This command tells git that you want to change some of the metadata about one or more files, as opposed to modifying the contents of the file. Let’s say we have foo.sh, but git doesn’t (yet) know that it should be an executable bash script. We can fix this by running

git update-index --chmod=+x foo.sh

This behaves like the standard Posix chmod (change mode) command, which is used to change permissions on a file or directory. In particular, we’re telling it to add the executable (x) bit. This also adds the file to a commit, so you’ll then just need to do the actual commit (and push, if necessary.

Let’s say you’re not sure if the executable bit is set. That’s where git ls-files comes in. If you run

git ls-files --stage foo.sh

it will show you the index entry for the file. The first column will be an octal number like 100644 or 100755. The last three digits tell you (respectively) the owner, group, and other permissions. The first bit is whether the file is readable, the second writable, and the third exectuable. That means 100644 means the owner can read and write the file, and everyone else can only read it. 100755 means the executable bit is set for everyone.

3.3.9 tag

Sometimes you want to mark a particular commit for later reference, and you don’t want to change this reference as development continues. You can do this with a tag, which is just a name attached to a commit. You can use these tags any time you would use a commit or other reference. You can even create a branch off of a tag.

We’re not going to go into detail about this command, but it’s useful to know about. Run man git-tag for more information, if you’re curious.

3.3.10 merge

Say we’re developing on branches. Eventually, we’re going to want to combine at least some of those branches back together. We do that with the merge command. If you’re on one branch, you can easily merge in the commits from another. We’re currently on another_branch, so let’s switch to master, and merge another_branch into it.

git checkout master
git merge another_branch

Use git status, git log, and ls to see what’s changed in the repo now. You can merge a branch, commit, tag, or any other kind of reference. See the man pages for lots of detail.

Occasionally, if two people have modified the same file, you’ll have problems when trying to merge. This may happen when you pull from a remote, as well. We’ll discuss merge conflicts later.

3.3.11 fetch [may require Internet access]

This is a basic command to get the changes to the repo from your remotes, without merging them in. To fetch a single remote:

git fetch other

To fetch all remotes:

git fetch --all

The pull command is actually a fetch and merge rolled into one, so (on the branch master)

git pull other

is equivalent to

git fetch other
git merge other/master

The fetch command is useful if you just want to make sure you have the remote repos downloaded to your local machine. This can be important if you’re going to be working without an Internet connection.

3.3.12 Dealing with conflicts

Let’s make some simultaneous edits on separate branches, and then try to merge them together. When you’re working on a group project, this is likely to occur at some point, unless you’re extremely careful.

git checkout master
echo "This is a file" > file1
git add file1
git commit -m "adding file1"
git checkout test_branch
echo "This is my file" > file1
git checkout master
git merge test_branch

You should see a message like:

Auto-merging file1
CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in file1
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

So, how do we deal with this? First:

cat file1

It should look like:

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is a file
This is my file
>>>>>>> test_branch

This tells you that the current branch HEAD has one version of the file contents, and test_branch has another. You may see several of these in each file with a conflict.

The important thing you need to do is to manually resolve all of the conflicts. You can search a document for “««” as an easy way to find them. Everything from the “«««<” line to the “»»»>” line must be replaced with whatever you determine is correct. Often, this will be removing one of the conflicting changes, leaving the other intact. Sometimes you will have to do something more complicated. Let’s say the version on test_branch is the one we really wanted. We’d then replace that entire block above with

This is my file

Save that, and run git status. You’ll see that we’re in a merge conflict, with both branches having added file1. Helpfully, git tells us what to do:

(fix conflicts and run "git commit")

or, if we decide this was a bad idea:

(use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)

In this case, we’ve already examined and resolved the conflict, so we follow the instruction:

(use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

and run:

git add file1
git commit

Save the log message file, and exit. We now have completed our merge! See what the log shows.

3.3.13 reset

When things stop working, sometimes starting over is easier than trying to find and fix the error. One of the nice features of git is that you can “go back” to any of your commits. For example, if you want to reset your repository to the state it was in when you last committed, run:

git reset --hard HEAD

More generally, you can restore your local repository to any previous commit. To do this, find the commit hash of the commit you want to restore (e.g. via git log) and run:

git reset --hard <hash>

However, since this discards changes to all files in the repository, it’s not ideal if only one or two files are broken, and the rest have changes you want to keep. Fortunately, git has a way to restore individual files. To reset file1, run:

git checkout [<commit hash>] -- file1

(Note: the ‘commit hash’ argument is optional. If you omit it, git will default to using the previous commit)

IMPORTANT: The ability to restore old versions can be incredibly useful, but only if you make regular commits. There will be a time when you’ll need to reset your repository – if your last working commit was five minutes ago, this will be a minor setback; if it was five hours ago, you’ll be much less happy. Remember: commit early, commit often!

3.3.14 gitk

This is not a core git command, but it’s often installed alongside with git. gitk is a Tk-based graphical display for git. It can be extremely useful for exploring your repo, including remotes. The basic invocation is


This will show the entire history of your current branch, including other branches that were merged into it, any tags, and any relevant remotes. Play around with this for a more complex repo, say one you’ve cloned from github.

Often, it’s useful to see more information than this provides. Try running

gitk --all

This will not only show the current branch’s history, but all branches in your repo.

