Department Highlights

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Calling All Tech Companies

Employer Registration Now Open
Immerse Yourself In The Future Of Computer Science

Immersive Media Design at the University of Maryland is a four-year, cross-disciplinary undergraduate program that prepares students to excel in digital creativity and innovation using the latest immersive media tools and technologies.
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The Iribe Initiative for Inclusion and Diversity in Computing
Image of Iribe Center Exterior

A Hub for Technology, Collaboration, and Discovery
Be the Future slide

UMD's Brendan Iribe Center for Computer Science and Engineering to Transform Region’s Tech Corridor…

Recent News

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Tammy Clegg headshot (25570)
An associate professor in the College of Information, Clegg has been at UMD since 2010.
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Colin Galen, Shayan Chashm Jahan and Cheng-Yuan Lee advance to the ICPC World Finals, which will be held in Kazakhstan in September 2024. 
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Rathbun was awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship for her work in AI and sensor fusion.