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Recent News & Accomplishments


Professor Atif Memon has received a Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation and the Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research. Up to three scientists from non-European countries are awarded this honor each year. In order to receive the award, one must have completed a doctorate less than 18 years ago, be internationally recognized for acheivments in applied research, and likely to continue producing cutting-edge work which will have an influence on a given discipline for years to come. According to Professor Adam Porter, Scientific Director and Executive...  read more
New program will draw on the two institutions’ long-established leadership and expertise in computer science.
The University of Maryland and the Max Planck Society are pleased to announce the establishment of a joint doctoral research program in computer science.  read more
As a part of Ben Shneiderman's course on How to do Great Research, graduate students are writing short articles on research that inspires them. “The sharp thrill of seeing them [killdeer birds] reminded me of childhood happiness, gifts under the Christmas tree, perhaps, a kind of euphoria we adults manage to shut out most of the time. This is why I bird‐watch, to recapture what it's like to live in this moment, right now." — Lynn Thomson, Birding with Yeats: A Memoir David Jacobs , professor of computer science at UMD, and his colleague Peter Belhumeur professor of...  read more
As a part of Ben Shneiderman's course on How to do Great Research, graduate students are writing short articles on research that inspires them. Mental health is one of the largest problems facing the United States today. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) highlights some gloomy statistics: one in four adults suffers from some form of mental health disorder; 60% of them do not receive proper diagnosis or care; and the spending on serious mental illness ends up costing Americans nearly $200 billion in lost earnings each year [1]. The difficulty of diagnosing mental illness lies...  read more
Descriptive Image for Alum Danny Laurence hosts Vint Cerf for talk with QUEST Students (17595)
On March 23rd, 2016, students and alumni from the Quality Enhancement Systems and Teams (QUEST) Honors Program visited Google in Washington, DC to meet with Dr. Vint Cerf, an Internet pioneer and Turing Award winner well-known for co-designing TCP/IP protocols and the Internet’s architecture. Cerf now serves as vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. Mr. Danny Laurence (’14), an alumnus of the QUEST program and the Department of Computer Science, moderated the event. He and Cerf sat on small stage in an intimate auditorium for a fireside-style chat. QUEST students...  read more
Please join us for groundbreaking on Maryland Day, April 30th: Wallace D. Loh , President, University of Maryland Jayanth Banavar Dean, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences Samir Khuller Elizabeth Stevinson Iribe Chair, Department of Computer Science cordially invite you to events celebrating the groundbreaking of THE BRENDAN IRIBE CENTER FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Saturday, April 30, 2016, 9:30 A.M. location: Parking Lot GG1, future location of the Iribe Center The Iribe Center will offer unprecedented opportunities for students and faculty members to explore and...  read more
Descriptive Image for Kookjin Lee wins best student paper at Copper Mountain Conference (17585)
At the fourteenth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods , PhD Candidate Kookjin Lee gave a paper entitled “A Preconditioned Low-Rank Projection Method with a Rank-Reduction Scheme for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations” to over 200 conference attendees in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Lee’s paper was one of four recognized as ‘Best Student Paper’ at the conference which was held in Copper Mountain, Colorado from March 20-25, 2016. Both Lee, and his advisor Professor Howard Elman were kind enough to take a break from their busy schedules and speak about the conference,...  read more
Descriptive Image for Professor Héctor Corrada Bravo Promoted to Associate Professor (17582)
The Computer Science Department is pleased to announce that Héctor Corrada Bravo (also of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ) has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. Corrada Bravo's research focuses on statistical and machine learning methods for high-throughput genomic data analysis. This includes pre-processing of measurements from high-throughput assays, disease risk models that integrate high-throughput genomic and other data, and cancer epigenetics and biomarker discovery. He also works on the development of new methods and tools from multiple areas in...  read more
Descriptive Image for Professor Ramani Duraiswami awarded USM Board of Regents Faculty Award (17581)
On April 15, 2016, Professor Ramani Duraiswami (also of UMIACS) will be presented with a University System of Maryland Board of Regents ’ Faculty Award for Scholarship, Research or Creative Activity . Each year, the UMD Board of Regents recognizes faculty in this category for their "exceptional scholarship or research that extend or deepen the bounds of knowledge or of creative activities that are recognized as innovations in the nominee’s discipline." Professor Samir Khuller, Elizabeth Stevinson Iribe Chair of Computer Science, and a faculty committee nominated Duraiswami for his creative...  read more
Where is the Marriott? What do I wear? What can I win?
This Thursday, April 7th at 6pm, is Casino Night 2016. In case any of you are freshmen or transfer students, the Association of Women in Computing Casino Night is an annual fundraiser to support women in technology. This is an event where for $5 for students ($10 at the door) you get a night of delicious food, fake gambling with your professors, and very real prizes. Your ticket gives you $500 in funny money that you can use at blackjack, craps, and more, which you can turn in at the end of the night for raffles. This year is bigger and better than ever, and while this post can’t give...  read more

Featured Videos

When Transfer Learning Meets Deep Learning

Professor Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University
November 27, 2017


Cryptographic Perspectives on the Future of Privacy

Jonathan Katz, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland
September 06, 2017

An Expanding and Expansive View of Computing

Jim Kurose, National Science Foundation
January 30, 2017


Data, Predictions and Decisions in Support of People and Society

Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director at Microsoft
October 24, 2016