CMSC828J Advanced Topics in Information Processing:

Subspaces and Manifolds for Computer Vision and Machine Learning

General Information



Class Time  

Mon, Wed. 3:30-4:45


CSI 2118

Course Info

See below


Readings will be listed below.  In addition, two useful texts are:

Riemannian Geometry, by Manfredo Do Carmo

A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry, by Marcel Berger







David Jacobs

Abhishek Sharma


djacobs at cs



AVW 4421


Office hours

Mon. 2:00-3:00 or by appt.



Midterm is here.  Data for problem 4 is here, with readme.  Due on Wed. April 3.

Review for final is here.


Linear subspaces and other manifolds are widely used to represent data.  Dimensionality reduction is often a driving motivation. For example, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) represents data by projecting it into a low-dimensional space that best captures the data, providing a representation that captures the intrinsic dimensionality of the data.  Many other linear approaches exist, which used supervised information (eg., LDA) or attempt to represent multiple data sets in a common space (eg., CCA, PLS).  Manifold learning approaches represent data using low-dimensional, non-linear manifolds.  Even when they don’t perform dimensionality reduction, Riemannian manifolds offer the opportunity to make use of non-Euclidean metrics that better capture the relationship between data elements.  These approaches have been widely studied and used in machine learning, computer vision and other application areas, such as Natural Language Processing. 

In this class we will study these techniques.  The class will be a mix between lectures, in which we study the mathematics behind linear subspaces and Riemannian manifolds, and reading and discussion of papers that develop and apply these methods to various application areas.  We will emphasize their use in computer vision (because that’s what the instructor knows about) but will be happy to discuss a range of other application areas that may be of interest to the students of the class.


Knowledge of and comfort with mathematics will be very helpful.  At a minimum, students should know multivariable calculus and linear algebra.  No knowledge of manifolds, Riemannian geometry, or differential geometry will be assumed.


Here is my current plan for the workload of the class.  This may change during the first two weeks, as the number of students settles down.

1) Reports.  There will be some classes in which we discuss research papers.  Prior to each of these classes, students must turn in a one page report on the papers to be discussed.  I prefer if you turn in a hardcopy to me at the start of class.   Late papers will not be accepted, since the goal of these reports is to get you to think about papers before we discuss them.  However, each student need not turn in a report on days when they are presenting a paper.  The current schedule calls for ten classes with discussions, but this number may change as the semester evolves.  Students will be required to turn in no more than 8 reports.   10% of grade

2)  Presentations.  Students will be divided into six groups.  Each group will take charge of one class.  They are responsible for selecting papers on a specific topic, presenting these papers and leading a discussion on them.  In running a successful class, you will be expected to accomplish four things:  1) Clearly explain material in the papers you have chosen.  Your presentation should be clearer than the papers, not just a regurgitation of them.  2) You should bring in material that goes beyond that in the papers chosen for discussion.  This may include, for example, re-implementing methods in the papers and describing new experiments with them, or describing relevant work in additional papers. 3) You MUST bring your own insights to the presentation.  4) You must lead a discussion involving the class.  All teams should schedule a one hour meeting with me at least one week before the class they are leading, in which they will give a dry run of their presentation.  15 % of grade.

3) Midterm, Final.  These will be based on material from the lectures, and required reading for the lectures.  Notice that all readings are divided into required and background.  Exams will draw from material in the required reading.  50% of grade

4) Project.  Student will choose one:  25% of grade

     a) For three of the algorithms discussed in class, implement these algorithms and experiment with them on some real data.  Talk with me about the algorithms you choose to implement before hand.  Algorithms cannot be too easy (ie., implementing PCA in one line of Matlab code won’t really count).  The number of algorithms you will implement is negotiable, if you choose some that are particularly complex.  For each algorithm, turn in a write-up fully explaining your results, and email me a zip file with your code. The intent is that this should be the equivalent of three medium sized problem sets.

     b) Programming/research project: This is meant to be a more open-ended project for students interested in research in topics covered in this course.  It should involve implementation of existing or novel algorithms and experiments on a real-world data set.

Please hand in your solution to the problem sets, including: 1) A document, with pictures when appropriate, describing your results; 2) Your code.  I would prefer to receive your code by email in a zip file, and a hardcopy of the document, but I'll accept everything by email.  Projects are due on the last day of class, May 8.

Class Schedule

This schedule should be considered more of a guideline than a rigid plan.





Required Reading

Background Reading

1. 1/23





2. 1/28


Linear Projections: PCA, Mahalanobis distance, LDA, Multidimensional Scaling

Slides from Olga Veksler:



Notes on MDS, Ali Ghodsi (First section only).  Also described in On a Connection between Kernel PCA

and Metric Multidimensional Scaling by Christopher Williams, Section 2.1.


Abhishek has written up some more complete notes.


3. 1/30


Sparse coding, change of basis, Fourier and Wavelet Transforms

Fourier transforms




4. 2/4


Applications of PCA and LDA in Vision; Analytic Linear Subspaces

Eigenfaces for Recognition Turk and Pentland


Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linear projection Belhumeur, Hespanha, and Kriegman


Recognition by Linear Combinations of Models

Ullman and Basri


A Morphable Model for the Synthesis of 3D Faces Blanz and Vetter


Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces Basri and Jacobs

5. 2/6


Applications (cont’d)



6. 2/11


Random Projections, Johnson-Lindenstrauss theorem, locality sensitive hashing,

An elementary proof of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma, by Dasgupta and Gupta (This provides some useful intuitions, you needn’t master the whole proof).


Locality sensitive hashing for finding nearest neighbors by Slaney and Casey

Experiments with Random Projections for Machine Learning, by Fradkin and Madigan


Approximate nearest neighbors: towards removing the curse of dimensionality, by Indyk and Motwani.

