EM509 Stochastic Processes is a course taught by Dr. Rathnamali Palamkumbura of the Department of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2020.
The official course page is here. You are on an unofficial supplementary material page.
The unofficail webpage is an attempt to archive the content from the course for the benifit of students. There is no reason for this being hosted on Gihan's URL (He was not the IIC). All the content belongs to Dr. Rathnamali Palamkumbura.
This course is not offered regularly. You have to talk to the lecturer [rpalamATpdnDOTacDOTlk] several weeks in advance if you wish to take the course.
Kobayashi, H., Mark, B.L. and Turin, W., 2011. Probability, random processes, and statistical analysis: applications to communications, signal processing, queueing theory and mathematical finance. Cambridge University Press.
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