Summer 2018Testimonials!ProjectsExplainable AIPrerequisite: A background in artificial intelligence, data science, OR machine learning and an interest in human-computer interaction. Linear algebra also helpful. With very little knowledge of machine learning, frameworks such as TensorFlow have made it easier than ever to quickly build, train, and deploy a neural network. However, this ease of use comes at a cost and sometimes errors in creating and training classifiers or constructing and tuning networks can result in mismatching of machine and human intelligence. Rookie mistakes combined with the opaque nature of modern neural networks can make it difficult to identify, let alone debug, problems in a machine intelligence model. Our focus for the summer is on the developer: what are ways that we can provide insight at different phases of creating a neural network to improve the explainability and reliability of machine intelligence? This summer, we are focused on two main problem areas: 1) the construction and training of classifiers; and, 2) the design and tuning of a network. Side Channels in the CloudAccording to the International Data Corporation (IDC), world wide spending on public cloud services will reach $127 billion by 2018. But public clouds give rise to unique security challenges, even when the cloud provider itself is trusted. In the course of this project we will explore these security challenges, focusing on the leakage of information during real-life computational tasks. Specifically, we will examine to what extent side-channel attacks can expose data when victim and spy processes are co-resident on the same physical machine. Diversity in Matching MarketsPrerequisites: basic understanding of supervised machine learning, some experience with a programming language How should a firm allocate its limited interviewing resources to select the optimal cohort of new employees from a large set of job applicants? How should that firm allocate cheap but noisy resume screenings and expensive but in-depth in-person interviews? We view this problem through the lens of combinatorial pure exploration (CPE) in the multi-armed bandit setting, where a central learning agent performs costly exploration of a set of arms before selecting a final subset with some combinatorial structure. In our case, that combinatorial structure will incorporate elements of diversity, where including multiple elements of the same type in the final set results in diminishing marginal gain. We will apply our algorithms to real data from university admissions and the hiring processes from major tech firms. Finding Colorings of the Plane Using Optimization TechniquesThomas Goldstein, Clyde Kruskal The following are known: For every 2-coloring of the plane there are two points an inch apart that are the same color. For every 3-coloring of the plane there are three points an inch apart that are the same color. There is a 7-coloring of the plane where all pairs of points that are in inch apart are different colors. What happens for 4,5, and 6 colors? It is an open problem. A region of the plane is c-colorable if you can color it with c colors and have no two points an inch apart be the same color. Tight bounds are known for coloring some types of regions, including circles and rectangles, with two and three colors. Little is known for more than three colors. We look at the following: given a number c and a region of the plane, find if it is c-colorable. If it is then find the c-coloring. While this is traditionally a pure math problem we will use optimization tools from applied math to color regions of the plane. We may also look at other conditions on colorings. Modeling signals with deep neural networksPrerequisite: Linear Algebra, Python. Helpful but not required: Maching Learning Toolboxes like PyTorch or TensorFlow. Deep neural networks are a powerful tool for modeling images and text, but recent work has focused on methods for modeling signals. In this REU, we'll use methods from machine learning to model, analyze, and classify1-dimensional signals and time series data. One particular application of interest is modeling brain waves using data obtained via Magnetoencephalography (MEG) for the purpose of identifying seizures. We'll also investigate signals obtained from wireless communications, and time series data extracted from medical images and videos. Cryptanalysis for Lattice-Based CryptographyPrerequisites: Mathematical maturity and programming ability in C/C Next-generation cryptosystems may be based on newer assumptions related to the hardness of solving certain problems on lattices. This project will explore implementations of known algorithms from the literature for solving these problems in an effort to understand their concrete hardness. Large Ind Sets OR Data Clustering1) Implimenting graph approximation algorithms for a storage allocation problem. This project entails implementing several heuristics for approximaion problems on graphs. Students need to be good coders and have a good understanding of graphs and their representations. 2) Clustering for fairness. Given some data and some sensitive attributes like race, how can we find a fair clustering? In other words, each cluster should be well represetened racially. How can we design clustering algorithms to take this into account. Trial and Error for Graph PropertiesPrerquisite: Graph Theory Algorithmic graph theory aims to characterize graphs based on their properties.
One of the ways this is done is by characterizing or testing when an unknown
graph (IKQ+14) Gábor Ivanyos, Raghav Kulkarni, Youming Qiao, Miklos Santha, and Aarthi Sundaram. On the complexity of trial and error for constraint satisfaction problems. In Automata, Languages, and Programming - 41st International Colloquium, ICALP 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 8-11, 2014, Proceedings, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 663–675. Springer, 2014.” See here |