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Recent News & Accomplishments


The Lab for Computational Cultural Dynamics' SOMA Terror Organization Portal (STOP) and social network site for terrorism related analysis and prediction was featured in several major news media. STOP provides methods for reasoning about terror groups and forecasting what they might do in the future. In addition, it contains unique social networking capabilities that allow analysts to effectively cooperate in order to better understand and counteract terror groups. Articles by: Computerworld Magazine , IT week , UPI News , Network World.  read more


The International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction in cooperation with the International Ergonomics Association, Human Interface Society has published a special issue, Reflections on Human-Computer Interaction, in honor of Ben Shneiderman 's 60th Birthday. This special issue of the Journal is volume 23, #3 with an article on Ben's work and his impact on the field can be found on pages 195 through 204. Catherine Plaisant (UMD) and Chris North (VA Tech) were guest editors for this issue.  read more
University of Maryland Software Day was held at the Riggs Alumni Center on January 18, 2008.  read more
Louis Wasserman, a high school student of William Gasarch , has been named an Intel Science Talent Search Finalist. His research will be on display at the National Academy of Sciences March 9 & 10.  read more
Dave Levin , PhD student of Bobby Bhattacharjee and Aravind Srinivasan , has been awarded a prestigious Microsoft Live Labs Fellowship.  read more
University of Maryland Software Day was held at the Riggs Alumni Center on January 18, 2008.  read more
Ben Bederson discussed The Future of the Cellphone on The Conversation, a public radio program on KUOW Seattle.  read more
Adam Porter discusses his research in a guest posting on the Google Testing Blog .  read more
Samir Khuller gave a Google Tech talk titled Algorithms for Data Storage and Migration .  read more
Jonathan Katz was invited to speak at INDOCRYPT 2007 and the 11th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding .  read more

Featured Videos

When Transfer Learning Meets Deep Learning

Professor Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University
November 27, 2017


Cryptographic Perspectives on the Future of Privacy

Jonathan Katz, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland
September 06, 2017

An Expanding and Expansive View of Computing

Jim Kurose, National Science Foundation
January 30, 2017


Data, Predictions and Decisions in Support of People and Society

Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director at Microsoft
October 24, 2016