News and Events

Recent News & Accomplishments


Professor Emeritus Jack Minker has been invited to present a lecture in honor of Raymond Reiter at the 2010 International Conference on Nonmonotonic Reasoning in Toronto, Canada, in mid-May 2010. The lecture is historical in nature, but is oriented towards those familiar with nonmonotonic reasoning, a subfield of artificial intelligence. Professor Minker will present his lecture at the University of Maryland. Preceding his lecture, he will briefly discuss nonmonotonic reasoning so those unfamiliar with the field will be able to follow the lecture. An abstract of the talk he will present at...  read more
University of Maryland Department of Computer Science is proud to present a seminar on the occasion of Ben Shneiderman's Election to the National Academy of Engineering. Department Chair Larry Davis will make introductory remarks. Title: Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery Date: Tuesday April 27, 2010 Time: 2pm Location: AV Williams Building, Room 2460 Interactive information visualization tools provide researchers with remarkable capabilities to support discovery. These telescopes for high-dimensional data combine powerful statistical methods with user-controlled interfaces...  read more
Maryland Day 2010 takes place April 24, 10-4pm. Computer Science has two demos located in the tent in front of the Math Building. Maryland Day website  read more
Distinguished Lecture Series presents Eric Horvitz, "Machine Intelligence and the Open World". Date: April 19, 2010 Time: 4:00 pm Location: CSIC Building, Room 1115 Systems that sense, learn, and reason from streams of data promise to provide extraordinary value to people and society. Harnessing computational principles to build systems that operate in the open world can also teach us about the sufficiency of existing models, and frame new directions for research. I will discuss efforts on learning and inference in the open world, highlighting key ideas in the context of projects in...  read more
April 17, 2010 ABC 7 News, "WLS-TV Chicago Chicago Students Face Off in Battle of Books". Full story  read more
Vladimir Eidelman has been awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF) and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG).  read more
April 8, 2010 "Publisher's Weekly The iPad Meets the Children's Book". Full story  read more
Congratulations to Ben Bederson and Allison Druin for the success of their ICDL for iPAD app that has been released on the iPad by Apple. An article in The Independent" (UK) on this successful launch can be viewed at: Children's book iPad apps offer multilingual tales, long-distance bedtime stories  read more
Professor V.S. Subrahmanian will be giving a talk, "Selected Research in Probabilistic Logics". Date: April 5, 2010 Time: 4:00 pm Location: CSIC Building, Room 1115 Probabilistic logics (due originally to Boole) are used to reason about situations where dependencies between events are either non-existent or not understood. In this talk, I will describe the basic ideas underlying probabilistic logics and describe some recent results on solving the "most probable world" problem as well as results on intelligibly representing the uncertainty in answers to queries to probabilistic logic programs...  read more
Allie Hoch has received an NSF Graduate Fellowship.  read more

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Cryptographic Perspectives on the Future of Privacy

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An Expanding and Expansive View of Computing

Jim Kurose, National Science Foundation
January 30, 2017


Data, Predictions and Decisions in Support of People and Society

Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director at Microsoft
October 24, 2016