A Consumer's
Guide to Modern Computer RAM
There's a lot of stuff out there on RAM. In fact, another group of former
students put together a really
good technical guide to Hennessy and Patterson's RAM chapter. So why, do you
ask, would we choose to tackle this topic? Well, we'd like to make this whole RAM
thing seem a little more real.
Ever gone out to buy a PC and had to decide whether you needed EDO or non-EDO DRAM?
SIMMs or DIMMs? Asynchronous, pipeline-burst, writeback flowthru, non-blocking...
well, you get the idea.
Our goal was to make an "all-in-one" guide to modern RAM, catching all the
buzzwords we could and passing their meanings on to you, the informed consumer. No
longer can you be manipulated by those "modern day used car salesmen" (as the
good doctor likes to call PC vendors). Additionally, we'll even throw in a little of
the more interesting H&P stuff that isn't in the other RAM guide, just for kicks.
H&P-style study questions are included at the end of each section.
So sit back, hold on tight, and select your category! |