THE 12 DAYS OF LA-KINGS HOCKEY Might be by Hilary Struthers. Here is what I found on the net, though I deleted all verses except the last. Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 17:46:18 -0800 From: Hilary Struthers <> Reply-To: Subject: 12 Days of Christmas On the 12th day of Christmas, my Kings gave to me 12 future all-stars (hey, its Christmas) 11 rumors of Luuuuuc returning 10 goals for Stevens 9 more reasons to hate Melrose 8 non-injured line-up scratches 7 dollar parking 6 greeters greeting 5 years for Bruuuucce 4 future draft picks 3 IHL players 2 goals to score on and some Serious Hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!