Computer Science Department PhD Candidates Brandyn White and Andrew Miller are making it easier to program Google Glass with WearScript

screenshot of WearScript app

If you haven’t yet heard about Google’s newest innovation, Google Glass, you’re missing out. A wearable computer in glasses form, these glasses will soon be on sale and available to you – making it possible for you to “Google” pictures of shitake mushrooms while walking through the grocery store.

With this new technology brings an open space for app developers itching to create the next “it” app. WearScript, the application developed by Computer Science Department Phd Candidates Bradyn White and Andrew Miller, aspiring Google Glass allows developers to write JavaScript code that seamlessly interfaces with Glass hardware – making app development easy. With WearScript, developers can “trigger events based on location, illumination or other sensor-based criteria. And it can process text converted from a Glass user's speech,” notes a recent InformationWeek article. 
For this new, highly personal technology, Brandyn noted to InformationWeek, application “development needs to be simple and fast…suitable for making personally relevant [programs].” For right now, he says, “we're focused on making WearScript a great platform to hack on and show off what Glass can do."
WearScript is just one of the projects being developed at OpenShades the group Brandyn founded to create open source tools “to help see the world through Google Glass.” Along with Brandyn, the OpenShades team of four includes UMD Computer Science PhD Candidate Andrew Miller. Leveraging their expertise with the MapReduce/Hadoop algorithms and work in UM Computer Vision Lab, Brandyn and Andrew also founded Dapper Vision, a computer vision-consulting group.
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Submitted By Elissa Redmiles

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