2024 Updates
- Our paper on tracing paper was rejected from Eurocrypt.
- We have updated the eprint version of Dora! Turns out we significantly under-reported Dora's performance due to a bug.
- NSF has chosen to fund our proposal Collaborative Research: ReDDDoT Phase 2: Enabling Participatory Privacy Protections for AI Training Data! This will be collaborative work with Elissa M Redmiles (Georgetown University), dana boyd (Georgetown University), Sean Kross (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center), Rachel Cummings (Columbia Univerity), Priyanka Nanayakkara (Harvard University), Jayshree Sarathy (Northeastern University) and Hal Triedman (Wikimedia Foundation and Cornell Tech).
- Our paper "Dora: A Simple Approach to Zero-Knowledge for RAM Programs" (an updated version of our preprint) has also been accepted to ACM CCS 2024 -- after some minor revisions that significantly improved the results! An updated version will appear on eprint shortly.
- Our paper "Pulsar: Secure Steganography through Diffusion Models" has been accepted to ACM CCS 2024!
- Our paper on tracing paper was also rejected from Crypto, but review comments are making the paper much better!
- I'm going to be giving an invited talk at CFAIL, expanding on my recent RWC talk on deploying MPC!
- Our Talk "Analyzing Cryptography in Context: The Case Study of Apple's CSAM Scanning Proposal" accepted at CAW24 (Affilited with Eurocrypt 2024)!
- We submitted a comment on NIST SP 800-226: Guidelines for Evaluating Differential Privacy Guarantees. You can read our comment here.
- Two papers about which I was particularly excited, Dora and Pulsar, both rejected from USENIX Security
- Our paper on tracing the origin of viral messages is E2E systems was rejected from Eurocrypt 2024
- Our Talk "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly — Lessons from an MPC for Social Good Deployment" accepted at RWC24! Unfortunetly, our other talk submission was rejected.