I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science @ University of Maryland working with Prof. Tom Goldstein. I hold a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering/Operations Research from University of Maryland under the supervision of Prof. Ali Haghani. Prior to that, I received my bachelor's degree from Sharif University of Technology. My research focuses on using optimization to solve important problems in machine learning and operations research. Recently, I have been studying adversarial machine learning with the goal of making AI systems more secure, robust, and interpretable. My work has applications in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Secuirty. Due to my background in Operations Research, I am also interested in developing algorithms and models that can be used to improve the operation of large systems. My research has an emphasis on solving real world problems with impacts in business, and has received both academic and media recognition. You can find my CV here.
Jan-2020 Our work on efficient PGD attacks (WitchCraft) is accepted at ICASSP 2020.
Jan-2020 I am on the job market this year!
Dec-2019 Two papers accepted to ICLR 2020.
Nov-2019 One paper accepted to AAAI 2020.
Sep-2019 One paper accepted to NeurIPS 2019.
Jul-2019 One paper accepted to BMVC 2019.
Apr-2019 One paper accepted to ICML 2019.
Dec-2018 One paper accepted to ICLR 2019.
Sep-2018 One paper accepted to NeurIPS 2018.
Research Interests
- Machine Learning (Deep Learning, Adversarial Learning, Security and Robustness, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing)
- Operations Research (Large-scale optimization, Transportation, Project Management)
- Statistical Pattern Recognition
Selected Machine Learning Publications
Breaking Certified Defenses: Semantic Adversarial Examples With Spoofed Robustness Certificates A. Ghiasi, A. Shafahi, T. Goldstein
Adversarially Robust Transfer Learning A. Shafahi*, P. Saadatpanah*, C. Zhu*, A. Ghiasi, C. Studer, D. Jacobs, T. Goldstein
Universal Adversarial Training A. Shafahi*, M. Najibi*, Z. Xu*, JP. Dickerson, LS. Davis, T. Goldstein
Batch-wise Logit-Similarity: Generalizing Logit-Squeezing and Label-Smoothing A. Shafahi, A. Ghiasi, M. Najibi, F. Huang, JP. Dickerson, T. Goldstein
Transferable Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Deep Neural Nets C. Zhu*, R. Huang*, A. Shafahi, H. Li, G. Taylor, C. Studer, T. Goldstein
Are Adversarial Examples Inevitbale? A. Shafahi, R. Huang, C. Studer, S. Feizi, T. Goldstein
ICLR 2019 PDF /
Poison Frogs! Targeted Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Neural Networks A. Shafahi*, R. Huang*, M. Najibi, O. Suciu, C. Studer, T. Dumitras, T. Goldstein
NeurIPS 2018 PDF /
GitHub /
Poster /
Project Page
Operations Research Journal Publications (visit google scholar for full list.)
SpeedRoute: Fast, Efficient Solutions for School Bus Routing Problems A. Shafahi*, Z. Wang*, A. Haghani
Transportation Research Part B: methodological 2018 PDF
Project Selection and Scheduling for Phase-able Projects with Interdependencies among Phases A. Shafahi, A. Haghani
Automation in Construction 2018 PDF
Balanced Scheduling of School Bus Trips using a Perfect Matching Heuristic A. Shafahi, S. Aliari, A. Haghani
Transportation Research Record 2018 PDF
Solving the School Bus Routing Problem by Maximizing Trip Compatibility A. Shafahi, Z. Wang, A. Haghani
Transportation Research Record 2017 / Best Paper Award of Network Modeling Commitee (TRB's ADB-30) PDF
A Stochastic Emergency Response Location Model Considering Secondary Incidents on Freeways H. Park, A. Shafahi, A. Haghani
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2016 PDF
Generalized Maximum Benefit Multiple Chinese Postman Problem A. Shafahi, A. Haghani
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2015 PDF
Modeling Contractors' Project Selection and Markup Decisions Influenced by Eminence A. Shafahi, A. Haghani
International Journal of Project Management 2014 PDF
Awards and Honors
- Stella Dafermos Best Paper Award, best paper award of TRBs Network Modeling committee -- 2017
- Merit Fellowship, University of Maryland -- 2017, 2018
- Outstanding Graduate Assistant, University of Maryland -- 2016
- Stanley R. Zupnik Fellowship, University of Maryland -- 2015
- Exceptional Talent Award, Sharif University of Technology -- 2009