Recent News & Accomplishments


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Graduate students Jeffrey Stuckman and Kent Wills and Professor Jim Purtilo have won the Best Short Paper award at the 7th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement for their paper “Evaluating software product metrics with synthetic defect data.” Their work was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research.  read more
Sophomore Computer Science major Laura Dally was recognized and honored by the University of Maryland Athletics Department as a recipient of the 2013-2014 Student Athlete Honor Roll during the halftime show of the homecoming football game on October 12th. Laura is a member of the University of Maryland Track and Field team; her events are hurdles and sprints.  read more
The New Initiative for Women in Computing will host Janet Campbell for a “Women Only, Women in Science” Breakout session this Thursday, November 7 at 6pm. Members from the Association of Women in Computing, Women in Math, and Women in Physics student groups, and all other women in STEM fields are invited to attend and bring their questions for a female Senior Developer. Janet Campbell has worked at Epic for the past 10 years and will lead an interactive session on building and maintaining a successful science-based career. Students’ personal questions will be answered as...  read more
Jay Pujara, and Hui Miao, 4 th and 2 nd year Ph.D. students in computer science, respectively, received the Best Student Paper Award at the International Semantic Web Conference. Their paper, entitled “Knowledge Graph Identification” presents an approach for transforming massive collections of uncertain, interrelated facts, collected from texts and webpages, into a knowledge graph using the probabilistic soft logic framework. Both students are excited to have received this honor. Hui, says he has been “fortunate to work with Jay Pujara and Prof Lise Getoor on this exciting...  read more
Reprinted from Written By: Andy Kirk Details of a Treemap Art Project have come to my attention, showcasing data-generated artwork from one of the most influential names in data visualisation, Ben Shneiderman . The project has the compelling strapline ‘Every A lgo R i T hm has ART in it’. B en has had a hugely distinguished career and is responsible for a host of notable achievements in this field, along with Human Computer Interaction. His ‘ Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design ‘ and ‘ Visual Information-Seeking Mantra ‘ are but two...  read more
On October 30, 2013, Ben Shneiderman, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and founder of the Human Computer Interaction Lab was featured on the NPR Kojo Nnamdi Show on Improving Electronic Health Records. Shneiderman conducts numerous research projects and has garnered many awards for his work in human-computer interaction, user interface design, information visualization and social media. One of his projects is User Interface Designs for Electronic Health Record Systems, which studies and proposes novel...  read more
Descriptive Image for Middle School Girls and Community Members Learn about MC2 and Women in Computing Education Programs at Expo (14882)
On Saturday October 26, 2013, The Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2) was among the exhibitors at the Society of Women Engineer’s Invent it! Build it! Expo-the final event of their annual conference, held in Baltimore, MD this year. The Expo hosted representatives from both national and local STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) organizations and outreach programs that provided resources and materials about programs, groups, best practices and more. Middle school girls and parents, as well as local educators, community leaders, and other conference attendees, were able to...  read more
screenshot of WearScript app (14853)
WearScript, the application developed by Computer Science Department Phd Candidates Bradyn White and Andrew Miller, aspiring Google Glass allows developers to write JavaScript code that seamlessly interfaces with Glass hardware – making app development easy. With WearScript, developers can “trigger events based on location, illumination or other sensor-based criteria. And it can process text converted from a Glass user's speech,” notes a recent InformationWeek article.  read more
Dr. Amitabh Varshney and Dr. Mihai Pop will be critical members of an interdisciplinary research team, funded by NIH and FDA, studying new, high-tech cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. Working to provide “safe and rapid cleaning, analysis, storage and availability of the vast amounts of genomic and other data collected” by this research project, Dr. Varshney and Dr. Pop will leverage their expertise in High Performance Computing and Computation Biology to support a secure, interactive database for this data. The efforts of these University of Maryland Computer Science...  read more
Excella Consulting logo (14857)
Excella Consulting, an Arlington VA based technology consulting firm, announced the opening of a new Extension Center on the University of Maryland, College Park campus this Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013. The Extension Center at Maryland will provide high achieving computer science students from the University of Maryland an opportunity to develop their skills in .NET, Java and Python programming in a “real-world” client delivery environment. The Excella Consulting Extension Center at Maryland, staffed by senior full-time consultants and high achieving technical students provides...  read more