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TSE Risk Path Analyzer
The Path Analyzer is a tool that you can use to explore potential paths of
contamination for food and other products derived from animal materials.
With this tool, you can select a source material, processing step, and/or
end product and view a graph of paths that include your selections.
How to use the Path Analyzer:
- Press the button and wait for the window to open.
- Select an item from the Source, Process or Product list; or any combination of the three. The indentation of the lists represent a hierarchy, with the more specific terms indented beneath the more generic terms.
- Double click on any item in these lists to expand or contract it.
- Press the Query button to see all paths from, through or to the selected item(s).
- Wait for the system to draw the graph.
- If you get the message No matching paths were found, then the system does not have any data on your particular query. Try changing the query by picking more generic query terms or by not selecting items from as many lists.
- Click on a box in the resulting graph to open the web page corresponding to that item.
- To create a new query, press the Clear Query button and repeat.
- When you are done, select Exit from the File menu.
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