Gihan Chanaka Jayatilaka : Bookmarks

I am trying to compile a list of articles worth reading. Please note that bookmarking does not equal a blanket endorsement.

  1. My sister's food blog : cholesterol diaries
  2. Blogs (non technical) written by my friends: Bharatha, Dakshina, Kaveesha
  3. Technical blogs written by my friends: Nuwan, Samurdhi, Varuni, Chandima [SauseCode], Jayamine, Hiruna, Isuri.
  4. Programming contest videos by Mahathi -- who introduced the concept of expectation of linearity
  5. Latex
  6. Python libraries
  7. PDF manipulation
  8. Image manipulation
  9. Good articles to understand research papers
  10. Planing?
  11. Open Source Society University : Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
  12. Does one have to be a genius to do maths? By Terence Tao
  13. The Search for Randomness - Jean Bourgain (Youtube)
  14. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, 2nd ed. (Richard Szeliski) free download.
  15. Deep learning theory lecture notes by Matus Telgarsky
  16. Luc Devroye's 10 commandments of authorship. [url]

Random reads

  1. 2021-01-13 : Google Research: Looking Back at 2020, and Forward to 2021
  2. 2021-01-15 : Humans of AI (youtube series by Devi Parikh)
  3. ප්ලේන්ටිය / Plain Tea Talk Space meets weekly to discuss interesting topics. [Form to join, Youtube videos of previous weeks' discussions].
  4. The missing semester of your CS education by MIT is a set of tools to make your life in CS easier. The list includes shell, vim, git, debugging etc:. [link]
  5. What Does Any of This Have To Do with Physics? by Bob Henderson
  6. Choosing made easy by Oded Goldreich [click here and go to 9th item].
  7. Tips from neuroscience to keep you focused on hard tasks - David Badre, Nature
  8. Ideas worth looking into:
  9. Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows youtube channel.
  10. To sort:
  11. Cleaning popular datasets [github]
  12. Imgcat
  13. Understanding MMDetection
  14. Meeting rooms in IRB
  15. SSL Cookbook
  16. Cooking : Nipun (IG, English),
  17. Alyssa's photo blog on IG, vsco, and her microscope, bear, Jiaozi, SF, some other photo blog

[Last Updated 25 Feb 2025]