In the "Options" menu of the Treemap window, select "Reload Data File". You will be asked to input
the number of seconds between reload, and whether or not you want a warning before every reload (otherwise the data can be reloaded
and cancel your current exploration (zoom, filter etc.)
If you loaded a "tms" settings file originally (which is most likely), it will reload the same
tms file which will triggers a reload of the data file.
Of course, as you reload the file, the data ranges may have
changed. Treemap will detect out of range values, give a warning
and adapt the widgets automatically. To have more control over what
happens we recommend that you create a test file (possibly edited by
hand) that includes extreme values for all attributes. You can pick
colors for the extrem values and save the settings. Note that
Treemap will only show the colors corresponding to the range of data
in the data file, so when your treemap is looking at data in the
normal range it will not show the legend for extreme or abnormal