Assistant Professor Leilani Battle receives NSF CRII Award

Descriptive image for Assistant Professor Leilani Battle receives NSF CRII Award

Assistant Professor Leilani Battle has received an NSF CRII award for her research entitled CHS: Modeling Analysis Behavior to Support Interactive Exploration of Massive Datasets. Her project works to improve the visualization and data management systems that scientists and other analysts use to extract and understand information on both broad and granular scales.  By integrating these two types of systems, her work will infer user goals and future behaviors based upon the ways in which they have previously accessed and used the above mentioned systems. 

Battle joined the Department of Computer Science in 2018; she also holds a joint appointment in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS). Additionally, she is affiliated with the University of Maryland’s Human Computer Interaction Lab. Battle earned a PhD in Computer Science from MIT in 2017.  Her research focuses on developing interactive data-intensive systems that aid in complex data exploration and analysis. Her current research is anchored in the field of databases but utilizes research methodology and techniques from HCI and visualization to integrate data processing (databases) with interactive interfaces (HCI, visualization).

For a full abstract read here:

Further information about the award may be found here:

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