I am an Associate Professor in the Department of
Computer Science at University of Maryland,
College Park, with a joint appointment in the Institute of Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS). Before joining Maryland, I spent 1 year as a
Visiting Research Scientist at Google
In August 2017, I received my PhD in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence from the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, where I was
advised by Abhinav Gupta. My PhD
thesis, Discovering and Leveraging Visual Structure for Large-scale Recognition, was
supported by Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship for 2014-16.
Before joining PhD, I received my Masters from the Robotics Institute, under the supervision of Alyosha Efros and Martial Hebert. Prior to that, I received
my BTech in Computer Science and Engineering from JIIT (Noida, India).
I have also enjoyed working with awesome researchers and engineers in industry, including
internships at Google Research and
Microsoft Research (details).
Joint appointments in Department of Computer Science and Institute of Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).
Joint appointments in Department of Computer Science and Institute of Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).
Working with Abhinav Gupta, Rahul Sukthankar, and Jitendra Malik on incorporating feedback in object detection models.
Worked with Ross Girshick and Larry Zitnick on object detection and semi-supervised learning.
Worked with Mark Segal, Rahul Sukthankar and Thomas Leung on incorporating image geometry in deep neural networks.
Worked on large-scale indexing and nearest-neighbor search for high-dimensional data with Sanjeev Mehrotra and Jin Li.
Continued Masters research on image matching and retrieval, real-time assistive systems, and object detection; and worked on large-scale semi-supervised learning algorithm.
Working on discovering the underlying regularities, or structure, in our visual world and
leveraging it in large-scale recognition algorithms and systems. This work spans a wide range of
recognition tasks, and includes frequent collaborations with researchers from both academia and
Find my dissertation here.
Worked on data-driven visual similarity for image matching and retrieval, real-time assistive systems, and object detection.
Thesis on 'A Hypermedia-development Tool for Movie-based Comic-strip Rendering'.