For publications on specific topics, see:
Graph Databases and Analytics, Cloud Computing, Sensor Networks,
Query processing and optimization, PrDB: Probabilistic Databases,
Robust Uncertain Data Management, MauveDB: Scalable Statistical Modeling of Data.

Publications (Chronologically Ordered)


  • ProvDB: A System for Lifecycle Management of Collaborative Analysis Workflows;
    Hui Miao, Amit Chavan, Amol Deshpande;
    HILDA SIGMOD Workshop 2017 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1610.04963).
  • GraphGen: Adaptive Graph Extraction and Analytics over Relational Databases;
    Konstantinos Xirogiannopoulos, Virinchi Srinivas, and Amol Deshpande;
    GRADES SIGMOD Workshop 2017. [pdf]
  • DEX: Query Execution in a Delta-based Storage System;
    Amit Chavan, Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD 2017.
  • Extracting and Analyzing Hidden Graphs from Relational Databases;
    Konstantinos Xirogiannopoulos, and Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD 2017. [abstract]
  • ModelHub: Deep Learning Lifecycle Management;
    Hui Miao, Ang Li, Larry Davis and Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2017 (Demonstrations Track).
  • Towards Unified Data and Lifecycle Management for Deep Learning;
    Hui Miao, Ang Li, Larry Davis and Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2017. [abstract]
  • Parallel SPARQL Query Optimization;
    Buwen Wu, Yongluan Zhou, Hai Jin and Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2017.
  • Catching Worms, Trojan Horses and PUPs: Unsupervised Detection of Silent Delivery Campaigns;
    Bum Jun Kwon, Virinchi Srinivas, Amol Deshpande, Tudor Dumitraș;
    NDSS 2017 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1611.02787).


  • ModelHub: Towards Unified Data and Lifecycle Management for Deep Learning;
    Hui Miao, Ang Li, Larry Davis, Amol Deshpande;
    CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1611.06224, 2016.
  • Approximation algorithms for stochastic submodular set cover with applications to Boolean function evaluation and min-knapsack;
    Amol Deshpande, Lisa Hellerstein, and Devorah Kletenik;
    ACM Transacations on Algorithms 12:3 (42), 2016.
  • SourceSight: Enabling Effective Source Selection (Demonstration Proposal);
    Theodoros Rekatsinas, Amol Deshpande, Xin Luna Dong, Lise Getoor, Divesh Srivastava;
    SIGMOD 2016. [abstract]
  • Continuous Detection of Activity-based Subgraph Patterns on Dynamic Graphs;
    Jayanta Mondal and Amol Deshpande;
    DEBS 2016. [abstract]
  • NScaleSpark: Subgraph-centric Graph Analytics on Apache Spark;
    Abdul Quamar and Amol Deshpande;
    NDA 2016 (International Workshop on Network Data Analytics, co-located with SIGMOD 2016). [abstract]
  • Decibel: The Relational Dataset Branching System;
    Michael Maddox, David Goehring, Aaron Elmore, Samuel Madden, Aditya Parameswaran, Amol Deshpande;
    VLDB 2016. [abstract]
  • Storing and Analyzing Historical Graph Data at Scale;
    Udayan Khurana, and Amol Deshpande;
    EDBT 2016 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1509.08960). [abstract]
  • NScale: Neighborhood-centric Large-Scale Graph Analytics in the Cloud;
    Abdul Quamar, Amol Deshpande, Jimmy Lin;
    To appear in VLDB Journal (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1405.1499). [pdf] [abstract]