7. 2/13


Sparse methods

Introduction to Compressed Sensing, by Davenport, Duarte, Eldar and Kutyniok


8. 2/18


Catching up



9. 2/20

Lecture – Abhishek Sharma

Multi-modal projections: CCA, PLS, Bilinear Model

Overview and recent advances in partial least squares by Rosipal and Kramer

Canonical correlation analysis: an overview with applications to learning methods by Hardoon, Szedmak and Shawe-Taylor


10. 2/25

Papers – Students (Rastegari, Fakhraei, Kanazawa, Ahmed, Shivastava)

Sparse Methods

K-SVD: An algorithm for Designing Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representations by Aharon, Elad and Bruckstein

Self-taught Learning: Transfer Learning from Unlabeled Data by Raina, Battle, Lee, Packer, and Ng


11. 2/27


Manifolds -- Tangent spaces


An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry by Sigmundur Gudmundsson, chapters 2 and 3.

Or Riemannian Geometry by Do Carmo (not available online), chapters 0 and 1.

12. 3/4


Riemannian Manifolds, Connections -- Geodesics



13. 3/6

Snow day




14. 3/11


Riemannian manifolds cont’d



15. 3/13


Kernel methods and Kernel PCA

Kernel Principal Component Analysis by Scholkopf, Smola and Muller

A tutorial on kernel methods for categorization by Jakel, Scholkopf and Wichmann







16. 3/25


Manifold Learning: Isomap and LLE and relation to kernel PCA


A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction by Tenenbaum, de Silva and Langford


Think globally, fit locally: unsupervised learning of low dimensional manifolds, by Saul and Roweis


A kernel view of the dimensionality reduction of manifolds by Ham, Lee, Mika and Scholkopf


17. 3/27

Papers – Students

(Michael, Guangxiao, Arijit, Jason, Garrett)

Manifold Learning

Maximum Variance Unfolding by Weinberger and Saul.

Laplacian eigenmaps for Dimensionality reduction and data representation by Belkin and Niyogi

Manifold Parzen Windows by Vincent and Bengio


18. 4/1

Papers –DWJ

Metric learning

Distance metric learning, with application to clustering with side-information, by Xing, Ng, Jordan and Russell

Information theoretic metric learning, by Davis, Kulis, Jain, Sra and Dhillon

Distance metric learning for large margin nearest neighbor classification, by Weinberger and Saul


19. 4/3


Exponential maps Steifel and Grassmanian manifolds  -- Quotient manifolds

The geometry of algorithms with orthogonality constraints, by Edelman, Arias and Smith.

Advances in matrix manifolds for computer vision, by Lui


20. 4/8

Papers - DWJ

Manifolds of positive definite matrices

Human detection via classification on Riemannian manifolds by Tuzel, Porikli and Meer


A Riemannian framework for tensor computing, by Pennec, Fillard and Ayache.


21. 4/10

Finish talking about matrix manifolds; go over midterm




22. 4/15

Papers – Students: Jain, Manjunatha, Ng, Vageeswaran, Zhang

Domain adaptation and cross-modal methods.

K. Saenko, B. Kulis, M. Fritz and T. Darrell, "Adapting Visual Category Models to New Domains"


R. Gopalan, R. Li, and R. Chellappa, "Domain Adaptation for Object Recognition: An Unsupervised Approach",


23. 4/17

Papers – Students: Santhanam, Vemulapalli, Zampogiannis

Manifolds of linear subspaces

The geometry of algorithms with orthogonality constraints, by Edelman, Arias and Smith.

"Affine Invariance Revisited", E. Begelfor and M. Werman,

"Grassmann Registration Manifolds for Face Recognition", Y. M. Lui and J. R. Beveridge,


"Riemannian geometry of Grassmann manifolds with a view on algorithmic computation", P.A.Absil, R. Mahony and R.Sepulchre.

24. 4/22


Kendall shape space, spaces for closed contours Trouve and Younes

Shape Statistics: Procrustes Superimpositions and Tangent Spaces by Rohlf


25. 4/24

Papers – Students: Ball, Chen (Xi), Li (Hao), Stearns, Yang (Fan)

Statistical Analysis on Manifolds

Statistical Analysis on Stiefel and Grassmann Manifolds with Applications in Computer Vision by Turaga, Veeraraghavan and Chellappa


Population Shape Regression from Random Design Data by Davis, Fletcher, Bullitt and Joshi


Intrinsic Mean Shift for Clustering on Stiefel and Grassmann Manifolds by Cetingul and Vidal

Intrinsic Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements


Summer School on Manifold Learning in Image and Signal Analysis



26. 4/29

Papers – Students: Chen (Ching-Hui), Hara, Li (Ang), Sun, Yang

Learning on Manifolds

Sparse Manifold Clustering and Embedding by Elhamifar and Vidal


Semi-supervised Learning on Riemannian Manifolds by Belkin and Niyogi

Learning an image manifold for retrieval by He, Ma and Zhang

27. 5/1

Papers – DWJ

Manifolds for shape and intensity comparison.

Durrleman, Pennec, Trouvé, Thompson and Ayache.  Inferring Brain Variability from Diffeormorphic Deformations of Currents: an Integrative Approach


On shape of plane elastic curves.  Mio, Srivastava, Joshi.


A fast illumination and deformation insensitive image comparison algorithm using wavelet-based geodesics.  Jorstad, Jacobs and Trouve.


28. 5/6

Papers – DWJ

Final Papers

A Simple Prior-free Method for Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization by Dai, Le and He.


Diffusion Kernels on Graphs and Other Discrete Input Spaces by Kondor and Lafferty


29. 5/8






Final Exam