That should be enough to get you started with git. In fact, most of your tasks will use the commands we’ve gone through here, with few if no options provided. The man pages have a lot more information, starting with man git. For a command git foo, the manpage would be man git-foo.

Chapter 4 Linux System Administration

If you’re just getting started with administrative commands, tread carefully! There’s a lot you can screw up accidentally. If you’re reading this to fix the problem of not being able to access a shared folder, go ahead and skip to the very end, but then come back and read the rest later.

4.1 Root

This is the normal administrative account; it has privileges which allow it to do nearly anything on the host. As such, when running as the root user, you need to be very careful about what you do. It is also called the “supervisor” or “superuser” account.

On older systems, there was typically a password for the root account, and you would open a shell as the root user (or login to the system) using this password. The su command is what you would use if you were already logged into the system as a normal user, and wanted to “become root”. We still use su occasionally, but we use it slightly differently, as we’ll see later.

Now, it’s more common for root not to have a password, so we have to have another way to become root. For this, we have the sudo command. Here’s how it works (the $ indicates a normal user command prompt):

$ wc -c /var/log/tallylog 
wc: /var/log/tallylog: Permission denied
$ sudo wc -c /var/log/tallylog 
64128 /var/log/tallylog

If you haven’t run sudo recently, it will prompt you for your password. This is because you’ve been granted special permission to call sudo in the file /etc/sudoers

$ groups
vmuser adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare wireshark docker vboxsf
$ grep %sudo /etc/sudoers
/etc/sudoers: Permission denied
$ sudo grep %sudo /etc/sudoers
%sudo  ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Let’s unpack this. First we list all of the permissions groups to which we belong. One of these is named sudo. If we look for this group (which is what prepending % denotes) in the file /etc/sudoers, we see that there’s a matching line. However, along the way we discover that /etc/sudoers is itself only readable by root, so we have to use sudo to run grep over the file!

What does the line in /etc/sudoers mean? Here it is again:

%sudo  ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

If we run man sudoers, we can see all of the documentation, but we’ll cut to the chase. First, %sudo means this is a rule for the permission group sudo, of which we happen to be a member. If you leave off the %, then this would match on username instead.

Next, we have the hosts on which this is valid, since this file might be shared between a number of similarly configured hosts. In this case, we use the wildcard ALL. So far we have

%sudo  ALL

to indicate that on all hosts, the group sudo will have the specified permissions. After the =, we see (ALL:ALL). This says that we’re allowed to run as any user or group. We could have restricted this to (man:tape) if we wanted to grant this user or group permission to run as the man user (which can install or rebuild the database of manual pages) or the tape group (for access to a tape drive).

Finally, the last ALL says that when running as the provided user or group, we’re allowed to run any command.

4.2 Running as Another User

The easiest way to run as another user is to use the -u option to sudo:

$ whoami
$ sudo -u man whoami

Since you can run any command you like, you could also use this to start a shell:

$ sudo -u man /bin/bash
$ whoami
$ exit

One thing that’s important to note, however, is that each shell has an environment, which defines things like the directory path to search for executables, special options to pass certain programs, etc. Sometimes you don’t want to carry the environment over to the new shell, but rather have the shell initialized as if the target user had just logged in. For this, we can use the -i flag. Compare the output of the following:

$ sudo /usr/bin/env
$ sudo -i /usr/bin/env

This can be very important in some circumstances, and often when starting a root shell, you’ll want to include the -i flag. The following two commands end up being equivalent:

$ sudo -i /bin/bash
$ sudo su -

Here, the - option to su says to treat this as a login shell, just like sudo -i.

4.3 Managing Users and Groups

We’re going to consider just a couple of things here: changing passwords and assigning users to groups. These should be the bulk of what you need to do.

To change your own password, run:

$ passwd
Changing password for vmuser.
(current) UNIX password: 

You are prompted for your current password, then for the new password, and finally for the new password again, just to make sure you typed it correctly.

When run as root, you can change another user’s password:

$ sudo passwd man
Enter new UNIX password: 

Now you’re only prompted for the new password, not the current one. This is because you’re running it as the superuser.

We saw the groups command earlier, which lists your current groups. You can switch your currently active group (which on our VM defaults to vmuser) by running newgrp:

$ echo $GROUPS 
$ newgrp docker
$ echo $GROUPS

It is important to note that when you run newgrp, you open a new shell. That means your shell history will be gone, until you exit from that shell and return to your previous shell (and group).

Most of the time, you will not need to change your active group, but you might need to change the list of groups to which you belong. For this, you run the vigr command (as root):

$ sudo vigr

In particular, let’s say we’re on a VirtualBox VM with user vmuser, and consider the following line at the bottom of the file:


If you see this line, it means the vmuser account will not be able to access shared folders. We can fix this by changing the line to:


Now, when we save and quit, we’ll see a message telling us to run vigr -s, which edits the shadow copy of the file. This is a security feature that hides some of the group details from the /etc/group file. Run:

$ sudo vigr -s

and make the same change:


At this point, you will have to log out of your VM and back in (you don’t need to restart it, though that will also work), and you’ll now have access to shared folders!

Chapter 5 Network Commands

Most Posix systems will have the same set of commands you can call from the shell. Linux added the iproute2 suite of tools, which provide the same functionality with some additional bells and whistles.

