NOT AVAILABLE but it did get lots of radio airplay in New Jersey.

The (first) Twelve Months of Florio   [aka: The 12 Days of Taxes]
                 lyrics by: Ron Capik [aka: the NJ Editorial Minstrel ]

 {1}  In his first revelation Jim Florio brought to be
       A_a Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
 {2}  In the next revelation our Gov'ner brought to thee
       No  J.U.A.
  and	A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
 {3}  In his next revelation our Gov'ner brought to thee
       Three Brand New Taxes
	No  J.U.A.
   and	 A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
 {4}  In some new legislation a program was revieled
       Ed-u-kay-shun reform 
	Three Brand New Taxes
	 No  J.U.A.
    and   A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
 {5}  Then from our Legislature what wonder do we see?
    N  i  c  e	  G  o	l  d  e  n    B  a  d  g  e  s
	Ed u ka^a shun reform 
	 Three Brand New Taxes
	  No  J.U.A.
     and   A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
 {6}  In a counter revelation petitions did we sign
	With Hands Across New Jersey
    N  i  c  e	  G  o	l  d  e  n    B  a  d  g  e  s
	Ed u ka^a shun reform 
	 Three Brand New Taxes
	  No  J.U.A.
     and   A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
{7}   From some media revelations in headlines we did see
       More Russos romping
	Hands Across New Jersey
    N  i  c  e	  G  o	l  d  e  n    B  a  d  g  e  s
	Ed u ka^a shun reform 
	 Three Brand New Taxes
	  No  J.U.A.
     and   A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
 {8}  In the days before election the Powers failed to see
       A Big Grass Roots Movement
	More Russos romping
	 Hands Across New Jersey  [wow, look at all those petitions]
    N  i  c  e	  G  o	l  d  e  n    B  a  d  g  e  s
	Ed u ka^a shun reform 
	 Three Brand New Taxes
	  No  J.U.A.	 [we can add some DMV fees]
     and   A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
 {9}  Then in North Carolina our Gov'ner said he sees
       An Infinitesimal Revolt
	Big Grass Roots Movement
	 More Russos romping
	  Hands Across New Jersey
    N  i  c  e	  G  o	l  d  e  n    B  a  d  g  e  s
	Ed u ka^a shun reform 
	 Three Brand New Taxes [those 'rich' people just don't pay enough]
	  No  J.U.A.
      and  A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
{10}  In a surprise revelation the voters sent to he
       A Message to Bill Bradley
	Infinitesimal	[why not Duke it out back home]
	 Big Grass Roots Movement
	  More Russos romping
	   Hands Across New Jersey
    N  i  c  e	  G  o	l  d  e  n    B  a  d  g  e  s
	Ed u ka^a shun reform 
	 Three Brand New Taxes
	  No  J.U.A.	    [we can change the points system]
      and  A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
{11}  In a post election message our Gov'ner sent to us
       A (rather) Weak Apology
	Message to Bill Bradley
	 Infinitesimal	  [the people really do support me]
	  Big Grass Roots Movement
	   More Russos romping
	    Hands Across New Jersey
    N  i  c  e	  G  o	l  d  e  n    B  a  d  g  e  s
	Ed u ka^a shun reform  [what about those urban votes]
	 More Brand New Taxes
	  No  J.U.A.
      and  A Plat-form of no New Tax_sez  [I thought I saw a surplus]
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
{12}  In our current situation our Powers now that be
       (Are) a Waffling Legislature
	(Rather) Weak Apology 
	 Message to Bill Bradley
	  Infinitesimal 	 [ they're just confused ]
	   Big Grass Roots Movement
	    More Russos romping
	     Hands Across New Jersey
   N  i  c  e	 G  o  l  d  e	n    B	a  d  g  e  s 
				       [they go good with our free lunches]
	 Ed u ka^a shun reform 
	  Three Brand New Taxes
	   No  J.U.A.	       [We'll get 'em with the surcharges]
       and  A Plat-form  of  no  New  Tax__sez
    ....   ....   ....	 ....	....   ....   ....
