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Alford, Ronald Wayne

Need Question


Explain how “soundness” is a useful concept within the context of (1) proving program correctness and (2) fault detection?

Bahety, Anand Baldeodas

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It is my understanding that the authors consider DSD-Crasher to be superior because it avoids certain language-level sound bugs that would not also be user-level sound bugs, thus eliminating some time from the debugging/fixing process (also compensating for its relative long running time). However, most of the times applications are improved and new versions are created. Isn't it possible that some of these "eliminated" bugs would emerge in future versions of the application, and thus they would have to be fixed anyway? Wouldn't this defeat the purpose of spending the extra time to avoid these bugs in the first place? Please elaborate.

Bucatanschi, Dan George

Need Solution


Besides defining constraints is there any other way to guide ESC java to not generate false warnings?

Chandra, Deepti Jagdish

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Explain how the combination of static and dynamic reasoning is done to improve static reasoning's result. Give an example that has two dynamic and one static phase.

Huynh, Thuan Quang

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Nguyen, Bao Ngoc

Need Question


Explain how the Dynamic-Static-Dynamic(DSD) crasher ensures user-level soundness.

Konda, Shravya Reddy

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In the results of this paper, DSD-Crasher takes more time than the Crash N Check, runs approximately the same number of test cases(439 vs 434), yet has less reports confirmed by test cases (7 vs 4). How could this interpreted as an improvement?

Lee, Joonghoon

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What are the benefits of proving programs incorrect?

Liu, Liping

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What are the threats to validity of a case study conducted in this study? They test only one software. Do you think it is enough or not? Why?

Wongsuphasawat, Krist

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Reisner, Elnatan Benjamin




Schulman, Aaron David

Need Question


What is a "sound" logical system? Explain the difference between "language-level soundness" and "user-level soundness" for automatic bug-finding tools.

Sharara, Hossam Samy Elsai

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The authors assume that users will not want to annotate their code. What other advantages might annotation bring, other than improving static analysis?

Stuckman, Jeff

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Teoh, Alison Lui Koon

Need Question



Thakor, Shashvat Advait

Need Question



Vador, Sachin Shashikant

Need Question



Donlon, Eileen Merle

Need Question


Give a short definition for a language level sound and user level sound bug. Then give an example for a bug that is not language level but user level sound.

Zazworka, Nico

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