Classic Posix Command iproute2 Equivalent
ifconfig ip link, ip address
route, netstat -r ip route, ip route get
Table 5.1

Most iproute2 subcommands can be abbreviated, such as ip addr instead of ip address. You will need to install the iproute2 package to have access to these.

5.1 ifconfig

This command gives you information about all of the network devices on the host, whether configured or not. For example, on a VirtualBox VM:

$ ifconfig
enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe9c:c99f  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 08:00:27:9c:c9:9f  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 319  bytes 195592 (195.5 KB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 258  bytes 41861 (41.8 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 46  bytes 3982 (3.9 KB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 46  bytes 3982 (3.9 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

The first entry shows the enp0s2 device. The e typically indicates that this is an ethernet device. The second entry shows the lo device, which is “loopback” or “local” (they’re different names for the same thing).

Each one has a set of flags, in this case both devices are UP and RUNNING, which means they are ready to handle packets. The mtu is the maximum transmission unit for the connection to the next-hop through that device, which is the number of bytes a single packet can contain. 65536 is the largest size that an IP packet can be.

The address for the device is given by inet (or inet6 for IPv6). The netmask defines the subnet size.

A device with a hardware address also has ether followed by that address.

The rest is mostly statistics for the device. RX means received data, and TX means transmitted data.

5.2 ip link

The iproute2 suite separates link (device) information from address information. For the former, you use the ip link command (in the PDF version this will be cut off, as it will for some of the later commands):

$ ip link
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel
    state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:9c:c9:9f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Compare these with the information from ifconfig. The format is slightly different, and there’s a little information that ifconfig didn’t provide, like qdisc. This is a Linux-specific feature that the Posix command doesn’t know about.

5.3 ip address

We can get the address information, as well. In fact, this provides us with essentially everything that ifconfig provides, just formatted differently (and with the Linux additions):

$ ip address
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
    group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel
    state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:9c:c9:9f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute enp0s3
       valid_lft 72430sec preferred_lft 72430sec
    inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe9c:c99f/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Now we have the hardware type and address first, followed by the IP and IPv6 addresses. Note that the addresses are given in CIDR notation. The only thing we don’t have here are the RX and TX statistics.

5.4 Routing Tables

The route command prints out the routing table for the host. Note that some systems, like MacOS (which is otherwise Posix), have a route command that behaves a bit differently. Again, from a VM:

$ route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         _gateway         UG    100    0        0 enp0s3   U     100    0        0 enp0s3

You can also use netstat -r, which should provide identical output.

The iproute2 suite has ip route instead:

$ ip route
default via dev enp0s3 proto dhcp metric 100 dev enp0s3 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 

You can see that the information is all there, in different format, with the notable addition of the source address the host will use when sending a new packet based on that forwarding rule.

You can also ask what rule a particular address will use:

$ ip route get dev enp0s3 src uid 1000 

5.5 Connecting Layers 2 and 3

We can examine the ARP cache with either of the following:

$ arp
Address                  HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface
_gateway                 ether   52:54:00:12:35:02   C                     enp0s3

This is the standard Posix command. The fields should be fairly self-explanatory.

$ ip neighbor dev enp0s3 lladdr 52:54:00:12:35:02 DELAY

This is the iproute2 command (which can be abbreviated as short as ip n).

Obviously, on a VM there isn’t much going on. Here’s what we might see on a laptop:

$ arp -an
? ( at 0:0:c:7:ac:0 on en0 ifscope [ethernet]
? ( at 2:e0:52:40:3f:40 on en8 ifscope [ethernet]
? ( at cc:4e:24:d1:b0:0 on en8 ifscope [ethernet]
? ( at 1:0:5e:0:0:fb on en8 ifscope permanent [ethernet]

This is on MacOS, so we have to provide -a. The -n prevents addresses from being converted to hostnames, as with other network commands. The format is also slightly different, as you can see.

5.6 Existing Network Connections

The existence of netstat -r might provide a hint that netstat can do other things, as well. Here’s a particularly useful command:

$ netstat -taun
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 ::1:631                 :::*                    LISTEN     
udp        0      0 *                          
udp        0      0 *                          
udp        0      0    *                          
udp        0      0  *                          
udp6       0      0 :::50307                :::*                               
udp6       0      0 :::5353                 :::*                               

Here are what these flags mean:

Flag Meaning
-t match TCP sockets
-u match UDP sockets
-a show all, not just active, sockets
-n just show numeric addresses/ports
-p (not shown) the PID and process name (if permitted)
Table 5.2

Note that on MacOS (and some other Posix platforms), -u tells netstat to display Unix sockets, which are for interprocess communication on the host.

