This blog post contains a checklist that I have created to be used before submitting manuscripts to conferences and journals. I will be adding content to this article on the go.
Usually, references are not put inside the conclusion.
The abstract and the conclusion should be self contained. Abbriviations are not used in either of them without being defined with the section itself.
All figures, tables and equations are numbered and referenced within the text. There is a chance for missing this condition for equations so doublechecking is important.
Check for the paper size and text size. This is one of the most common mistakes.
When the specs says "paper should be X pages", carefully look whether you can have additional pages for references. Usually, short paper lengths does not include reference page.
Use vector graphics for diagrams (PDF or SVG images which can be zoomed infinitely without loss of quality). Do not use raster graphics (JPG or PNG images that get pixalated when zoomed).
Some papers require photographs (specially image processing/computer vision papers). Use high quality images possible. It is okay to submit manuscripts with very large file sizes because the conference/journal will compress the images as they see fit to maintain a regular file size. However, you have to reduce the file size if you are uploading a preprint. Preprint repositories do not carry out sophisticated processing like publishers. In that case, try to generate a preprint PDF with reasonable quality images (300dpi).
[Written on : 8th July, 2020. Last edited : 10th June, 2021]