Gihan Chanaka Jayatilaka : Blog : Dump

As the name says it, this will be a dump of random stuff. I don't think I will ever write longer articles about these. I am happy to hear your thoughts about any of these if you have something interesting to share.

[2024 Aug 16] If Elizabeth Swaney is (arguably) the coolest olympian ever!

I keep forgetting parser.add_argument('--fp16', action='store_true', default=False)

[2024 July 30] Runners loop [Youtube]

[2024-July-29] One line lessons from Eat That Frog (by Brian Tracy)

  1. Eating the biggest frog as the first activity of the day is to do the most important/difficult task before you go to easy tasks for the day.
  2. Planning on paper is always better than keeping plans in mind.
  3. Personal interpretation: It is easier to get distracted by easy (and useless) in comparision to being distracted by entertainment for multiple reasons.

[2024-Jul-26] If someone (outsider) who only speaks English (i.e. not familiar with any local language) were to read a book (or watch a movie/TV show) to understand contemporary Sri Lankan culture, what would that book be?

[2024-Jul] I have to add a version of the following tweet to my list.
"Our schools never taught us how to console a grieving friend, how to say sorry as you mean it and how to be a good listener. I guess we're spending lives applying Newton's 3rd law everywhere not knowing that human reactions can be disproportionate sometimes & that can be okay."

[2024-June] To read: How to Hug a Porcupine

[2024-June] I have heard contradictory remarks from different sources about how competitive Sri Lankan GCE AL is. Here is a back of the envelope calculation. Sri Lanka GCE AL, Physical science stream had 35386 candidates [1]. 2238 (6.32%) out of them got selected to Engineering programmes [2] and 895 (2.52%) out of them had merit seats. India had 1,415,110 students taking JEE mains, 186,584 taking JEE advanced and 17740 (1.25%) getting into IIT Engineering programmes [3].

[2024-June] Comments that are kinda useless when it comes to any research paper

  1. It is not in a good venue.
  2. It does not beat the state of the art in all the benchmarks.

[2024 May 27] TO DO: Test alterantives for Gotukola in the US -- Parsley (curly Parsley NOT Italian one), Arugula/rocket leaves, Cilantro, Kale, Carrot leaves, Vietnamese markets [e.g. Lotte in MD]

College Park translates into සරසවි උයන (Sarasavi Uyana). This might be interesting for the very few people who learnt at both Peradeniya and University of Marylnd in College Park.

Coffee stains for $ \LaTeX $

Phrases people should not use in talks given to graduate students

  1. "$\forall x \in \{ \text{graduate school, research, work}\},$ Think of $x$ as a marathon instead of a sprint." -- Whoever saying this is significantly over-estimating how athletic grad students are!
  2. "No free lunch" as an expression for tradeoffs in a phenomenon -- Most probably 50% of the students in your audience are there for free lunch!

[2024 Jan XX] I need to make a checklist for flying.

  1. Passport, ticket, i20 (updated)
  2. Put bag tags! (why am I actually doing this?)
  3. Do the online check in. Get the isle seat. Window seat is never worth it :-)
  4. Laptop, ipad and phone
  5. Be prepared to have either the US or UK plug sockets.
  6. A charger that can give out both USB C and iphone output.
  7. The in flight entertainment system will have USB 2 (most probably). I am yet to see one with USB c
  8. USB 2 to USB c cable
  9. UDB 2 to iphone cable
  10. If there is a chance of staying stuck in the transit -- a change of clothes and a tooth brush!

Sharmila's (or Raju's) checklist before leaving home for a longer trip -- (1) Bed (2) Fridge (3) Bathroom (4) WHAT WAS THAT?.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
RAS Syndrome
Height of buildings act of 1910: wiki.
25 VS code tips: youtube.
Someone should implement faiss.add(torch.Tensor()) to faiss.

[2023 Sep 01] The summer vision project PDF

Reading list (2023 Summer): Girl in Room 105, Reader, Lolita -- this is too boring to read.

Retweets are not endorsements. They are performative engagement markers that intentionally confound direct alignment with ironic promotion, ambivalent reflection, or personal brand management so as to reveal all or nothing of one’s authentic perception depending on the observer. [source]

False dichotomy, no true Scottsman, slippery slope, and gross generalization are some cool logical fallacies.

Dr. Maithripala made us listen to this song during the undergraduate orientation in Peradeniya.

BlogGadol has so many cute stories. I read them all through middle school until they stopped posting.

Last edit 2024-July-26.