5.7 Examining Connectivity

Our two workhorses here are ping and traceroute. Both take a number of options, but generally are called as

ping <destination>

Here’s an example of ping:

$ ping -c 3 gizmonic.cs.umd.edu
PING gizmonic.cs.umd.edu ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from gizmonic.cs.umd.edu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.928 ms
64 bytes from gizmonic.cs.umd.edu ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=1.57 ms
64 bytes from gizmonic.cs.umd.edu ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=1.33 ms

--- gizmonic.cs.umd.edu ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.928/1.280/1.575/0.268 ms

This shows you we have a working network path to gizmonic, as well as the round-trip times. We lost no packets, and also get to see the statistics for the round-trip times.

traceroute lets us examine the path between us and a destination:

$ traceroute www.google.com
traceroute to www.google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  _gateway (  0.240 ms  0.152 ms  0.084 ms
 2  router-604.cs.umd.edu (  2.840 ms  4.756 ms  6.638 ms
 3  csnat03.priv.cs.umd.edu (  0.791 ms  0.851 ms  1.129 ms
 4 (  9.209 ms  12.075 ms  15.525 ms
 5  * * *
 6 (  2.105 ms  1.412 ms  1.492 ms
 7 (  1.617 ms  1.676 ms  1.676 ms
 8 (  2.628 ms  2.510 ms  2.507 ms
 9 (  2.887 ms  2.982 ms  3.128 ms
10  mbp-t1-1720.maxgigapop.net (  4.431 ms  4.330 ms  4.147 ms
11  * * *
12 (  4.098 ms  4.033 ms (  5.498 ms
13  iad23s42-in-f4.1e100.net (  4.172 ms (  4.860 ms (  3.960 ms

You can suppress the conversion of IP addresses to names with the -n flag. The way traceroute works is that it sends a small packet with a very small TTL flag, and waits to see the ICMP Time Exceeded message, the sender of which is TTL hops away. Note that this is not reliable, as paths can vary from packet to packet.

5.8 Finding Other Hosts

Your simplest go-to for looking up a host’s IP address given its name is to use the host command:

$ host gizmonic.cs.umd.edu

On older systems, you would use

$ nslookup gizmonic.cs.umd.edu

This has been deprecated on newer systems, so you should always use host when available. If you want more detail about the query and response, you can use dig instead:

$ dig gizmonic.cs.umd.edu

All of these have a number of options available to you to control what kinds of queries you perform. They are also able to perform reverse lookups. That is, given an IP address, they will tell you the (canonical) hostname:

$ host
$ dig -x

You can also find out who registered a domain with whois:

$ whois umd.edu

You can even find out who owns the subnet an address is in:

$ whois

Chapter 6 Docker

What is docker? You can think of it like a lightweight VM. It’s really considerably different, because it uses the host processor, memory, network stack, etc., without creating virtual hardware. We can throw around terms like user-level filesystems, process groups, and network namespaces, but the important part is that you can run a self-contained guest Linux OS within another host Linux OS, with applications and all of their dependencies. The guest can only see the resources given to it by the host, so it provides some (minimal) level of security. It also means we can start a process from a known-clean state, so we have repeatability.

6.1 Installation

The first thing we need to do is install docker. If you’re running Linux, there’s a good chance that your package manager already has docker available (don’t confuse it with a KDE package of the same name!), but for the most up-to-date version, you can download it from https://docker.com. One slight complication is if you’re running Red Hat Enterprise Linux; Fedora and CentOS are just fine. There’s a special version of docker that works with RHEL, but it doesn’t work as easily. At this point, you can ignore the rest of this section.

If you’re running MacOS, then there’s a download available from https://docker.com called Docker Desktop. It installs and runs easily. At this point, you can ignore the rest of this section.

If you’re running Windows, life becomes more complicated. We’re going to restrict ourselves to Docker Desktop under Windows 10. The next thing you need to do is ensure you’re running at least version 2004, which supports Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (WSL 2).

You should now be able to run all docker commands from either PowerShell or the WSL Ubuntu (or other distribution) shell.

6.2 Docker Images

Let’s start with the concept of an image. This is the self-contained guest Linux OS, which is configured to automatically run some process when it starts. Nothing is running in it – you can think of it like a hard drive.

The easiest way to get an image is to pull it from a registry. Docker has a default registry built in. We have, at times, used a course VM that is running Ubuntu 16.04 for a common baseline, and it turns out there’s an image available with this OS on it! Here’s the command to run:

docker pull ubuntu:16.04

Let’s go through this command. docker is, of course, the utility we’re using. The pull command tells us that we want to get something from a registry. In this case, we’re getting the ubuntu image from the default registry. If we just left it at this, we’d get all of the ubuntu variants. Instead, we add :16.04. That tells docker we only want one image, and it’s the one with the tag “16.04”.

When the command completes, try running

docker images

You should see something like:

REPOSITORY        TAG               IMAGE ID          CREATED           SIZE
ubuntu            16.04             2a4cca5ac898      28 hours ago      111MB

Most of this should be fairly self-explanatory. The image ID is another hexadecimal number, like with git, but it’s clearly not a SHA-1 hash. It really doesn’t matter what it is, other than a unique identifier for this image.

We can do a few things with this image, aside from running it. Try the following:

docker tag ubuntu:16.04 my_ubuntu
docker images

Note that we now see the same image ID twice, but with different names. By default, a repository (the tagless part of an image name) is tagged as latest if you don’t specify one. Let’s try specifying a tag, though:

docker tag ubuntu:16.04 foo:bar
docker images

The results should not be surprising.

