CMSC 412 Midterm #1 (Spring 1998)
1) (20 points) Deadlock
Mutual exclusion: only one process may use resource at a time
Hold-and-wait: resources held by one process, and other must wait until granted access
No Preemption: once one process has a resource, no other process can take it away.
Circular Wait: process a holds resource 1, needs resource 2; process b holds 2, needs 1.
If multiple instances of a resource exist, can have four conditions, but still not be deadlocked because a process not involved in the cycle could release a resource.
2) (15 points) Synchronization
Test-and-set(int *loc) { Int word = 1; Swap word, *loc Return word }
Other process can access shared data because interrupts on only one processor are turned off.
3) (25 points) You have to solve a variation of the readers-writers problem, in which multiple writers can write at the same time. Specifically, there are readers and writers. Up to 5 reads at the same time are allowed, but only one write at the same time are allowed. A read and a write at the same time is not allowed. Provide a solution using semaphores with the following properties:
Below is a skeleton program for you to build upon by supplying code for the boxes and perhaps introducing more variables. You are also welcome to disregard this skeleton and come up with something else.
Declare variables and semaphores here. Please indicate initial values.
Semaphore mutex = 0 Semaphore writer = 0 Semaphore reader = 0 int nReader = 0 int nWriter = 0 int wReader = 0 int wWriter = 0 Writers execute this code: while (1) { P(mutex); if (nReader + wWriter + nWriter == 0) { nWriter++; V(mutex); } else { wWriter++; V(mutex); P(writer); } Write operation; P(mutex); NWriter = 0; If (wReaders > 0) { for i = 1 to min(wReaders,5) { V(readers) nReaders++; wReaders--; } else if (wWriters > 0) { wWriters--; nWriters++; V(writer); } V(mutex); } Readers execute this code: while (1) { P(mutex) if (nWriters + wWriter == 0 & nReader < 5) { nReaders++; V(mutex); } else { wReaders++; V(mutex); P(reader); } Read operation; P(mutex); nReaders--; if (wWriters > 0 & nReaders == 0) { wWriters--; nWriters++; V(writer); } else if (wReaders > 0 & wWriters == 0) { nReaders++; wReaders--; } V(mutex);
4) (20 points) Consider the following code from the project, part 2:
void interrupt yield_process () { ... _AX = FP_SEG(dispatch); /* Push the address of dispatch */ asm push ax _AX = FP_OFF(dispatch); /* on the top of the stack */ asm push ax runq.stack_top = MK_FP(_SS,_SP); ... }
The stack might have changed while running the thread, so we need to save the current value.
Alhtough system_service has already saved the state on the stack when it starts, yield_process is called within system_service which may have changed the state (for example due to local variables on the stack in system_serivce).
5) (20 points) Scheduling. It has been claimed that for every scheduling strategy, there is a counter strategy (a way for a user to exploit the policy to their advantage and the detriment of other users). For each scheduling policy below, describe a counter strategy. For all cases, assume we are using a mulit-level feedback queue that does round-robin scheduling within each priority level.
Yield the processor an epsilon before your time is up, and the process will remain at the highest priority level.
Just before the end of a quantum, perform a I/O operation such as write a character to the screen.
Start the process before it is needed and have it repeatedly yield the processors to save up credits. When the process is ready to run, it can then hold the processor for a long time. For example, start a process a midnight, and yield til 8 AM when work is ready to be done.