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Reduce and Write with C

Suppose that each of the variables below represents a single bit. Rewrite the expression using either a minimum of C-bitwise operators or a minimum of operands or both. Trust me-solutions exist. Note that logical OR operator is indicated by the plus symbol, so that $A + B$ means A OR B. The logical AND is 'assumed' when two symbols are written together, such as A AND B is written as $AC$. The logical XOR function is the $\oplus$, giving $P\oplus Q$ for P XOR Q. Finally, the apostrophe represents logical NOT. You get to use the symbols ~ \ & | ^ , the bit-wise C operators.

  1. $(AB + C) (AB + C')=$
  2. $X'W + XW' + XW + X'W'=$
  3. $pqr + rp=$
  4. $(y'+z')xyz=$
  5. $(C+DX) (C+EX)=$
  6. $T(L'+V) + TV'=$
  7. $fg \oplus 1 =$
  8. $(m \oplus n) \oplus (m' \oplus n)=$
  9. $(uw \oplus (t+u))'$
  10. $(xy+z)'(z(x'+y'))$
  11. $[(x+a)(x+b)(x+c)(x+d)]'=$

MM Hugue 2008-01-27