We can quickly build up a lot of images we don’t want anymore, so it’s good to know how to clean these up. Let’s get rid of our new tagged images:

docker rmi my_ubuntu:latest foo:bar
docker images

A common problem is that we’ll end up reusing an old tag, leaving an image with no repository:tag name. These show up as <none>:<none>. We can get rid of all of these with the following bash one-liner:

docker images -a | grep none | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi

For the curious, feel free to read the man pages for awk and xargs.

The commands here are largely from an older version of docker. Now they’re aliases to new-style commands. Here’s the mapping:

Old Command New Command
docker images docker image list
docker pull docker image pull
docker rmi docker image rm
docker tag docker image tag
Table 6.1

6.3 Running an Image in a Container

Images are all fine and good, but we actually want to use docker to do something, which means we have to run these images. An image runs in a container. The container has system resources allocated to it, and runs a program or programs that exist in the image. A container runs a single image, but an image may be running in multiple containers.

Containers can also be started with various options, such as elevated privileges, mounted volumes, environment variables, and so on. The most basic invocation is

docker run ubuntu:16.04

If you run this, you’ll find that it pauses for a second or so, and then returns to the command line. If you want to see running containers, run

docker ps

You see headings, but probably no actual containers. Now, try

docker ps -a

Now we have something! Here’s an example of what you might see:

CONTAINER ID    IMAGE           COMMAND         CREATED           
  STATUS                          PORTS               NAMES
1b937126d5bc    ubuntu:16.04    "/bin/bash"     About a minute ago
  Exited (0) About a minute ago                       upbeat_archimedes

Let’s parse this out:

By default, names are assigned randomly according to the pattern <adjective>_<scientist>

We can assign a name to the container, which is often useful:

docker run --name=bash_test ubuntu:16.04

This will behave similarly to the previous command, but if we run

docker ps -a

We’ll now see our container named bash_test along with whatever random name our first container was assigned.

Usually, an image is defined to do something useful when run non-interactively. We can get interactive access to the container, though, as follows:

docker run -ti ubuntu:16.04

We’ve passed two new options to docker run. The -t option allocates a pseudo-TTY, and the -i option makes the container interactive. You should now have a shell on the container running as root! If you run docker ps in another terminal, you will see that the container status is “Up

When you’re done playing around in this shell, exit to stop the container.

You will often want to have access to your computer’s files in a container. You can do this with the volume mount option, -v. It takes two directories, separated by a colon. The first directory is an absolute path to a host directory, while the second is where this directory should be “mounted” in the container. For example,

docker run -ti -v "$(pwd):/mnt" ubuntu:16.04

will run the same interactive container as before, but now the /mnt directory in the container contains the directory in which you ran the docker command (it is the exact directory, so changes in the container appear on the host, and vice-versa). It is worth dissecting the argument a bit more. The double quotes are in case the host directory contains any spaces in it, which has become very common. The other thing that double quotes do, in contrast to single quotes, is process any shell expansions. Here, $(pwd) runs the command pwd (print working directory) and substitutes it into the string. Most Posix systems (such as Linux) define an empty /mnt directory so that you can mount remote directories or temporarily connected devices (though these often now appear under /media).

At this point, you probably want to get rid of these stopped containers. Run:

docker rm bash_test
docker ps -a

You’ll still have the two randomly-named containers, but the one named bash_test should no longer be present. Remove the other two, as well.

We don’t have to run the configured program in a container; we can run any command that’s present on the image. Let’s see this in action:

docker run ubuntu:16.04 /bin/date

That should print the date in the container. It’s probably in UTC, while running /bin/date (or the equivalent) on your computer should print the date in your local time zone. You can also specify options:

docker run ubuntu:16.04 ls /var

Another very useful option is –rm, which will get rid of the container once it stops:

docker run --rm --name="rm_test" ubuntu:16.04 ls /var

We’ve once again been using old-style commands, which are aliases:

Old Command New Command
docker run docker container run
docker ps docker container ls
Table 6.2

6.4 Stopping a Running Container

A container might become unresponsive, or it might be a long-running service that you want to terminate. You can do this with either of the following:

docker kill <container>
docker stop <container>

stop is more graceful, trying SIGTERM first, and then SIGKILL. kill sends SIGKILL by default, but this can be overridden on the command line.

Old Command New Command
docker kill docker container kill
docker stop docker container stop
Table 6.3

6.5 Removing Stopped Containers

As with images, you’ll tend to accumulate lots of stopped containers, unless you’ve run them all with the –rm option. Fortunately, we can get rid of these with

docker rm <container>

which is now an alias for

docker container rm <container>

6.6 Other Options for Running Containers

Here are some useful options you might want to use:

Option Argument Effect
–rm removes container after exit
-ti run interactively with a pTTY
-e <vars> set environment variables
-h <hostname> set the container’s hostname
-p <hport>:<cport> map host’s <hport> to container’s <cport>
-v <hdir>:<cdir> mount host’s <hdir> on <cdir>
Table 6.4

6.7 Executing Commands in a Running Container

Sometimes you need to examine what’s going on inside a container. That’s where the exec command can come in handy. It’s a lot like run but for a container, rather than an image. Here’s a common thing you might want to do:

docker run --name=svc_instance my_service:latest
docker exec -ti svc_instance /bin/bash

What this does is to first start a container using the latest version of the image my_service, and name the container svc_instance, and then to execute an interactive bash shell on that container. You don’t have to exec an interactive command, though. There may be times when you want to run something like:

docker exec svc_instance touch /var/cache/magic_file

in order to change the behavior of a running process. As with the other commands we’ve looked at, docker exec is now an alias for docker container exec.

