Eclipse Tutorial

Installing Java 13 and Eclipse (2019_12) (USB PC)


You can install Eclipse and Java on a USB drive, and run Eclipse from a PC with a USB port. Keep in mind that it can be slow to access Eclipse following this approach. You need around 1GB just for Eclipse and Java, therefore a USB drive of at least 2GB is recommended.

  1. Copy the Java JDK (e.g., jdk- from your PC to the USB drive. You will find the JDK under C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK
  2. Copy the Eclipse folder distribution to the USB drive.
  3. In the Eclipse folder you will find a file named eclipse.ini. At the top of the eclipse.ini file add the location of javaw.exe. For example, assuming the usb jdk location is F:\jdk-, the information to add will be:

    Do not leave any blank spaces before the -vm and the path (e.g., before F: above).
  4. Add to Eclipse the CS Course Management and CVS plugins if they are not already part of the Eclipse distribution you copied above.
  5. You may want to check the Miscellaneous section at this point.
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