I am trying to compile a list of articles worth reading. Please note that bookmarking does not equal a blanket endorsement.
- My sister's food blog : cholesterol diaries
- Blogs (non technical) written by my friends: Bharatha, Dakshina, Kaveesha
- Technical blogs written by my friends: Nuwan, Samurdhi, Varuni, Chandima [SauseCode], Jayamine, Hiruna, Isuri.
- Programming contest videos by Mahathi -- who introduced the concept of expectation of linearity
- Latex
Latex table generator (also works for markdown and HTML tables)
Ipe is a good tool to draw vector graphics when you need to have latex formatted text on the image.
Library to plot neural network diagrams in LaTex documents : github.
Latex document class types.
Arxiv Latex Cleaner by Google [github]
- Python libraries
- PDF manipulation
- Image manipulation
- Good articles to understand research papers
- Planing?
- Open Source Society University : Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- Does one have to be a genius to do maths? By Terence Tao
- The Search for Randomness - Jean Bourgain (Youtube)
- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, 2nd ed. (Richard Szeliski) free download.
- Deep learning theory lecture notes by Matus Telgarsky
- Luc Devroye's 10 commandments of authorship. [url]
Random reads
- 2021-01-13 : Google Research: Looking Back at 2020, and Forward to 2021
- 2021-01-15 : Humans of AI (youtube series by Devi Parikh)
ප්ලේන්ටිය / Plain Tea Talk Space meets weekly to discuss interesting topics. [Form to join, Youtube videos of previous weeks' discussions].
The missing semester of your CS education by MIT is a set of tools to make your life in CS easier. The list includes shell, vim, git, debugging etc:. [link]
What Does Any of This Have To Do with Physics? by Bob Henderson
- Choosing made easy by Oded Goldreich [click here and go to 9th item].
- Tips from neuroscience to keep you focused on hard tasks - David Badre, Nature
Ideas worth looking into:
Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows youtube channel.
To sort:
- Pytorch image models and training scripts by Ross Wightman [github]
- Fast forward CV [FFCV github]
- Cleaning popular datasets [github]
- Imgcat
- Understanding MMDetection
Meeting rooms in IRB
- SSL Cookbook
- Cooking : Nipun (IG, English),
- Alyssa's photo blog on IG, vsco, and her microscope, bear, Jiaozi, SF, some other photo blog
[Last Updated 25 Feb 2025]