Questions for Human Information Processor by Card, Moran & Newell:
Why is "UMDMSNBC" much easier to remember than "MCUSMBDN"? How can you apply this fact to UI design?
What are the 2 big assumptions in Dvorak keyboard calculation?
Among the physical match, name match and class match, which matching has the fastest reaction time?
What are the factors that influences behaviors as described in the Rationality Principle (P8) on page 86?
Describe each of the 3 subsystems of the Human Information Processor (HIP).
What is Fitts' law?
According to the HIP model, what are the key steps necessary to "understand" that a number presented on a screen is odd?
What do the two frequencies mean that are depicted in figure 2.5 on page 35?
What is working memory? How does it differ from long term memory? What is an example of an everyday interface that was designed with the limitations of human working memory in mind?
Is the HIP serial or parallel? How do human do several things at once?
Who are the Slowman, the Middleman and the Fastman?
Explain how the HIP can be used to understand the limit of human performance? Provide one example. What are the limitations of the models?
How should two events should be presented to appear causally related? What is the implication for HCI in term of system performance?
The HIP model states that the basic Perceived - Recognize - Act loop is around 240ms. Why, then, can a pianist play so fast?
What is the power law of practice? How does it relate to the statement by Alan Cooper that most interfaces should be designed for perpetual intermediates users?
What is Hick's law? How could it be applied to the actual UI design?