Source code for rwlock.test_imp
Module **rwlock.test_imp:** has class ``TestImp`` that implements
an RPC wrapper for any implementation of the read-write-lock service.
It redirects incoming RPC calls (from the rwlock servicetester) to
regular calls to a rwlock implementation.
Run ``python imp_0.imp`` in a shell to start a TestImp object
wrapping the implementation imp_0.imp.Imp.
import Pyro4
import threading, argparse, importlib, time
from sesf.util.pyro import start_pyrodaemon
class TestImp():
Wrap the read-write-lock implementation in parameter *use* for
remote testing. Assume a Pyro4 nameserver is running. Start a Pyro4
daemon and register it as `sesf.rwlock.test_imp` in a new thread.
When function ``start_testimp`` is called (by the servicetester),
get a proxy for the servicetester and pass it to the implementation
(so the implementation can, optionally, inform the servicetester of
internal events).
After that, pass every incoming call to the implementation until
``end_pyrodaemon`` is called. Maintains the following variables:
- ``use``: name of the module whose implementation is to be tested
- ``imp``: Imp object to be tested
- ``pyrodaemon``: Pyro4 daemon `rwlock_imp`.
- ``imp.testerproxy``: servicetester proxy.
Functions (all RPC-called by servicetester):
- ``start_testimp()``: get proxy for pyrodaemon `sesf.rwlock.servicetester`
(servicetester) and store it in imp.testerproxy.
- ``acqr()``: wrapper for imp.acqr()
- ``relr()``: wrapper for imp.relr()
- ``acqw()``: wrapper for imp.acqw()
- ``relw()``: wrapper for imp.relw()
- ``end_pyrodaemon()``: shutdown local pyrodaemon
def __init__(self, use):
self.use = use
# self.testerproxy = None
self.imp = None
self.pyrodaemon = None
self.pyrodaemon_thread = threading.Thread(
args=(self, "sesf.rwlock.test_imp"))
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
def start_testimp(self):
tp = Pyro4.Proxy("PYRONAME:sesf.rwlock.servicetester")
print("got testerproxy", tp, flush=True)
impmodule = importlib.import_module(self.use[0])
print("creating imp from module", impmodule)
if len(args.use) == 1:
imp = impmodule.Imp()
imp = impmodule.Imp(self.use)
print("rwl_imp", imp)
self.imp = imp
# self.imp = impmodule.Imp()
self.imp.testerproxy = tp
def acqr(self):
# print("acqr call", flush=True)
return self.imp.acqr()
def relr(self):
# print("relr call", flush=True)
return self.imp.relr()
def acqw(self):
# print("acqw call", flush=True)
return self.imp.acqw()
def relw(self):
# print("relw call", flush=True)
return self.imp.relw()
def end_pyrodaemon(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("use", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='rwlock implementation module and any args')
args = parser.parse_args()
print("args", args)
testimp = TestImp(args.use)