6.8 Getting Process Output

Many processes send their output to STDOUT or STDERR. Since there’s no TTY available to the process in a container, this output would generally be lost. Docker saves this output for you, however, and you can retrieve these by running

docker logs <container>
docker container logs <container>

The first command is now an alias for the second command. There are a number of options, such as –since to limit the timeframe of the logs returned, -f to continue to follow the logs rather than just dumping their current contents and exiting, and -t to show timestamps at the beginnings of lines.

Chapter 7 Python

Python has two major version in current use: 2.7 and 3. In many cases, these behave identially, but there are some differences. Try things out in the interactive interpreter, which you can start by typing python with no arguments.

For functions, classes, and modules, there’s a built-in help system. Simply type help(item) for the documentation on item.

An important note about python: scope is indentation-based! A change of indentation is a change of scope, and you cannot mix spaces and tabs. You should probably ensure that your editor uses spaces for indentation in python, and be careful of reflexively using the tab key for indentation unless you’re sure your editor will replace tabs with spaces. You can break up long statements on multiple lines, but only if it’s unambiguous that you’re in the middle of a statement (such as within parenetheses or braces) or you use a line continuation character. I’m not going to tell you what the continuation character is, since it makes code ugly.

7.1 Terminal Output

print is a statement in python2.7, and a function in python3. You can treat it like a function in both, and it will generally do what you expect:

print('Hello world')

This will print a string to STDOUT.

Printing to STDERR, which is what you should do for debug messages, is more complex. There are two portable ways to do this:

import sys
sys.stderr.write('Hello world\n')

This uses the filehandle directly.

import sys
from __future__ import print_function
print('Hello world', file=sys.stderr)

This will ensure that the python3-style print function is present, even in python2.7.

7.2 Terminal Input

A simple way to read from STDIN is

import sys

while True:
    line = sys.stdin.readline()
    if '' == line:

You can also use the raw_input or input functions, but this is where things get messy. In python2.7, raw_input reads a line from STDIN, while input calls raw_input and then evaluates the result as a python expression. In python3, input behaves like python2.7’s raw_input, and there is no raw_input function. We can hack our way around this, though:

if 'raw_input' not in dir(__builtins__):
    raw_input = input

    while True:
        line = raw_input()

Note that both of these require some special way to handle the end of file: either testing against an empty string or handling an exception. A third way is:

import sys

for line in sys.stdin:

Note how much simpler this is! This is, in general, how we would read from any file.

7.3 Files

Python has an open function, that opens files for reading or writing, potentially in binary mode, and possibly (for writing) in append mode. See help(open) for details. We generally want to use these with the with keyword, which provides automatic file closing and other cleanup:

with open('input_file.txt') as in_file:
    for line in in_file:
        pass # This is a no-op

with open('output_file.txt', 'w') as out_file:
    out_file.write('Hello world!\n')

with open('output_file.txt', 'w') as out_file:
    print('Hello world!', file=out_file)

7.4 Scalar Types

Python has integers and floating-point numbers. Unlike many languages, all integers are arbitrary-length, as long as you have enough memory to represent them.

Python2.7 has strings, which do double-duty as byte arrays. In python3, there is a separate bytes type, and strings are utf-8 encoded by default. Most of the time, you can ignore these differences. Strings can be single-quoted or double-quoted. There isn’t much reason to prefer one over the other, though if you want to use the quote character in the string, you’ll have to escape it:

s1 = "How's it goin'?"
s2 = 'How\'s it goin\'?'

7.5 Iterable Types

Python also has lists and tuples. The difference is that a list can be modified, a tuple cannot:

list1 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]  # Initialize a list with elements
list2 = []              # Create an empty list
list2.append(1)         # Append an item to the list
list3 = list()          # Another way to create an empty list
list3.extend([1,2,3])   # Add multiple items to the list

tuple1 = ( 1, 2, 3, 4)  # Create a tuple with explicit entries
tuple2 = tuple(list1)   # Create a tuple from another iterable

There are other iterable types, defined by particular methods they have.

Lists and tuples can be accessed by indexes:

list1[0]   # first element
list1[-1]  # last element

They also support slicing:

list1[1:3]    # returns [ list1[1], list1[2] ]
list1[2:]     # returns [ list1[2], ..., list1[-1] ]
list1[:3]     # returns [ list1[0], list1[1], list1[2] ]
list1[0:3:2]  # returns [ list1[0], list1[2] ]
list1[0::2]   # returns all even-indexed entries
list1[::2]    # same

You can iterate over the elements of a list or tuple:

for v in list1:

Note that a string (or byte string) can also be indexed like a list and iterated over.

