CS Major Ananth Sankaralingam Balances Innovation, Research and Entrepreneurship

From NeurIPS research to Half Ironman and developing Promptly AI, Sankaralingam’s journey highlights exploration and growth in computer science.
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For many students, college is a time of exploration, self-discovery and growth—both academically and personally. At the University of Maryland, this transformative experience has guided students like junior computer science major Ananth Sankaralingam (B.S. ’26, computer science) as they navigate their unique paths to success.

Balancing academic research, entrepreneurial ventures and personal milestones, Sankaralingam has forged a unique and dynamic journey. From presenting research at NeurIPS in Vancouver to creating PolitiMeme, a project examining technology’s role in social discourse and completing a half Ironman, he has consistently transformed challenges into opportunities for growth. These diverse experiences culminated in his most ambitious undertaking: Promptly AI, a Chrome extension designed to enhance prompt engineering for ChatGPT users, which has already attracted over 300 active users.

“I think it comes down to just everyday habits,” Sankaralingam said. “When it came to Promptly AI, it was about building something meaningful while staying grounded in a routine that balances academics, work and collaboration with peers.”

Exploring Computer Science

Sankaralingam’s journey into computer science began with curiosity and a pursuit of discovery. This gradually shaped his interest in applying technology to real-world challenges. However, his passion for the field wasn’t always evident.

“I knew tech would play a role in any industry I pursued, but I wasn’t certain about my specific direction,” Sankaralingam said. “Once I started seeing its practical applications, my passion for computer science solidified.”

This passion emerged during an earlier project, PolitiMeme, a fact-based meme generator inspired by the 2024 presidential election. The project allowed him to explore technology’s potential to foster social discourse while building his confidence in showcasing his work publicly.

“Posting my projects publicly brought valuable feedback and connections,” Sankaralingam said. “That experience cemented my interest in combining computer science with entrepreneurship.”

Inspiration for Promptly AI

The idea for Promptly AI stemmed from personal observation and technical curiosity.

“Seeing my mom interact with ChatGPT, it was clear there was room for improvement,” he said. “The results were impressive, but how she framed her inputs limited the potential outcomes. That’s when I realized this was a problem worth solving.”

Promptly, AI embeds a button into the ChatGPT interface that refines user prompts. The extension sends inputs to a backend that rephrases or refines the text, incorporating best practices like chain-of-thought prompting and adding examples to improve responses. The tool, which has over 300 users, continues to evolve based on feedback, primarily from academic circles.

“We don’t learn how to build Chrome extensions in school,” Sankaralingam said. “There isn’t a course that perfectly aligns with a project like this.”

To bridge the gap, he relied on online resources and lessons from upper-level computer science courses. Beyond technical challenges, marketing the extension proved equally demanding.

“Convincing people that they could use AI tools more effectively wasn’t easy,” Sankaralingam shared. “Many users are so amazed by the results that they don’t realize how much better their interactions could be.”

To promote Promptly AI, he leveraged academic connections by encouraging professors to share the tool with their students and used platforms like Reddit to reach a broader audience. These efforts drove user growth and enabled the addition of features like saving favorite prompts.

Support from UMD

Sankaralingam credits much of his success to the resources and mentorship he received at UMD.

“The resources here, from newsletters to random opportunities, have been invaluable,” he said. “My experience in Furong Huang’s lab, particularly, has shaped my academic journey.”

In Huang’s lab, Sankaralingam collaborated with Ph.D. students and postdocs on machine learning and artificial intelligence research. The exposure to advanced research broadened his perspective and strengthened his confidence.

“Working with leading researchers in innovative labs has been incredibly fulfilling,” he said. “Everyone genuinely wants to see you succeed. It’s a collaborative environment where even undergraduates’ ideas are respected.”

UMD’s support extended beyond the lab. With encouragement and funding, Sankaralingam attended NeurIPS, one of the premier AI conferences in the world.

“Attending NeurIPS opened my eyes to the cutting-edge work happening in AI,” he said. “It’s an experience I wouldn’t have had without UMD’s support.”

Future Focus

As Sankaralingam looks ahead, he has ambitious plans for 2025.

“I’m aiming for 1,000 users for Promptly AI,” Sankaralingam said. “That means improving the product and emphasizing the importance of prompt engineering to a wider audience.”

Sankaralingam's journey in computer science has been a continuous cycle of exploration and growth.

“Computer science has given me a lens to view entrepreneurship and much more,” he said. “It’s opened doors to opportunities I never expected and helped me chart a path that’s uniquely mine.”

—Story by Samuel Malede Zewdu, CS Communications 

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