| Jan. 25: Introduction I
| First class |
| Introduction to Software Engineering |
| What is software engineering? Why is it important? |
| The software lifecycle |
| Software process models |
| Reading: Sommerville - Chapters 1 & 4 |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| Feb. 2: Project Discussion |
| Feb. 7: Introduction I (continued) |
| Feb. 9: Introduction II
| "How Microsoft builds
software", Michael Cusumano and Richard Selby, Communications of the ACM,
vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 53-62, June 1997. |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| Feb. 9, 14, 16, 21: Requirements I
| Software Requirements |
| Requirements Engineering Processes |
| Reading: Sommerville - Chapters 6 & 7 |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| Feb. 21: Requirements II
| Formal Specifications |
| Reading: Sommerville - Chapter 9 |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| Feb. 23, 28, Mar. 2, 7, 9: Design I
| Architectural Design |
| Object-oriented Design |
| Reading: Sommerville - Chapters 10 & 12 |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| Mar. 14: Testing I
| Mar. 16: JFCUnit and Java Swing |
| Mar. 28: Testing II
| Mar. 30: Lecture by Jeff Lemich (Office of Information Technology,
University of Maryland) |
| Apr. 4, 6, 11, 13: Testing III
| Apr. 18, 20, 25: Design II
| User-interface Design |
| Reading: Sommerville - Chapters 15 |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| Apr. 27: GUI Testing
| Reading: "Hierarchical GUI Test Case
Generation Using Automated Planning", Atif M. Memon, Martha E. Pollack
and Mary Lou Soffa, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. vol. 27, no.
2, pp. 144-155, Feb. 2001. |
| Reading: "Coverage Criteria for GUI
Testing", Atif M. Memon, Mary Lou Soffa and Martha E. Pollack, , 8th
European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and 9th ACM SIGSOFT
International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-9),
Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Sept. 10-14, 2001. |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| Reading: "Automated Test Oracles for
GUIs", Atif M. Memon, Martha E. Pollack and Mary Lou Soffa, , Eighth
International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
(FSE’2000), San Diego, CA, Nov. 6-10, 2000. |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| May 2: Design III
| Distributed Systems Architectures |
| Reading: Sommerville - Chapter 11 |
| LECTURE SLIDES (Click here) |
| May 4: TerpPresent Presentation |
| May 9: TerpPaint Presentation |
| May 11: TerpSpreadSheet Presentation |