What are the speed of modem, ISDN, DSL, Cable TV network and Leased Lines (T1, T3)?
Modem (Modulator/DEModulator)
The speed of modem is 56-Kbps downloads and 33.6-Kbps uploads that was defined by the V series standards from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
ISDN connection supports the speed of up to 128Kbps.
Cable TV network
The realized throughput hovers around 512 Kbps
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), which allocates line bandwidth asymmetrically with downstream (CO to customer premises) data rates of up to 9 Mbps and upstream rates of up to 640 Kbps, depending on the implementation
High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL), which supports high-speed, full-duplex communication up to T1 or E2 speeds over multiple twisted-pair lines Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL), which supports standard telephone communication and T1 or E1 data communication over a single twisted-pair line Very High-rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL), which supports downstream speeds of up to 52 Mbps over short distances
Leased Line
T-1 connection supports up to 1.544 Mbps that is the increment of 64-Kbps or 56-Kbps by selecting the number of DS0 channels to multiplex together. T-3 connection runs at 45Mbps that is equivalent in throughput to approximately 30 T-1 lines.