Ph.D. Student Sanjaya Herath Receives SMART Scholarship

Herath’s research focuses on integrating and utilizing machine learning techniques to enhance and optimize array signal processing for radar applications.
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University of Maryland Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. student Sanjaya Herath has been awarded a SMART scholarship from the Department of Defense (DoD) for his research that focuses on integrating machine learning techniques to enhance and optimize array signal processing. Herath, advised by Department of Computer Science Assistant Professor Christopher Metzler, aims to improve radar systems' accuracy and efficiency.

The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Program is part of the DoD’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) portfolio. It provides students with tools to pursue higher education and begin careers within the DoD. The program offers full scholarships, allowing STEM students to focus on complex research projects that further the DoD’s mission. Recipients also participate in summer internships at DoD facilities, gaining hands-on experience with scientists and engineers to prepare for full-time employment with the DoD.

The SMART fellowship recipients receive full tuition, education-related expenses and a stipend ranging from $30,000 to $46,000 per year, depending on their degree level.

Winning the SMART scholarship, with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory as my sponsoring facility, is a significant milestone in my academic journey,” Herath said.This prestigious award recognizes my hard work and dedication, offering a unique chance to advance my research with better resources and support. I'm excited about the opportunities this opens for collaborative learning and impactful contributions toward scalable array signal processing.”

Herath’s research focuses on integrating and utilizing machine learning techniques to enhance and optimize array signal processing for radar applications. His work aims to significantly impact society.

“My work has the potential to greatly impact society by making radar systems more accurate and efficient, improving public safety and national security,” Herath said. “This approach optimizes resource use, contributing to more sustainable technology development. Additionally, it enables faster and more reliable data processing, enhancing decision-making in critical situations. This work aims to create safer and more efficient environments for all.”

The scholarship seeks to maintain the technological edge of the DoD workforce by creating pathways for a diverse and technically proficient talent pool to meet U.S. national security needs. Looking ahead, Herath plans to continue his research in the field. 

“In the future, I plan to continue my research on scalable array signal processing,” Herath shared. “My focus will be on developing more advanced algorithms that can further improve the accuracy and efficiency of radar systems. 

—Story by Samuel Malede Zewdu, CS Communications 

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