  • Towards a unified query language for provenance and versioning;
    Amit Chavan, Silu Huang, Amol Deshpande, Aaron J. Elmore, Samuel Madden, Aditya Parameswaran;
    USENIX TAPP 2015. [pdf] [abstract]
  • GraphGen: Exploring Interesting Graphs in Relational Data (Demonstration Proposal);
    Konstantinos Xirogiannopoulos, Udayan Khurana, and Amol Deshpande;
    VLDB 2015. [abstract]
  • Collaborative Data Analytics with DataHub (Demonstration Proposal);
    Anant Bhardwaj, Amol Deshpande, Aaron Elmore, David Karger, Sam Madden, Aditya Parameswaran, Harihar Subramanyam, Eugene Wu, Rebecca Zhang;
    VLDB 2015. [abstract]
  • Principles of Dataset Versioning: Exploring the Recreation/Storage Tradeoff;
    Souvik Bhattacherjee, Amit Chavan, Silu Huang, Amol Deshpande, Aditya Parameswaran;
    PVLDB 2015. [pdf] [summary blog post] [abstract]
  • CrowdGather: Entity Extraction over Structured Domains;
    Theodoros Rekatsinas, Amol Deshpande, Aditya Parameswaran;
    CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1502.06823, 2015. [abstract]
  • DataHub: Collaborative data science and dataset version management at scale;
    Anant Bhardwaj, Souvik Bhattacherjee, Amit Chavan, Amol Deshpande, Aaron J. Elmore, Samuel Madden, Aditya Parameswaran;
    CIDR 2015. [pdf] [abstract]


  • VERTEXICA: Your Relational Friend for Graph Analytics!;
    Alekh Jindal, Praynaa Rawlani, Eugene Wu, Samuel Madden, Amol Deshpande, Mike Stonebraker;
    VLDB Demo 2014. [pdf] [abstract]
  • NScale: Neighborhood-centric Analytics on Large Graphs;
    Abdul Quamar, Amol Deshpande, Jimmy Lin;
    VLDB Demo 2014. [pdf] [abstract]
  • READ: Rapid data Exploration, Analysis and Discovery;
    Udayan Khurana, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Deepak Turaga;
    EDBT 2015 (demo). [abstract]
    Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is the process of discovering im- portant characteristics of a dataset or finding data-driven insights in the corresponding domain. EDA is a human intensive process involving data management, analytic flow deployment and model creation, and data visualization and interpretation. It involves ex- tensive use of analyst time, effort, and skill in data processing as well as domain expertise. In this paper, we introduce READ, a mixed initiative system for accelerating exploratory data analysis. The key idea behind READ is to decompose the exploration pro- cess into components that can be independently specified and auto- mated. These components can be defined, reused or extended using simple choice points that are expressed using inference rules, plan- ning logic, and reactive user interfaces and visualization. READ uses a formal specification of the analytic process for automated model space enumeration, workflow composition, deployment, and model validation and clustering. READ aims to reduce the time required for exploration and understanding of a dataset from days to minutes.
  • FAQ: A Framework for Fast Approximate Query Processing on Temporal Data;
    Udayan Khurana, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Deepak Turaga;
    BIGMINE 2014. [abstract]
    Temporal queries on time evolving data are at the heart of a broad range of business and network intelligence applications ranging from consumer behavior analysis, trend analysis, temporal pattern mining, sentiment analysis on social media, cyber security, and network monitoring. In this work, we present an innovative data structure called Fast Approximate Query-able(FAQ), which provides a unified framework for temporal query processing on Big Data. FAQ uses a novel composition of data sketching, wavelet-style differencing for temporal compression, and quantization, and handles diverse kinds of queries including distinct counts, set membership, frequency estimation, top-K, p-norms, empirical entropy, and distance queries such as Histogram lp-norm distance (including Euclidean and Man- hattan distance), cosine similarity, Jaccard coefficient, and rank correlation. Experiments on a real-life multi dimensional network monitoring data sets demonstrate speedups of 92x achieved by FAQ over a flat representation of data for a mixed temporal query workload..
  • SWORD: Workload-aware Data Placement and Replica Selection for Cloud Data Management Systems;
    Ashwin Kumar Kayyoor, Abdul Quamar, Amol Deshpande, Samir Khuller;
    VLDB Journal (Special Issue on Data-Intensive Cloud Infrastructure), 23(6): 845-870, 2014. [pdf] [abstract]
  • PStore: An Efficient Storage Framework for Managing Scientific Data;
    Souvik Bhattacherjee, Amol Deshpande, and Alan Sussman;
    SSDBM 2014. [pdf] [abstract]
  • EAGr: Supporting Continuous Ego-centric Aggregate Queries over Large Dynamic Graphs;
    Jayanta Mondal and Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD 2014 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1404.6570). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Optimization Techniques for "Scaling Down" Hadoop on Multi-Core, Shared-Memory Systems;
    K. Ashwin Kumar, Jonathan Gluck, Amol Deshpande, Jimmy Lin;
    EDBT 2014. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Subgraph Pattern Matching over Uncertain Graphs with Identity Linkage Uncertainty;
    Walaa Eldin Moustafa, Angelika Kimmig, Amol Deshpande, Lise Getoor;
    ICDE 2014 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1305.7006). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Stream Querying and Reasoning on Social Data;
    Jayanta Mondal and Amol Deshpande;
    Chapter in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, 2014. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Boolean Function Evaluation and Stochastic Submodular Set Cover;
    Amol Deshpande, Lisa Hellerstein, and Devorah Kletenik;
    SODA 2014 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1303.0726). [pdf] [abstract]


