This event has ended!
Wearsys 2020 has ended and the information in this page regarding attending the event is outdated. You can still visit
Hi! We warmly welcome you to take part in WearSys 2020 workshop held in parallel to Mobisys 2020. This is the premier ACM workshop on the recent work on Wearable systems.
The event will be held online 19th June 2020 (Friday) afternoon 6:30PM (Sri Lankan time) onwards.
How to attend?
(You don't have to register in order to attend the conference.)
Zoom link
Password: 324547
Keynote Talks and papers
Papers: 10 papers about wearable computing devices
Instructions on registering
Need help?
If you want any help with registering for Wearsys 2020, please ask for help
What can you do after registering?