If you want to create an iterable of integers, you can use the range function:

stop_val  = 10
start_val = 1
step_val  = 2
range(stop_val)                     # range of ints from 0 through 9
range(start_val,stop_val)           # range of ints from 1 through 9
range(start_val,stop_val,step_val)  # odd ints from 1 through 9

7.6 Dictionaries

A python dictionary, or dict, is a map type.

d = {}                  # Create an empty dict
d = dict()              # Create an empty dict
d = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }  # Create a dict with initial values

Keys and values can be of any type, and python does not require keys or values to be uniform in type:

d = dict()
d[1] = 'a'
d['a'] = 2

Dictionaries are also iterable, though the iterator will be the keys, in some order:

for k in d:

dict has a number of useful methods (see help(dict) for more):

Method Returns
keys() an iterable containing the keys
values() an iterable containing the values
items() an iterable containing (key,value) tuples
get(k) value for key k, or None if not present
get(k,x) value for key k, or x if not present
pop(k) value for key k, removing entry from dict
Table 7.1

7.7 None

Python has a special type called NoneType, which has a single instance, named None. This is roughly python’s equivalent of null.

7.8 List Comprehensions

Python has some functional programming elements, one of which is list comprehensions. Here’s a simple example:

[ x**2 for x in xs ]

This takes a list of values named xs and returns a list of the values squared. These can be combined extensively:

[ x*y for x in xs for y in ys ]

The order can matter:

d = dict()
d['a'] = [ 1,2,3 ]
d['b'] = [ 4,5,6 ]
d['c'] = [ 7,8,9 ]
print([ x for k in d for x in d[k] ])

7.9 Formatted Strings

The simple way to construct a formatted string is to use the string class’s format function:

s1 = 'This is {} test'.format('a')
s2 = 'The square of {} is {}'.format(2,4)
s3 = '{1} is the square of {0}'.format(2,4)
s4 = 'The first 5 powers of {x} are {pows}'.format(
         pows=[2**e for e in range(1,6)]

7.10 Control Flow

Like any good language, python has a number of control flow expressions. Here are a few:

if boolean_expression:
elif boolean_expression_2:

Both elif and else are optional.

for x in xs:

We’ve seen this before; it’s a simple for loop

while boolean_expression:

In all of these, boolean_expression is just something that evaluates to True or False (python’s boolean constants). Python will coerce things:

7.11 Combining Lists

We’ve already seen list.extend() as a way to append an entire list to another. Sometimes we want to do other things, though. Say we have a list of items, and we’d like to do something that involves their list index. We could do this:

for i in len(xs):
    print('item {} of xs is {}'.format(i,xs[i]))

There’s another way we can do this, though:

for (i,v) in zip(range(len(xs)), xs):
    print('item {} of xs is {}'.format(i,v))

In this case, it doesn’t seem to buy us much, but if we’ve read in two sequences from two different sources, but we know they should correlated, then we could use:

for (a,b) in zip(a_list, b_list):

The zip function can take multiple sequences, and will truncate the resulting tuple to the length of the shortest sequence.

7.12 Functions

Python has functions. It even has anonymous functions. Let’s start with normal functions:

def my_func():

This defines a function named my_func that takes no arguments and does nothing, returning None.

def my_func(a):

Now we’ve added an argument to our function. Arguments can be passed based on position or name:


The latter is nice, because you don’t have to worry about argument order:

def my_func(a,b):

A common python idiom is to define very flexible functions like:

def my_func(a,b, *args, **kwargs):

This means we can provide additional positional parameters, which are then captured by *args, as well as named (keyword) arguments, which are captured by **kwargs. In this case, args is a tuple, and kwargs is a dict.

A function can return a value. If there is no return statement, the return value is None:

def my_func():
    return 'a'

What about anonymous functions? We define these with the lambda keyword:

f = lambda x: x**2

This doesn’t look like it gives us a lot of advantages over named functions, but it can be extremely handy:

num_output = map(lambda x: int(x,16), output)

def my_func(a,b):
    return a*b
f = lambda a: my_func(a,2)

7.13 Classes

Without going into a lot of detail, python has a rich type system. Here’s a simple class:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self,a):
        self.a = a

This defines a type Foo and a constructor that takes two values. Here’s how we create an instance:

foo = Foo(1)

By calling the class name as a function, python automatically makes this a call to the __init__ method, with the newly allocated instance as the first argument, named self by convention.

Other methods can be defined similarly. Any instance method should have self as the first argument. Methods are otherwise almost identical to normal functions.

Python is duck-typed. That is, if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck, it’s a duck. When you use a value, if it conforms to the expected interface, you’re good.

You can query an object for its methods and data elements:


7.14 Modules

A module is a python library. We’ve already used the sys and __future__ modules. To use a module foo, you need to import it:

import foo

Now anything defined in foo, say a method bar, can be accessed through foo’s namespace:


We can also import things into the current namespace:

from foo import bar
from foo import *

The first line means we can reference bar without foo., but the second means we can reference everything in foo without the namespace. This is generally a bad idea, because it makes it less clear where a function or class comes from. Some packages work much better with this type of import, however, like scapy:

from scapy.all import *

How do we create a module? We’ll keep it easy, and only consider single-file modules. Feel free to look up more complex modules. If you want to create a module named foo, you would simply create a file named foo.py, and define functions, classes, and variables in it as normal. Now, when you import foo, all of those will exist within foo’s namespace.


def bar(a):
    print('foo: {}'.format(a))

top-level script:

import foo


7.15 Useful Modules

The sys module is the one you’re most likely to import. It has a lot of functions, but one of its most useful elements is the sys.argv list. This contains the positional parameters to the script, in the order provided on the command line. The first element is the script name.

import sys
for arg in sys.argv:
    print('We were called with argument {}'.format(arg))

The random module is also very useful; it provides random numbers:

import random
r = random.Random()
r.choice(['a','b','c']) # choose a random element from the list
r.sample(range(100),5)  # choose 5 unique elements from [0,100)
r.randint(5,10)         # choose an integer in the range [5,10]
r.uniform(5,10)         # choose a float in the range [5,10)
r.gauss(75,10)          # choose a gaussian-distributed float with mean
                        # 75 and standard deviation 10

The subprocess module lets you call other processes, potentially capturing their output. We won’t go into how to use it here. See

depending on which version of python you’re using.