  • SPARSI: Partitioning Sensitive Data amongst Multiple Adversaries;
    Theodoros Rekatsinas, Amol Deshpande, and Ashwin Machanavajjhala;
    PVLDB 2013, to be presented at VLDB 2014 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1302.6556). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Hone: "Scaling Down" Hadoop on Shared-Memory Systems;
    K. Ashwin Kumar, Jonathan Gluck, Amol Deshpande, Jimmy Lin;
    VLDB Demo 2013. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Data Placement and Replica Selection for Improving Co-location in Distributed Environments;
    K. Ashwin Kumar, Amol Deshpande, and Samir Khuller;
    CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1302.4168. [pdf] [abstract]
  • GrDB: A System for Declarative and Interactive Analysis of Noisy Information Networks;
    Walaa Eldin Moustafa, Hui Miao, Amol Deshpande, Lise Getoor;
    SIGMOD Demo 2013. [pdf] [abstract]
  • HiNGE: Enabling Temporal Network Analytics at Scale;
    Udayan Khurana, and Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD Demo 2013. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Algorithms for the Thermal Scheduling Problem;
    Koyel Mukherjee, Samir Khuller, and Amol Deshpande;
    IPDPS 2013. [pdf] [abstract]
  • SWORD: Scalable Workload-Aware Data Placement for Transactional Workloads;
    Abdul Quamar, K.Ashwin Kumar and Amol Deshpande;
    EDBT 2013. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Efficient Snapshot Retrieval over Historical Graph Data;
    Udayan Khurana, and Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2013 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1207.5777). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Efficiently Adapting Graphical Models for Selectivity Estimation;
    Kostas Tzoumas, Amol Deshpande, and Christian Jensen;
    VLDB Journal (Special Issue: Best Papers of VLDB 2011), 22(1): 3-27, February 2013. [pdf] [abstract]


  • Parallel Pipelined Filter Ordering with Precedence Constraints;
    Amol Deshpande, Lisa Hellerstein;
    ACM Transactions on Algorithms 8, 4, Article 41 (September 2012), 28 pages.. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Managing Large Dynamic Graphs Efficiently;
    Jayanta Mondal, Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD 2012. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Local Structure and Determinism in Probabilistic Databases;
    Theodoros Rekatsinas, Amol Deshpande, Lise Getoor;
    SIGMOD 2012. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Saving on Cooling: The Thermal Scheduling Problem;
    Koyel Mukherjee, Samir Khuller, and Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMETRICS 2012 (Short paper). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Ego-centric Graph Pattern Census;
    Walaa Eldin Moustafa, Amol Deshpande, Lise Getoor;
    ICDE 2012. [abstract]


  • Maximizing Expected Utility for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems;
    Jian Li, and Amol Deshpande;
    FOCS 2011 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:1012.3189). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Lightweight Graphical Models for Selectivity Estimation Without Independence Assumptions;
    Kostas Tzoumas, Amol Deshpande, and Christian Jensen;
    VLDB 2011. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Sensitivity Analysis and Explanations for Robust Query Evaluation in Probabilistic Databases;
    Bhargav Kanagal, Jian Li, Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD 2011. [pdf] [abstract]
  • A Unified Approach to Ranking in Probabilistic Databases;
    Jian Li and Barna Saha and Amol Deshpande;
    VLDB Journal, 20(2): 249-275, 2011. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Declarative Analysis of Noisy Information Networks;
    Walaa Eldin Moustafa, Galileo Namata, Amol Deshpande, Lise Getoor;
    ICDE Workshop on Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications (GDM 2011). [abstract]
  • Energy Efficient Monitoring in Sensor Networks;
    Amol Deshpande and Samir Khuller and Azarakhsh Malekian and Mohammed Toossi;
    Algorithmica, Volume 59, Number 1, 94-114, 2011. [pdf] [abstract]


