UMD and Vanderbilt Team Up To Offer MOOC

android robot mascot in front of easel with mobile phone

UMD and Vanderbilt University will introduce a significant, new wrinkle in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) next year – a two-part, two-semester collaboration offered through Coursera. It begins with Maryland faculty and concludes with Vanderbilt's. "Programming Handheld Systems with Android," will be taught by Professor Adam Porter. Then, the sequence continues with Vanderbilt computer science professor Douglas Schmidt and electrical and computer engineering professor Jules White, who will teach "Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture." This will focus on connecting mobile applications to the computing cloud.

"We're offering students a one-two punch by pairing these courses," says Professor Ben Bederson, who serves as special advisor on technology and educational transformation. "Students will get to create and examine, from end-to-end, an app that integrates mobile devices with cloud computing platforms. It promises to be a useful tool, for example, in collecting international data."

Press Release:

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