Finally, the argparse module is a great way to process command-line arguments, if you need something fancier than just sys.argv. Here’s an example to illustrate:

from argparse import ArgumentParser

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-s', '--students',
                    help='JSON file containing the student enrollments'
parser.add_argument('-g', '--groups',
                    help='JSON file containing the student groups'
args = parser.parse_args()

students = list()
with open(args.students) as f:
    students = json.load(f)

See the documentation for details; there’s a lot to see here.

7.16 A Complete Script

This doesn’t do much useful, but it should work, when saved to a file and made executable:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import random
import sys

count = int(sys.argv[1])
min = int(sys.argv[2])
max = int(sys.argv[3])

r = random.Random()

nums = [ r.uniform(min,max) for _ in range(count) ]

print('Generated {n} random numbers between {a} and {b}'.format(
   b=max ))
print('Values: {}'.format(nums))

Chapter 8 Python Scapy

The scapy module is extremely useful, but the documentation is somewhat lacking. Consequently, here is a simple cookbook of handy scapy recipes. Note that this chapter assumes you are familiar with networking, the OSI model, and packet formats.

8.1 Importing Scapy

Unlike most modules, scapy requires a global import to be useful:

from scapy.all import *

This imports all exported symbols from the scapy.all submodule into the global namespace. The rest of our examples assume your program has done this.

8.2 Reading and Writing Packet Capture Files

Your life will be easiest if all of your captures are in pure pcap format, not a format like pcap-ng. Wireshark, tshark, and dumpcap will generally produce pcap, unless you capture on all interfaces, in which case you will get pcap-ng files. That is, unless you override the default behavior. For dumpcap, which is our recommended way to capture packets (when feasible), the -P option will force normal pcap output.

Having said all that:

frames = rdpcap('file.cap')

This opens a pcap file named file.cap for reading, and returns an iterable, which we’ve called frames, because it potentially contains layer-2 frames, rather than layer-3 packets. That will depend on the capture file, however.

We can iterate over these as follows:

for f in frames:

This loop does noting (pass is a nop in python).

To write packets to a file, we would call:

wrpcap('outfile.pcap', pkts)

pkts may be packets or frames, and should be an iterable, such as a list.

8.3 Dissecting Packets and Frames

Scapy stores everything in dict-like objects, which is handy. The objects are actually built as a series of layers. Consider:

for f in frames:
    if IP not in f:
    pkt = f[IP]

First, we verify that there’s an IP layer in this object, and if not we skip to the next one. Then we get the IP layer of f, which may be identically f or it may be a layer (at any depth).

We can also do more complex things, skipping over layers we don’t care about:

for f in frames:
    if DNS not in f:
    d = f[DNS]

This might be a DNS layer within a UDP layer within an IP layer within an Ether layer. The nice thing is that we don’t have to care.

At a given layer, there are a number of fields that we can access:

for f in frames:
    if DNS not in f:
    d = f[DNS]

The easiest way to get a feel for what’s in a scapy object is to call the display method:

for f in frames:
    if DNS in f:

The first call will print (to stdout) all of the layers, including their fields, while the second will only print information about the DNS layer.

8.4 Creating Scapy Objects

Scapy has fairly normal constructors:

pkt = IP(dst='')

It also has a layering operator:

pkt = IP(dst='')
udp = UDP(dport=123)
p = pkt/udp

We can simplify this:

pkt = IP(dst='')
udp = UDP(dport=123)
pkt /= udp

We can even simplify it further:

pkt = IP(dst='')/UDP(dport=123)

Here are some layers that might interest you:

What’s this Raw layer? It’s literally a raw sequence of bytes:

pkt = IP(dst='')/UDP(dport=123)/Raw('This is a test')

This just wraps the bytes in an appropriate scapy layer object, and we can shorten this:

pkt = IP(dst='')/UDP(dport=123)/'This is a test'

We can also nest things further:

pkt = IP(dst='')/UDP(dport=123)/IP(
       src='',dst='')/ICMP()/'This is a test'

8.5 Sending and Receiving Packets

Finally, how do we connect to the actual network, rather than just working with files?

If you’re creating packets at layer 3 (that is, starting from the IP layer), you can just call:


You can send and then wait for a response, as well:

new_pkt = sr1(pkt)

Here, new_pkt is the response received.

To just receive packets from an interface:

def my_callback(pkt):

sniff(iface=None, count=0, prn=my_callback)

Specifying None for iface (the default) captures on all interfaces. A count of 0 (the default) captures forever; nonzero will stop after that number of packets have been received. See help(sniff) for more parameters, including filters.