  • A Temporal Pattern Search Algorithm for Personal History Event Visualization;
    Taowei Wang, Amol Deshpande, Ben Shneiderman;
    IEEE TKDE 2010. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Ranking Continuous Probabilistic Datasets;
    Jian Li, and Amol Deshpande;
    VLDB 2010. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Sharing-Aware Horizontal Partitioning for Exploiting Correlations during Query Processing;
    Kostas Tzoumas, Amol Deshpande, and Christian Jensen;
    VLDB 2010. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Read-Once Functions and Query Evaluation in Probabilistic Databases;
    Prithviraj Sen, Amol Deshpande, and Lise Getoor;
    VLDB 2010. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Lineage Processing on Correlated Probabilistic Databases;
    Bhargav Kanagal, Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD 2010. [pdf] [abstract]
  • On Computing Compression Trees for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks;
    Jian Li, Amol Deshpande, and Samir Khuller;
    INFOCOM 2010 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:0907.5442). [pdf] [abstract]


  • PrDB: Managing and Exploiting Rich Correlations in Probabilistic Databases;
    Prithviraj Sen, Amol Deshpande, and Lise Getoor;
    VLDB Journal Special Issue on Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases, 18(6): 1065-1090, 2009. [pdf] [abstract]
  • A Unified Approach to Ranking in Probabilistic Databases;
    Jian Li and Barna Saha and Amol Deshpande;
    VLDB 2009 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:0904.1366). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Bisimulation-based Approximate Lifted Inference;
    Prithviraj Sen, Amol Deshpande, and Lise Getoor;
    UAI 2009. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Consensus Answers for Queries over Probabilistic Databases;
    Jian Li and Amol Deshpande;
    PODS 2009 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:0812.2049v1). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Indexing Correlated Probabilistic Databases;
    Bhargav Kanagal, Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD 2009. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Minimizing Communication Cost in Distributed Multi-query Processing;
    Jian Li, Amol Deshpande, and Samir Khuller;
    ICDE 2009. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Efficient Query Evaluation over Temporally Correlated Probabilistic Streams;
    Bhargav Kanagal, Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2009 (short paper). [pdf] [abstract]
  • Graphical Models for Uncertain Data;
    Amol Deshpande, Lise Getoor, and Prithviraj Sen;
    Book Chapter. Managing and Mining Uncertain Data, ed. C. Aggarwal, Springer, 2009.. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Algorithms for Distributional and Adversarial Pipelined Filter Ordering Problems;
    Anne Condon, Amol Deshpande, Lisa Hellerstein, and Ning Wu;
    ACM Transactions of Algorithms, 5(2), Article 24, March 2009.. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Model-based Querying in Sensor Networks;
    Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Samuel Madden;
    Chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Ling Liu and M. Tamer Ozsu, ed. 2009.. [pdf]
  • Data Compression in Sensor Networks;
    Amol Deshpande;
    Chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Ling Liu and M. Tamer Ozsu, ed. 2009.. [pdf]


  • Exploiting Shared Correlations in Probabilistic Databases;
    Prithviraj Sen, Amol Deshpande, and Lise Getoor;
    VLDB 2008. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Energy Efficient Monitoring in Sensor Networks;
    Amol Deshpande and Samir Khuller and Azarakhsh Malekian and Mohammed Toossi;
    LATIN 2008. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Predictive Modeling-based Data Collection in Sensor Networks;
    Lidan Wang and Amol Deshpande;
    EWSN 2008. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Flow Algorithms for Parallel Query Optimization;
    Amol Deshpande, Lisa Hellerstein;
    ICDE 2008. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Online Filtering, Smoothing and Probabilistic Modeling of Streaming data;
    Bhargav Kanagal, Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2008. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Network-Aware Join Processing in Global-Scale Database Federations;
    Xiaodon Wang, Randal Burns, Andreas Terzis, Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2008. [pdf] [abstract]


