John Tucker Bane: (Anne Arundal Community College) He worked on Ramsey Games and is now going to a college that specializes in computer games: Digipen Instuitie of Technology.
Megan Chao (Blair High School, unofficial): She worked on Linear and Integer Programming and was a Siemens Semi-Finalist in 2013. Went to MIT in Fall 2014.
Ryan Cho: (Blair High School, unofficial). He worked on Ramsey Games.
Liz Demetrides: (UMCP CS/Math Major). She worked on Crypto. She graduated UMCP in Spring 2015 and went to work for industry.
Ryan Dorson: (UMCP CS/Math Major). He worked on Crypto. In Summer of 2014 he was an intern at Microsoft. In Fall 2015 he began a Masters degree at UMCP in CS.
Brendan Good: (UMCP Math Major). He worked on Ramsey Games.
Robert MacDavid: (Rutgers-Camden). He worked on the theory end of the Bike Share Project. Began grad school at Princeton in Computer Science in Fall 2014.
Cy Neita: (UMCP CS Major). He worked on the pragamatic side of the Bike Share Project.
Joseph Owen: (UMCP CS Major) He worked on the pragamatic side of the Bike Share Project. Getting a Masters in CS at UMCP in Fall 2014.
James Pinkerton: (Princeton Math Major) He worked on Crypto. Will Graduate in Spring 2015 and has a job lined up at Two Sigma Investments.
Sam Zbarsky: (Blair High School, unofficial) He worked on the theory side of the bike share project and came in eigth in the Siemens Competition. He is now an Undergradate at CMU.