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Recent News & Accomplishments
Steven Salzberg was interviewed on WTOP on Sunday, April 26, about the swine flu in Mexico. The interview is available on their website at and you should be able to download it to an MP3 file here: read more
Amitabh Varshney gave an invited CIBM Distinguished Lecture at the University of Wisconsin at Madison on Visual Insights for Molecular Biology". read more
Steven Salzberg was quoted in Science about his research on the cow genome. read more
Mihai Pop was highlighted in a NSF press release on Cloud Computing and his research as part of the Cluster Exploratory (CLuE) program. read more
Jonathan Katz was one of 12 professors selected to be a member of the DARPA Computer Science Study Panel (CS2P) for 2009. This is a multi-year program, consisting of a funded educational experience to familiarize the participants with DoD practices, challenges and risks, and up to three years of funded research to explore and develop technologies that have the potential to transition innovative and revolutionary computer science and technology advances to the government. read more
COLLEGE PARK, Md. - University of Maryland researchers have created a new emergency alert technology for cell phones and PDA's called V911, which they say could help improve safety on campuses across the U.S. Created by scientists and students from the UM Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) , the V911 technology is one tool in MyeVyu , downloadable software package for cell phones and PDAs that provides a host of new networking and information access capabilities, including a direct link between the user and campus police dispatch. With the touch of a single button, a user in... read more
The UMD team consisting of CS undergrads Alan Jackoway, Mitchell Katz, and Matt McCutchen was ranked 20th at the 2009 ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contest World Finals. The team ranked 4th among US teams, behind teams from MIT, CMU, and Stanford. This highly competitive contest took place at Stockholm and featured 100 teams chosen from over 7000 teams worldwide through a series of preliminary events. The team, advised by Amol Deshpande, won the Mid-Atlantic Regional Contest to qualify. read more
Shomir Wilson, a CS graduate student whose advisor is Professor Don Perlis, has received an East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) award from NSF. He will spend eight weeks this summer in Australia at Macquarie University where he will work with Professor Robert Dale in the Centre for Language Technology. The primary goals of EAPSI are to introduce students to science and engineering in the context of a different research setting and help initiate scientific relationships that will better enable future collaboration with foreign counterparts. Additional information can be found at:... read more
Professors Howard Elman and Dianne O'Leary and Distinguished University Professor Pete Stewart have been selected as Fellows of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). Fellowship honors SIAM members who have made outstanding contributions to the fields served by SIAM, and they are among the distinguished members of SIAM in the initial class of Fellows. read more
Vipin Kumar, Department of Computer Science Alum of the year will be giving a talk entitled Discovery of Patterns in Global Earth Science Data using Data Mining ". Date: Friday, April 24, 2009 Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm Location: CSIC Building, Room 1122 Vipin Kumar is a William Norris Professor and Head of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota. More information read more
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When Transfer Learning Meets Deep Learning
Professor Qiang Yang, Hong Kong UniversityNovember 27, 2017
Cryptographic Perspectives on the Future of Privacy
Jonathan Katz, Department of Computer Science, University of MarylandSeptember 06, 2017
An Expanding and Expansive View of Computing
Jim Kurose, National Science FoundationJanuary 30, 2017
Data, Predictions and Decisions in Support of People and Society
Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director at MicrosoftOctober 24, 2016
The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence: An Enduring Study on AI and its Influence on People and Society
Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director at MicrosoftOctober 24, 2016