  • Data Management in the Worldwide Sensor Web;
    Magdalena Balazinska, Amol Deshpande, Michael Franklin, Phil Gibbons, Jim Gray, Mark Hansen, Michael Liebhold, Suman Nath, Alex Szalay, and Vincent Tao;
    IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume 6(2), 2007. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Adaptive Query Processing;
    Amol Deshpande, Zack Ives, Vijayshankar Raman;
    Foundations and Trends in Databases, 1(1), 2007. [abstract]
  • Representing and Querying Correlated Tuples in Probabilistic Databases;
    Prithviraj Sen, Amol Deshpande;
    ICDE 2007. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Representing Tuple and Attribute Uncertainty in Probabilistic Databases;
    Prithviraj Sen, Amol Deshpande, and Lise Getoor;
    The 1st Workshop on Data Mining of Uncertain Data (DUNE 2007), in conjunction ICDM 2007.
  • A Graph-Based Approach to Vehicle Tracking in Traffic Camera Video Streams;
    Hamid Haidarian Shahri, Galileo Mark Namata, Saket Navlakha, Amol Deshpande, and Nick Roussopoulos;
    The 4th International VLDB Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN), 2007.


  • MauveDB: Supporting Model-based User Views in Database Systems;
    Amol Deshpande, Sam Madden;
    SIGMOD 2006. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Flow Algorithms for Two Pipelined Filter Ordering Problems;
    Anne Condon, Amol Deshpande, Lisa Hellerstein, and Ning Wu;
    PODS 2006. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Approximate Data Collection in Sensor Networks using Probabilistic Models;
    David Chu, Amol Deshpande, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong;
    ICDE 2006. [pdf] [abstract]


  • Model-based Approximate Querying in Sensor Networks;
    Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong;
    International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB Journal), 2005. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Toward On-line Schema Evolution for Non-stop Systems;
    Amol Deshpande, Michael Hicks;
    HPTS 2005.
  • Resource-Aware Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks;
    Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden;
    IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin March 2005. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Exploiting Correlated Attributes in Acquisitional Query Processing;
    Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden, Wei Hong;
    ICDE 2005. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Using Probabilistic Models for Data Management in Acquisitional Environments;
    Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden;
    CIDR 2005. [pdf] [abstract]


  • Lifting the Burden of History from Adaptive Query Processing;
    Amol Deshpande, Joseph M. Hellerstein;
    VLDB 2004. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Model-Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks;
    Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong;
    VLDB 2004. [pdf] [abstract]
  • An Initial Study of Overheads of Eddies;
    Amol Deshpande;
    SIGMOD Record, March 2004. [pdf] [abstract]


  • Cache-and-Query for Wide Area Sensor Databases;
    Amol Deshpande, Suman Nath, Phil Gibbons, Srini Seshan;
    SIGMOD 2003. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Using State Modules for Adaptive Query Processing;
    Vijayshankar Raman, Amol Deshpande, Joe Hellerstein;
    ICDE 2003. [pdf] [abstract]
  • TelegraphCQ: An Architectural Status Report;
    Sailesh Krishnamurthy, Sirish Chandrasekaran, Owen Cooper, Amol Deshpande, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong, Samuel Madden, Frederick Reiss, Mehul A. Shah;
    IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 26(1): 11-18 (2003).
  • TelegraphCQ: Continuous Dataflow Processing for an Uncertain World;
    Sirish Chandrasekaran, Owen Cooper, Amol Deshpande, Mike Franklin, Joe Hellerstein, Wei Hong, Sailesh Krishnamurthy, Sam Madden, Vijayshankar Raman, Fred Reiss, Mehul Shah;
    CIDR 2003.


  • Decoupled Query Optimization in Federated Databases;
    Amol Deshpande, Joe Hellerstein;
    ICDE 2002. [pdf] [abstract]


  • Efficient Stepwise Selection in Decomposable Models;
    Amol Deshpande, Minos Garofalakis, Mike Jordan;
    UAI 2001. [pdf] [abstract]
  • Independence is Good: Dependency-Based Histogram Synopses for High-Dimensional Data;
    Amol Deshpande, Minos Garofalakis, Rajeev Rastogi;
    SIGMOD 2001. [pdf] [abstract]


  • Adaptive Query Processing: Technology in Evolution;
    Joe Hellerstein, Mike Franklin, Sirish Chandrasekaran, Amol Deshpande, Kris Hildrum, Sam Madden, Vijayshankar Raman, Mehul Shah;
    IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 23(2): 7-18 (2000).