The Omega Calculator incorporates an algorithm for generating code for
multiple, overlapping iteration spaces [KPR95]. Each
iteration space has an associated statement or block of statements.
The syntax is
codegen [ effort] [ given known]
iteration space
can be specified either as a set representing
the iteration space, or as an original iteration space and a
transformation, T: IS, where IS is the original
iteration space and T is a relation defining an affine, 1-1 mapping
to a new iteration space. That is, given a point in the original
iteration space, the mapping specifies the point in the new iteration
space at which to execute that iteration.
The effort value specifies the amount of effort to be used to eliiminate sources of overhead in the generated code. Sources of overhead include if statements an min and max functions in loop bounds. If not specified, the effort level is 0. The different effort levels are:
The known information, if specified, is used to simplify the generated code. The generated code will not be correct if known is not true. Currently, the known relation needs to be a set with the same arity and the transformed iteration space.
A discussion of program transformations using this framework is given in [KP93,KP94b,KP94a].
The following is an example of code generation, given three original iteration spaces and mappings. The transformed code requires the traditional transformations loop distribution and imperfectly nested triangular loop interchange. Below, the program information has been extracted and presented to the Omega Calculator in relation form.
Original code
do 30 i=2,n 10 sum(i) = 0. do 20 j=1,i-1 20 sum(i) = sum(i) + a(j,i)*b(j) 30 b(i) = b(i) - sum(i)
Schedule (for parallelism)
Omega Calculator output:
# Omega Calculator [v1.00, Mar 96]: # # # # Example of code generation from Omega Calculator documentation # # # # T10:={[i] -> [0,i,0,0]}; # # T20:={[i,j] -> [1,j,0,i]}; # # T30:={[i] -> [1,i-1,1,0]}; # # # Symbolic n; # # IS10 := {[i]: 2 <= i <= n}; # # IS20 := {[i,j]: 2 <= i <= n && 1 <= j <= i-1}; # # IS30 := IS10; # # # codegen T10:IS10,T20:IS20,T30:IS30; for(t2 = 2; t2 <= n; t2++) { s1(t2); } for(t2 = 1; t2 <= n-1; t2++) { for(t4 = t2+1; t4 <= n; t4++) { s2(t4,t2); } s3(t2+1); }