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We will grade your programming assignment based on correct functionality. In other words, for any valid reduced MIPS ISA program, your simulator should accurately simulate the pipeline and produce the correct values for all the pipeline registers at each cycle. We will be using the submit server to validate your simulator, so make sure you test your simulator on several test cases (in other words, you should write several assembly programs to test your simulator). You must use the simulator loop template and the printState routine that we have given you in their unmodified form. Each time you call printState, it should print in the format that we have provided, and you should only call printState once every iteration of the simulator loop (you are free to use printState as much as you want when debugging, but take all the extra printState calls out of your code before handing in your assignment). Finally, compare the output of your simulator on the simple.s program to output given in simple.output. There should be no differences (i.e., running diff simple.output <your output file> should yield no differences).

MM Hugue 2011-09-24